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Everything posted by CrashmanTheKook

  1. Is this compatible with the JK2 Enhanced Texture Pack? Or do they overlap too much? I have the enhanced texture pack along with the Expanded menu mods & as a result, I'm not noticing much of a difference. I'm playing in 1920x1080. I did type in the console r_mode -1, r_customheight 1080 and r_customwidth 1920, but it didn't seem to have any effect.
  2. I looked through the files & can't find any files with those names. I can fined comp_panel, comp_panel_alpha, comp_panel_11 and comp_panel_new_2
  3. I'm going thru the textures for the doongiver level myself, and I can't find the symbols @JoHnNiEE91 was talking about. Are they in another folder? I'm trying to avoid running into the same problem he did.
  4. Have you updated the mod with a fixed file? I'm asking because the page doesn't show any updates since the initial upload.
  5. Played around with the demo in an empty map. Not bad, gameplay was fun, basically Jedi Academy. It has a block button like Movie Duels. Can't help but think it would be awesome if I could load in assets from JKA and JKO to play through those campaigns and more. Imagine being able to play a sandbox like Movie Duels or Galactic Legacy in a powerful engine like Unreal Engine 4. I'm going to play the JK Dark Forces II Unreal remake demo now.
  6. If I'm mostly going to be playing Jedi Outcast in singleplayer & messing around with mods and fan-made maps for singleplayer, do I need to download this or should I use JK2MV? This has been updated pretty recently, but JK2MV has a list of features that look like they're what I would want to use. Why doesn't this list any key differences between itself and JK2MV? Are mods for vanilla JO compatible with OpenJO?
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