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Everything posted by Corto

  1. New version of the E-11 submitted with a much improved texture. Awaiting approval.

  2. I edited the description of my E-11 download to alert about the issue with the world model. But it looks like I took the download offline. Can someone fix it?

    1. Ramikad


      Updating a file is pretty much like submitting a new mod, so it is marked for review before publishing, at least from what I understand. The only solution is to practice patience and wait. :)

    2. Corto


      I've just submitted a new version anyway. The texture is much better.

  3. Another update: Added a lot of small details (nuts, bolts, screws, washers, indentations, etc.). Also tuned some geometry and UVs. Now onto the shadows and highlights, then a lower polycount world model and I'll be submitting and updated file.
  4. I will use your smart material, but I need to get back to speed, so I would rather manually paint some stuff for now.
  5. I'm going to have to work on a proper world model with much less polygonal detail. Sorry for the rush job there.
  6. Ok, I couldn't help myself and started working on the fixes right away. Here's some progress, I hope it shows. I'm going to add a lot of object detail to the textures and then work on the highlights and shadows by hand.
  7. I don't know the world model if it will look ok in JO, but the first person model should. I tested it on a vainilla Jedi Academy and started working on a vainilla Jedi Outcast.
  8. I went over the mod again and to be honest, it looked good back then, but now it looks so dated I feel like it needs a complete overhaul. Not just a re-skin, but an almost complete do over. I'm thinking about making a pure Star Wars shooter with the openjk code which will probably benefit this mod. Do you have someone working on the code already?
  9. Wait until I work on the subjects Ashura pointed me out. Then it will be the best one .
  10. I downloaded the latest trial to be honest. It saves you a lot of work. I still need to try the hand painting tools, but I think it has potential.
  11. You read my mind. Although I was comfortable enough to release the model, there are a lot of aspects than I don't like yet. All the points you mention are spot on. I generated the texture using Substance Painter with all the fancy stuff to find and wear down the edges. Now it needs manual work to look more realistic. I have a lot of small details in mind that need to be included in the texture. As for the rest of it, you are right and I have it in mind for my next update. Thanks for comments. One loses perspective when working several days in a row on the same thing.
  12. No, it was made by Infinity Blade (Hapslash's brother) for the Dark Forces mod a long time ago. There are many variants of the model available on Jkhub.
  13. Without meaning to disrespect other comments, yours is the most flattering so far. If you follow my thread about the model, my goal was to reproduce as accurately as I could the model from Battlefront.
  14. This one is out. I'll update the file in the download section from now on.
  15. I will definitely make variants.
  16. Submitted an initial release of the E-11 blaster.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SomaZ


      works like a charm on my machine. ?_?

    3. minilogoguy18


      Seems like it's a Win10 security thing. Right click on the file, go to "Properties" and click on "Unblock" and you should be good.

    4. swegmaster


      Actually got Windows 7 (new pc coming soon), and unblocking the file didn't work.

  17. Obi Wan's lover is called Satine? What is this, Moulin Rogue? Nice character by the way.
  18. One note: There's still much room for improvement. But I wanted to get this one out already. I'm going to be updating the textures and probably adding new hand styles (stormtrooper hands, no hands, merc hands, etc.)
  19. Version 1.22


    Imperial, standard issue, E-11 blaster rifle. Includes first person model and world model. If you find more issues with the model, please send me a PM describing the conditions of the issue and I'll work on a fix.
  20. Almost there...
  21. I completely forgot how to write a shader for this game.

    1. Psyk0Sith


      Reverse engineer the existing ones, there's the shader editor that will help too!

  22. Quick update. I'm fine with the hands now (had to model four of them until I got it right), I've optimized the gun mesh a little more and everything is UV unwrapped and ready to paint the textures. Here's a screenshot with plain textures as placeholders:
  23. Why haven't I used the Unfold tool before. I no longer fear the UVW unwrapping process.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Corto


      That's what Frankenstein said.

    3. Corto


      All 3d suites have great tools for the job. The point is, the way I've been doing it all this time, was just insane. I have a lot of abandoned models because I didn't want to uv map them.

    4. Psyk0Sith


      True, unwrapping mechanical objects drove me mad because of all the manual edge straightening required.

  24. Blender? What's the file format you are working with? I would rather use Maya, which I was able to set up to "feel" almost like Softimage.
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