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Everything posted by Corto

  1. I've modeled a very nice tie fighter recently. Maybe you can have them flying around in the sky to create some sense of larger scale battle.
  2. The shader. It probably has a couple of transformation fuctions enabled.
  3. Looks like a combinations of shader effects mounted over a 3d mesh. That's exactly how I would have done it too. Looks like a nice challenge.
  4. Is it a matter of textures? Shaders? Efx? How is it done? Maybe we can create a better hyperspace effect and make it public for those who want to include it in their mods.
  5. A little tease never killed anybody. https://imgur.com/a/82BPk

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. swegmaster


      I thought this neat-looking model had inspiration from the TFU Royal Combat Guard

    3. Corto


      I only modeled the helmet. The rest is a mock based off a shadowtrooper, just to tease you. I plan to model the rest based on the Crimsom Empire comic, when I model it.

    4. Archangel35757


      guess they have huge blind spots-- not being able to turn their head/neck.

  6. The head is done. Now follows a lot of optimization and some more details here and there: https://imgur.com/a/up2ig

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Corto


      In the meantime I've modeled a tie fighter and some Death Star props I intend to share with everyone to use on their maps. I really want to see more single player missions out there.

    3. Corto


      I'm also hoping Kualan will make a new Kyle Katarn using this model as base.

    4. Psyk0Sith


      Looks great so far.

  7. It may be too much to ask, but is there a chance to have something like this for Softimage?
  8. And update on my character. A lot of tweaks. https://imgur.com/a/vCceD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mandalorian


      really cool concept. I will keep an eye out!


    3. DT.


      You got Kyle's head perfect!

    4. Corto
  9. There is a hell and it's called GTK Radiant.
  10. I would say that it looks more "Star Wars" than the original model. A few more details, like an energy clip of some sort, iron sights, something like a heat dissipation device around some part of the barrel and voilá!
  11. That's one of the features I would say make this gun "less believable". But Ashura didn't sound too welcoming about my opinion, so I just left it there. His model, his call.
  12. Lmao really hard. I forgot about poopinmymouth. Modeling is very easy once you stop making excuses. The only reason why the learning curve may feel steep at the beginning is because most modeling software are very unfriendly. Even for the most experienced user, some times is hard to understand why the f*ck do they place some tools where they are. There is no single "best" modeling software. It will always be about which one suits you better. But Softimage was THE best... ehem...
  13. So sorry to hear that man. I was looking forward to team up with you in SWBF2 sooner than later. But you'll get there! Is there a Pic model in progress?
  14. It would be great to see short stories being created for SP with all these characters.
  15. I agree that a software like Substance Painter can do things that are virtually impossible to do manually. But you can still do wonderful things without the need of simulated materials and procedural texture generation. Let's take the case of the E11: except for the ambient occlusion and baked lighting maps, I made the rest completely by hand using nothing more than the tools Photoshop has to offer. Then I overlaid some real life material pictures to create some randomness, dirt, rust, etc. using different blending modes and blending options. You can't beat current technology nor fight it back, but you can still produce amazing stuff without fancy tools and techniques.
  16. That DLT-20A is not bad at all! What are you saying? You just need to work on the texture in my opinion. As for your ending statement, let's be fair and not elevate my E-11 or myself to a level from where I could easily disappoint you guys. For my blaster I used +7k triangles and a 4096 by 4096 pixels diffuse and specular maps. While using such a high definition texture can be both beneficial and a pain in the ass, the polycount can't go wrong. So, before bringing your stuff down versus mine, first consider how many triangles you have used for your models and how many I have and the size and detail of your textures. Making good textures is about looking at reference pictures for a long time and figure out how to replicate that which makes real life "real". Most of the bland looking textures I've seen, are not because the artist lacks the skills, but because of time constraints that artist may have or simply because they slack. I used to be one of the slackers back when we were making the Dark Forces mod.
  17. The question is which one will go first, not which one will go. I will model the DLT-20A. I need a good replacement for the disruptor rifle and another one for the repeater. I will not, however, model a new repeater rifle.
  18. I'm going to leave this here... https://imgur.com/a/Xk0K0

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DT.


      For this cruddy engine at least :P

    3. Corto


      I agree to both of your statements.

    4. Langerd


      Rly like these models!!! The armor seems cool looking specially with the cloth under the neck

  19. If I'm not mistaken, I saw a better version of the trip mine on a video, done for a mod. Maybe that mod team can release it as a standalone item. Sharing is caring.
  20. All the gun parameters should be made external and then have a few firing functions on the code, so anybody can modify the arsenal at will. I know it´s doable because I made something like that on an abandoned mod for JO. But that's outside the scope of what I have planned in the near future. Right now I'm only agreeing to work on stuff that it's also going to serve my own ends. And the code for my little project will be the very last thing I'll do.
  21. Just ordered a GTX 1080 Ti. I'm going to play JK at 1000 fps!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      I nor I'm sure Corto have just gaming in mind, for me it's secondary. Rendering is the main reason I want speed.

    3. Corto


      It doesn't merit in-depth analysis. I was just being silly about getting a new video card when I'm mostly testing stuff in OpenJK.

    4. Corto


      It doesn't merit in-depth analysis. I was just being silly about getting a new video card when I'm mostly testing stuff in OpenJK.

  22. I'm ok with either choice. I will only cast my vote in case of draw.
  23. After seeing there's public for both the DLT-20A and the DLT-19 and even though I would like to model both, one will have to wait longer than the other. So I will let the community decide which one will go first.
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