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Posts posted by Corto

  1. Can you show something of what you have done? If that is what you meant, that you already did something. There's a guy in here working on a Starkiller model. Anyway, if you mind me asking, why would you want to make a mod about a game that already exists and works as it is? Honestly, if wanted to play TFU or TFU2 I would get the games and not a mod. Just to keep in mind if you want to forecast the life of this idea.

  2. So, help me understand. You couldn't tackle a Vader model so you're starting a total conversion? I'm not going to wish luck, for that would be pulling your finger. I'm gonna ask you to reconsider, learn 3d modeling or level design at least, or if putting together some code is your thing, then learn how to write stuff in C/C++. The best mods I've seen around started as the work of one person and the got the attention to needed to bring to a bigger scale.

  3. Once again, I think there's so much more potential in this aging engine that most believed (including me). Just but watching how far you and Moondog push the level design and now, finding out you can make nice scripted animations for world events. That's a something that can be used to make richer levels.

  4. I never understood arguments around which console is better or which OS is better, etc. If you were involved in the design of it and you want to defend your choices I would understand things heating up. But when our only involvement is deciding which one to buy and what games to play, it doesn't make any sense to get emotional about it.

    Circa likes this
  5. This is heating up really fast, and we are talking about something someone wants to sell you regardless of what your feelings towards that are. Basically, while we are insulting each other they're laughing their asses off while having long lunch meetings with each other with our money. "Can you believe all the bullshit I said at the presentation?" "Don't start, I thought I wasn't going to be able to beat you this time, but I came up with better bullshit didn't I" "Ha ha ha, yes you did... yes you did". That's what really happens. In the middle, a lot of engineers suffer poor management decisions until come up with the worst looking console possible.

    DT. and Futuza like this
  6. Looks like a very expensive alarm clock I could get at the Sharper Image the next time I go to the US. Not me, I stopped at the PS3. No more money from me. I had my hopes on the Steambox to be honest. The idea of having Gabe Newell behind something like a gaming console promised a lot more than a bunch of stock holder, ass scratching, egomaniacs running Sony or Microsoft. I like nerds making stuff for nerds, they usually put good ideas in front of economic decisions.

    Botdra and DT. like this
  7. I know I'm relatively new to this forum, but I'm not new to forum activity. I see that there's obviously no limit for the signature images. Some people just want to show how cool their stats at something are, and that's ok as long as they keep it small. But some other guys have inexplicably huge signature images or animated gifs that make following a thread really annoying. Is there a possibility that we understand that this is a discussion board and not a place to show of how big our signatures can get? I think that 4chan is for that. Thanks in advance.





    PS: This is not a request for the admins to rule out signature images, but a call for understanding for everyone.

    Futuza likes this
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