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Posts posted by Corto

  1. I'm currently trieing to get XSI mod tool to work , I ported my 3ds max scene via crosswalk to XSI but carcass refuses to accpet .xsi files exported from modtool , I'll have to ind a solution for this before I go on with working at this


    @@OmegaSigma I can give you a unanimated pre alpha so you can start working at the map again


    Did you get it to work? You have to select ASCII format and either 3.0 or 3.5 depending on the version of carcass you are using. I have them named carcarss30.exe and carcass35.exe just to be sure. You can leave the rest of the export to dotxsi as default I think.

  2. You are starting to break the shape. I know the draw over is not precise enough to use as background for rotoscopy but I think it's clear enough on the mayor shortcomings of your head. It seems you are interpreting the changes I suggested you own way or you are barely budging. The chin bottom is too pointy now and looking down while it should be flat. The jawline is still too flat, etc. You either commit to the changes I suggested or you do it you own way. There's no point in giving feedback if you do something else.

  3. Alright, looking better than the previous one no doubt. Here's a quick draw over of the thing I find most evidently wrong:




    This is not meant for you to use as rotoscope images, this is for you to try to notice and fixed this thing using you current references. Always take draw overs as guidelines to help notice stuff that's wrong or things you could try and revert if they don't work out. One thing you may want to consider if you don't want the camera FOV to distort the head so much is using the User camera or simply try editing the camera FOV and reduce it until what you see in the 3D viewport is more similar to what you have been working on on the 2D viewports.

    ChalklYne likes this
  4. Heh, I was being facetious. ;) I know that you know.


    Goes well. It's a whole different beast then what I'm used to. There's quite a bit I have to learn, but I've picked up it extremely fast. If only my C++ was better, the scripting would come naturally.


    Lol, I didn't take the wrong way, I hope you know. I read the rules and I like specially the part that says "If you deviate from the plan, be prepared to explain why". As for the C++, you'll learn quick. I haven't got contact with C/C++ programming in a decade and I'm catching up very fast with the JK2 code.

  5. Time constraints, group environment, focus on single player conveyance, time constraints, older compiler with less enhancements, time constraints, internal project deadlines and goals, time constraints.


    Thanks for taking me seriously, honestly. I'm aware that the main difference between the guy who modeled Kyle Katarn and me is not the skill, but the time he had to put into the model. I'm sure they can model much better than I do if they could spend a lifetime to finish it =P. How's the challenge going by the way? I've seen the rules and guidelines, seems interesting. I would participate myself, but I don't have enough time to get up to speed with radiant until the deadline.

  6. I agree. If we're really going to go all-out with this, an entire team of some of the best modders here should do this. I'm very bad at mod planning and given my lack of free time in real life there's no way I could be the head of this. 


    Don't worry, the task you've already taken on is staggering. Just keep at it as long as you can and it will be invaluable. Just remember to keep the unflattened, source texture files you're working on so you can go back and rework some stuff should you need to. The best way to achieve your goal is to hit one problem at a time and don't waste brain cycles worrying about all that's left to do. Keep up, I know sometimes I sound overly critic, but so did Obi Wan, just don't turn to the dark side please.

    Barricade24 likes this
  7. The man does have great skill but I think it is a difficult task for any one person to take on alone. I would totally be interested of course but it wouldn't be easy for just on person.


    That's why I wouldn't like to see the idea fail because of poorly planning. Besides, remaking an entire map not only would take a long time, but also there's a high chance of breaking the game and then the effort would go to waste. Most projects fail because the succumb under the weight of their own hype. If somebody is really willing to commit to something like this I would like to have a word with them.

  8. @@Syko, introduce that guy to this forum. If he's really willing to take that task seriously and see it through to the end (at least only one map, which is actually a very daunting task), I would like to make a proposal to him or any other mapper interested. If he doesn't, then nobody is holding his hand (or any's) to start doing it by himself. I can only say I would hate to see several parallel, uncoordinated efforts to give this game a facelift and see none of them come to a solid end.

    Garyn Dakari and eezstreet like this
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