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Everything posted by Psyk0Sith

  1. Renaming the .dll did not work. Same error. I can also confirm what DT said, the file scene name with spaces stops the compiling.
  2. The eye UV's need to flipped on one side, spheres will reflect light in the same direction not opposite. Shape of the nostrils (the "holes" XD) could use some tweaking. By the way if you need ref pics you can see what Kyle Katarn looks like now on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/jason.court?fref=ts
  3. I've encountered that problem in max 2010 as well...i blamed the smd importer and how it imported skin weights but now i'm not so sure. I'll have to do more test compiling.
  4. If you mean texture wise, then my approach is a mix of baking and painting. I've done a lot of texturing with that approach: http://www.bobotheseal.com/Skinning_mini-tutorial_01.htm Where i'd bake down an AO from a low poly model and use dodge and burn to create the forms of the subject. Anatomy knowledge plays a key role here. The drawback to that method is the lack of color variation and since humans don't have weird alien patterns on their face it's difficult to use overlays and get away with it. Human skin has a ton of variation depending on the face area, age of subject, ethnicity etc. To fix that problem you introduce a color layer such as this: http://www.pig-brain.com/tutorials/tut01-01/ Also you should never shade your skin with black, you get rid of that by coloring the AO (and never use black when painting), If you keep it black you get a weird looking dirty skin instead of a shaded skin color. So basically what i'm doing is breaking down the whole thing into 3 steps (which can be applied to pretty much anything art related) shape (that's the modeling part) then forms (dodge n burn and AO) finally details: skin color, beard, veins, freckles, moles, zits whatever. I hope that made sense.
  5. Well the head is a new mesh since i made a high poly sculpt.
  6. Yeah different eye colors is already done, some hair too. Lol Moondog: it's the handlebar!
  7. Yesterday i tested Max2010 x64, because that's what you asked for . There was no hanging, it all worked but Max 2010 ONLY. I got the point cache to work too.
  8. Been working on a fat civilian head variant (the body will be Rax, with some color changes as you can see below), i'll dump more screens as i go.
  9. That works too, it's still the same as the bend modifier: animation without bones, didnt we say that kind of animation was useless?
  10. I exported a cylinder with the bend modifier, works in xsi viewer. Buuuut collapsing the morpher modifier doesnt bake verts.
  11. Nope, it broke some shit when i installed it, so i'm still on SP1. I rarely use Max 9 anyway.
  12. It depends how carcass wants to see the vertex weights, if it's expecting some sort of weight table to assign which vert corresponds to which bone. A baked vertex anim wouldn't need bones (think of MD3 in JA).
  13. UV's on the hair can be done in a few seconds with textools (and even without), just select all, hit iron, relax and then pack...flat planes are the easiest thing to unwrap
  14. On the last versions i tested, everything works fine. The only thing to fix now is the .skin file texture paths and it'll be perfect.
  15. Lol my bad, maybe downsizing will make it look crappier?
  16. Textures done...at least on my end. Lambda Shuttle (click to view in 3D)
  17. You should not be intimidated by me , i'll give you feedback and tips. Just try it.
  18. If no one takes it, i will, it should only take a few minutes to complete.
  19. How about i kit bash civilians from existing assets? Plus there's a fat dude similar to that one too.
  20. A few names come to mind, but just because they can doesn't mean they WANT to. I'm thinking agent smith with a new head would make this easier.
  21. You're right, it looks much better in max. I don't know enough about environment creation in JA to provide a quick fix. Take a look at the first level's assets to see what kind of shader was used for the trees.
  22. Doesnt quite look like a pine tree yet, they have big branches stuck to the trunk, in reality it should be a network of small branches. Reference: http://digitalholeinone.com/trees-textures-materials/free-tree-textures/free%20pine%20tree%20digitalholeinone%202IMG_2412.png Tuts: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1020341&postcount=9 http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1384931 http://www.andyzibits.com/tut_particle_tree_generation.html http://www.game-artist.net/forums/support-tech-discussion/11251-trees-beginners-3ds-max-tutorial.html and there's even a script: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/tree-maker
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