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Horatio Culver

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    Concord, Massachusetts, United States of America, North America, Earth, our solar system, the Milky Way, the known Universe, Reality

Horatio Culver's Achievements


Enthusiast (2/10)

  1. We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us. Sneaky little hobbitses. Wicked, tricksy, false!
  2. Nice, another Mac user! Welcome!
  3. Nice! For the first time, I can actually tell that it's supposed to be Starkiller.
  4. When I saw that episode, I had no idea Gregor would become so popular.
  5. Did you use a random Star Wars name generator? I swear I once got "Luke Solo" on one of those things. Ever since then I've made up my own names. THE CROSSHAIR HAS NO SHADER.
  6. Horatio Culver


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anwy2MPT5RE YOU CANNOT MENTION SPAM WITHOUT BEING SPAMMED BY THIS SPAM VIDEO. (spam, spam, spam, spam, spammity spam, wonderful spam...) YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT BY NOW.
  7. Ooh...Might have to download that just for the rockettrooper reskin. However, I prefer these skins to the other skins in that pack.
  8. Interestingly enough, the Latin alphabet exists in the Star Wars Universe as the High Galactic alphabet. However, I doubt it would be used on bounty scanners, especially since a two thirds of the galactic population couldn't even read it. It really depends on whether the mod should lean more toward canonicity or faithfulness to the original game. That's why I like @@Botdra's idea of releasing different versions, so the user can decide how he/she wants to play. However, I guess your idea would be a good combination of both accuracy to the Star Wars universe and, um, nostalgia?
  9. Horatio Culver


  10. The easiest way to do this is to just type bind x "npc spawn lightsaber_good; npc spawn lightsaber_good; npc spawn lightsaber_good" in your jampconfig.cfg. x obviously is the key you would normally use for force sight. Of course, this wouldn't use the leveling system of other force powers, but this way you don't have to use complicated coding.
  11. Horatio Culver


    I agree with @@Captain Lackwit, but it just seems a little empty. A small statue or something similar would do the trick. EDIT: Never mind, looking at the screenshots I just realized how big it is, and that you already have small statues. What if you put that giant Marka Ragnos throne statue in the middle of the room...
  12. I don't actually think Boba Fett's armor should be shiny at all. It's not like he polishes it every day. In the movies, it's really just scratched paint, and no special glazes or whatever. However, I do think you're starting to get the colors more accurate (brightness, hue, etc).
  13. Wait...Why do you have to restart your computer if one game freezes? Just use the hotkey for quit (ctrl+Q), or, if that doesn't work, the hotkey for force quit (cmd+alt+esc on Mac, no idea what it is on Windows but I'm guessing ctrl+alt+esc).
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