My solution for the odd position and angle required for the first person model to work and then for the world view to have the right scaling is this: For the neutral position, I created a null object with all the transform data in 0 as you can see on the right hand side panel, and "childed" all my exportables to that null object. Then, for the first person view, I created another null object, which has all the transformation data for the first person model to look correct in game (highlighted object on the screenshot). It's rotated and translated to get the exact position I want. Whenever I'm going to export the model for the first person view, I select my parent and then match all the transforms of the first person null object. This is how it looks after my parent object matches the transform data of the first person null object: For the world view I use the same method, but as you can see, instead of rotating oddly and moving the object around, it simply moves is up a little and scales it down by a 0.75 factor. Which makes the gun look the correct size and position in the game from a third person perspective. No more oversized guns in world view. This is how it looks when I matched all transforms of the world view null object: For the world view I only select the gun objects and the tags, so the exporter will ignore the hands. This is the solution I created using Softimage, but I'm sure the same thing can be done with Maya, 3dsmax or Blender.