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Status Replies posted by katanamaru

  1. Anyone who's used the Dragon software? I can't get the console to open.

  2. High school is haaaaarrrrd...

    1. katanamaru


      The real world job market is "fair and square?"


      You know when you hate doing group projects because some people work and others slack? That's the real world. Everyday. Your teachers grading you poorly because they are in a bad mood? That's the real world.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  3. Covered in friggin bruises =( Seems the cold weather has drastically slowed my healing factor.

  4. All Wings Check in,

  5. Just wait til I get a new mouse. Im gunna come at this mod like a spider monkey

  6. Covered in friggin bruises =( Seems the cold weather has drastically slowed my healing factor.

  7. Covered in friggin bruises =( Seems the cold weather has drastically slowed my healing factor.

  8. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

  9. Rumor has it there is a party tonight and a few people who have been talking about wanting to kick my ass are supposed to be there. So I invited myself XD Wish me luck fellas.i want to start 2014 with a clean slate. Even if that means spending the last day of 2013 cleaning some clocks XD

  10. Hello status world. Is it possible to disable the mouse1 + mouse 2 special moves in JKA?

  11. Working on Kain again has captivated me by listening to the games amazing dialogue. If you haven't played the series you should seriously consider it, the voice acting is some of the best in video game history IMO.

  12. Roommate just gave me a birthday card calling me an old fart, you're barely a year younger than me, you dick biscuit <.<

  13. Going to see the Hobbit part 2 now.

  14. I don't understand the hype around The Last of Us. The gameplay is atrocious.

  15. Are YOU Ladiesman217?

  16. Roommate just gave me a birthday card calling me an old fart, you're barely a year younger than me, you dick biscuit <.<

  17. "The time has come to make our escape!" Which star wars character said that quote?

  18. steam has sucked all day.

  19. steam has sucked all day.

  20. So I got a Umbrella crafted o look like Darth Vaders Light Saber....what is everyones fav gift?

  21. steam has sucked all day.

  22. happy christmas to everyone!

  23. Merry Christmas, everyone.

  24. Alright so incase Circa, katanamaru, or DT85 see this I finished uploading the new files on sourceforge

  25. Merry Xmas from the future. :D

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