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Everything posted by Corto

  1. I'll make more classic Star Wars guns in the future. Not all of them, but some more for those who wish to replace Jedi Knight's guns with movie guns. I would like to see this one evolve into something a little more believable than just a hi-res version of the current DEMP2. If I may...
  2. That CA-87 is not up to your current standards. Come on.
  3. Looks really good so far. But let me stop you a minute and ask, why not re-imagine the DEMP2 as a Jawa ion shotgun instead? It would make sense and we would have more classic Star Wars guns. Just a thought.
  4. I want to thank all those who jumped in and help me find a solution for the shader not working on my model. Now the blaster looks even better. Specially the scope.

    1. Langerd


      Cant wait for a update :) The best looking E11 so far! I also like Rooxon Guns and Hilts


      I recommend adding the envoirment shader to the scope in some way. Spec shaders are not quite good as this


  5. Bingo! That was it. Now it's taking the shader. Unfortunately, editing the cusomt pset didn't do the trick. I had to manually edit the file with Notepad ++. I'll talk about this with Archangel. Thanks guys!
  6. Ok. I couldn't sleep last night so I started reading your comics. It made it worse, they hooked me right away. Nice job!
  7. I've removed the blaster_r shader from the factory shaders a long time ago, just in case. I tried modifying the custom pset, I tried redirecting the actual texture in the material, I deleted the custom pset. Nothing. The game only shows the diffuse texture. It's completely ignoring the shader file. I'm going to take a look at the sourcecode to see if I can figure out exactly how the shaders work.
  8. I downloaded Ashura's Bryar, changed the main stage to whiteimage and the gun is showing all white. Somaz, I changed the texture name inside Softimage, exported again. Now it looks exactly as Ashura's md3 and still nothing.
  9. They exist. They are under models/weapons2/blaster_r. The filenames you see on my example are different than the ones I've uploaded here, but that's just because I've been trying a lot of different alternatives.
  10. You can all use the model available here at Jkhub. That's what I'm using. But still, even if there is something wrong with the way I created my shader file, that doesn't explain why my changes on the factory shaders don't seem to have any effect on the other guns. I should be able to screw the shaders that are, supposedly, working. My concern, now, is that shader files are not working correctly for first person view models. I tried with the vainilla version of JA and same thing. My changes to guns shaders seem to have no effect. So now I would like to have actual proof that view models use shaders.
  11. Almost all up to date programs have some sort of unfolding/pelting tool to unwrap UV maps. Don't use the factory, geometrical projections because it will drive you insane and the results will never be as good.
  12. I'm modifying the factory shaders with the whiteimage flag and nothing is going on. Packing the files into a pk3 changes nothing. Can somebody post a video where I can see the shader file actually working on the model? Like, try the whiteimage trick and show me it's actually working?
  13. There are countless tutorials about modeling and UV unwrapping on Youtube. On top of that, unwrapping a 3D model is more about common sense and what makes sense under the specific needs of your model.
  14. I tried this and my gun is still showing the diffuse map as normal. So now it's clear that the model is not even loading up the .shader file. Once I sort this issue out, then it will make some sense to experiment with shaders.
  15. I created the initial file with the ShaderEd tool that comes with the SDK, but I'll check the encoding just to be safe.
  16. One thing I would recomend is to extract all the assets files into your base folder, in the exact order they are named. You will be asked to replace some files, so go ahead. Then rename all your assets files to .bak just in case. Now you can reverse engineer or replace the original assets with yours.
  17. Don't ignore it. He always has a point. Just don't take it personally. Back when I started in Lucasforums, I couldn't take a bit if criticism and that set my progress back a lot. Having Ashura pushing you forward it's kind of flattering, in a way. I would rather have my stuff being ripped apart than completely ignored.
  18. You guys just don't get german sense of humor. Don't take it personally.
  19. Do you make these skins? They all look terrific. Are you these characters available for download? Another thing, how would you like to make the texture of a bith musician?
  20. I feel like I should give you my two cents, so here I go:
  21. I can't seem to get the shader for the E11 to work. No matter what changes I make, at I should be able to break the damn script, but nothing. Here's my shader file: models/weapons2/blaster_r/e11 { { map models/weapons2/blaster_r/e11 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuseEntity } { map models/weapons2/blaster_r/e11_spec blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map models/weapons2/blaster_r/e11_env blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR alphaGen const 1 tcGen environment } } At least, the final stage should make the model look glossy, because I did this for the dianoga model and the phase 1 dark trooper and I know it works. But nothing I do seems to work with blaster.
  22. No, I didn't freeze the tags transformations. The only thing that worked was to actually position the gun in the odd way you see in the screencap. Maybe it's something we need to look closer with Archangel.
  23. Ok, that's good enough for me. Thanks! On other thing. Do you know if .shader files work on .md3 models the way they work on .glm models?
  24. My issue is simple, I would like to play around with .shader files to learn more about them. I mean do a lot of trial and error and see for myself what each change or option does in-game, if any, until I'm satisfied with what can be achieved. Since there's no viewer to test them in real-time (I think Wudan's Dragon did the trick back in the day), I was wondering if there's a way to, while remain in the game, reload the .shader files and see how my changes impact the end result. My first thought is to reload the level, but I haven't tried that yet and maybe with OpenJK there's a command that will do the trick. Thanks.
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