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Everything posted by Langerd

  1. I think You are right. I am using it too but it is not always working so perfect in my opinion And If You dont want a very very long compiling time You can use method with light enities
  2. Natural Lightning is the key. Jk3 maps are many times light sourced from.. ass? Where is light source here?? Why ? Where this light came up from? The light sshould came from light sources.. Lava, Lamps, Sky.. Of course i am not sure but lightning in Quake engine cant bounce light from walls.. that is why i sometimes using light source to make one room with light source bright as hell and in next room where( in real life though..) the light should be reflected in wall. That is how lightning works but there is many many many things with lightning... sharp,smooth,cold,warm etc. Here You made amazing work Maybe The lightning of the Sky should be a little stronger
  4. I prefer it too but i think it is time to try something new
  5. Well I want to .... be 100% sure... Jk3 works on Windows 10???? And programs: -Modview -Md3viewer -Blender 2.64 - with all Plugins made by Mr Wonko -Gtkradiant 1.5 - this is very important... for me.. And of course the game itself... and all formats :glm,gla,MD3 etc...
  6. Thanks Guys! Is there one? D: I sadly didnt made anything new for him :S All features are on the latest video. New Animations ^^ The only problem is that models dont ragdoll.. like normal _humanoids...
  7. Well.. i was bored X) Enjoy! http://sendvid.com/4q8dqiq9
  8. Holy Bananas O___O ​
  9. I remember looking at this map... It blows my mind. This is one of the creations that got me into mapping The style.... Movie atmosphere... everything is 100% Awesome...
  10. Works with func_train , Doors m func_usable , Rotate .. i think for every moving , disapearing func_ brushes
  11. You can use misc_model and target it at func_usable. Misc_model will act like normal misc_model
  12. @@Jeff ... I must say... they suck. For first i thought it is still shitty from their side but Noodle told that they might dont even know what is the problem .... Sad to hear that it is not true 100% of the times. I am happy that this site is very good and We care about credits
  13. Thanks ^^ Cześć Fightning Boba would be cool! This terrain is big so fightning him woulf be awesome Making Jabba would be cool but i dont know if i am skilled enough.. there is one model but it is not very goodlookin nowdays. But to be honest @@Circa .. i must get some help. I am not able to do 100% of work here X) Maybe i will work on something today.. We should find some Guys that will be able to make the skiff guards and other models. I made Bib Fortuna for example it os not amazing model but i think he looks decent.. Maybe i will work on Jabba.. i can try
  14. Barge in progress.. I think the mission should go something like this: 1. Finish the guys on the first skiff 2.Jump on the second one and finish other enemies 3. On time - get on the top of the barge to Save Chewie Han an Lando from shithead that is using the cannon. 4. defeating more enemies on the deck 5. (non canon) going inside the barge to turn ON the cannon (the one that will destroy entire vehicle) and save Leia 6. Get back on the top and finish the mission Maybe some fightning with Boba ? Maybe? But too be honest.. he would use disruptor , rocket launcher an shit.. figthtning him on the skiffs would be pain in the ass
  15. I remember i wanted to make it in my Cloud City map.. couldnt managed to do that though Cool stuff btw!
  16. I found this : http://www.ettruecombatelite.hol.es/tutorial_optimizacion_antiportal.htm dont understand much but this images below.. show How it works i think
  17. so this is just a wall that makes everything invisible what is behind it right? This can optimize in many many ways D8 Is there any limit of this? is here any movie or tutorial that show this?
  18. Hmm... Zombie Trooper with animations... That would be cool !! :3 (Maybe i will make it Just only standing and walking animations with diffrent punching animations.. maybe death too_
  19. I cant find any good tutorial.. And yeah i googled it. Anyone know example how to use this? And also important thing - Would it work on the MD3 terrain
  20. Well...Everyone is busy i think .. I had 4 month vacation but now i am in Japanese Computer - Technic School (With elements of Art etc) But I must say - I have never worked in a group while modding. So.. why not to try? I can help with this project mostly because i like the idea and it is SP (i am not MP player.. and maker...So pls.. dont ask me making mods for mp) Just tell me what to do and i might be able to do it (STARTING MAKING THE BARGE..for example X) )
  21. I mean guns only. There is cheat for making lightsabers more powerful - G_saberdamagescale But how to make other weapons more powerful? I know there are modifications called - one hit kill. They didnt need coding work .. but i dont know how to make it to work. There is only - jampgamex86.dll How to edit it?
  22. But How much in the UNDERWATER?? OoO YOU GUYS CAN THEN MAKE AN UNDERWATER BASE!!! AND THE SUN WILL STILL GO THROUGH THE WATER AND LIGHT THE MAP!! And in the skybox You will add the sunlight in the water like here! Holy shiet! That would be cool
  23. Thanks Guys! ^^ Well .. my idea is that .. inside of the barge i will use brush works with some small map_objects.. but the outside would be whole MD3 misc_model work. Making the whole construction with brushes would be pain in the ass :S But to be honest i dont know... how to optimize this map... It is big area and the terrain is full model work... not brush...
  24. @@SomaZ PLS Make One Thing!!! In the Skybox make a Sun.... And Make It fill This Room with an awesome lightning! The model work is amazing but there is a little lightning atmosphere Still Looks Epic!
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