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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. So are you saying the one you had is the MBII one or just that they got it elsewhere?
  2. Could be, but check it in-game first before making these calls, you never know what can happen and that's the real test.
  3. I agree. I think if we just updated the gun controls to be more realistic like COD, Brink, or other similar games. To me, it's a real pain that these weapons don't have iron sights, recoil effects, realistic projectile speed and accuracy, etc. I think my biggest issue is that the weapons in the game don't FEEL good. They can be powerful as all hell but if they don't FEEL that way then it's just not fun. Everything I listed previously can add to that.
  4. To me this is much more important to me than visual updates, despite the fact that all my mods are aesthetic.
  5. Right, so the only issue would learning to understand the code first, heh. Oh well... perhaps another day. Cheers man.
  6. Definitely this. Look at the Emperor, he's actually only 12. Great work @@lervish, the facial details are really impressive. Keep up the great work.
  7. Yeah I saw that just after I started and just kinda went "Meh." haha. I wanted to just do it for the sake of learning some things in JA and Photoshop anyways. I've got it in-game and working but I'm going to continue refining it another day. I've worked on it all day and now it's time to game! EDIT: Alright, just one more. Defs some issues... the rotating hashes are a complete fail as the angle changes so those will be removed. I'm still not getting the glow effect that I want so I'm gonna tweak it a bit more tomorrow, as well as experiment with some scan lines, maybe clouds effects... we'll see what happens!
  8. Ah, I'm on 10.6.8 so that's why. Too bad.
  9. Bummer. I wonder if it's technically legal for you to use disc images of the retail version then, since you've already purchased the game... that may make life a lot easier for you.
  10. Just for fun I decided to try my hand at recreating the sniper's scope from Republic Commando. I didn't see that anyone has made it before but I'm sure someone has at some point... anyways. I decided to do it just to try my hand at creating graphics from scratch in Photoshop. I must say it's paying off a lot so far, considering it requires different things than my typical Photoshop usage (basic map textures, mild photo editing). Plus if anyone wants it I will probably release it once I finish it. I started a couple hours ago and it's going well. I'm using a screenshot I took in-game as reference, and then matched the stretching/ratio to that of the stock sniper scope and just used the screenshot as a template. Fun Fact: The text from the game in the upper right corner actually says "October 11th - However, I will still be out on riday, September" And yes, it does say "riday" and not "Friday". Interesting stuff, I'm guessing they either were just messing around and making stuff up as they went or they had some text file they just copy/pasted from for the sake of time. Here's the reference shot versus my recreation so far: The base scope is 512x512 so I went 1024x1024 for mine, just to keep it polished. I'm assuming it scales everything down - which has been my experience with the gfx folder so far. The only thing missing is a few small dash marks on the inside of the outer circle, which you may have noticed. Those will be on the OTHER part of the scope... in Republic Commando there's a few of those dash marks that freely move around the circle, so to make that somewhat realistic I decided that the circular part of the scope that turns as you zoom in will have those dots on it, though it may not work the way I want so we'll see. As of now I'm almost done version 1, but version 2 will have some variants as to the outer edges of the scope. I'll make one with blacked out edges like the base scope, one with blacked out edges and the edges of the scope itself (similar to Inyri's Mass Effect scope), etc. just so you have some choice. Comments and crits are welcome, thanks.
  11. Extract everything to Game Data. I don't remember how different it is on Mac (it's been years since I played it on mine) but that should be the same.
  12. If I don't get a reply then... we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I may just get TOaO's model and do it up just in case they say no. Worst case scenario we'll be back at square one and need a new model. *shrugs* Not so bad.
  13. Can you specify the issues you were having? I'm sure they'd be able to help you out.
  14. That Captain's chair better have cup holders.
  15. #1 - And would that be rather large? And how easy would it be to do?
  16. It seems to be working great man, thank you! I'm going to tweak it a bit and get some better projectile graphics and maybe sounds for it as well. Maybe I can get it MBII approved for a separate release, if not I we may need to start over with @@The One and Only's model.
  17. #1 - Mmmm, a bit more complicated than I thought. If I found it in the code wouldn't I have to release the mod in a .pk3 that has the whole code in it just so I can change one parameter? #2 - Is this something I can do by editing some .txt files or do I need a modeling program?
  18. That would be excellent man, thank you! I may modify it myself and then contact MBII about releasing it separately - you never know - and I'll be sure to credit you as well if I do. Cheers.
  19. Try loading it up in MBII just to see if it works. Any mission where you're a Republic Command or Clone should work.
  20. I'll see if I can do it myself after dinner. I haven't done any real modeling so I'll have to figure out how to use XSI but it shouldn't be too hard.
  21. I'd love to see the TFU animation for force push and force lightning. There was one for push but as I remember none of my friends could get it to work, and neither could I.
  22. Seems I need to have some sort of modeling program and some knowledge of tags and such to get this working... can someone else give this a shot and see if it works to replace the blaster model? If it works I may do some work on the texture.
  23. That's what I tried, no luck. I'll figure it out... once I finish TFU:USE, hehe.
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