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Everything posted by Ping

  1. Ping

    Welcome New Staff!

    May God help us all...
  2. Ping

    Welcome New Staff!

    I never asked for this.
  3. That was quite a negative farewell message from you @@Circa.
  4. As I said, I'd be interested to find out more about this, but you could just as well have replaced this entire article by a link to moddb and told us to just look it up. Is that what we want as our community news? What does the quality of articles like these make us look like?
  5. That was a very scarce article. I'd be interested to hear what exactly the new engine is supposedly capable of (a bit more detail than just "improved animations"), in what ways the combat was changed, what the "tons of new features" are about, why this mod is or was popular, what happened to the previous iterations... you know, a bit more than just a copy&paste of the moddb page. Especially so given that the "teaser" is itself almost without any substance.
  6. Ping

    Article Topics

    That's unfortunately not an option, as I wrote in the PM.
  7. And it only really works well in MP, which is the problem.
  8. Ping

    Article Topics

    I guess I could come up with some stuff, mostly talking about the past because there is nothing else to report. The stuff we talked about in a PM @@eezstreet would help a lot.
  9. The problem with JA is that strafe jumping is less effective, so you're literally running most of the time, unless you mod the sp to not be stupid.
  10. What? I played it muted. EDIT: Checked it again. Can confirm that the music is bad. However, the speedrun is so good that it doesn't bother me too much.
  11. Ping


    So what's the meaning of kogite?
  12. Ping


    Do you know what cogite means?
  13. There are many games that are far superior to the JK series in SP and MP, but he specifically asked for JK games.
  14. DF is actually really amazing for speedrunning. I watched a run at last year's AGDQ and it was quite something.
  15. JKA. If you want to primarily duel or play TFFA with sabers only, don't play on modded servers.
  16. Wait, you have a sig? I must have turned them all off. What a blessing the hide feature is!
  17. http://jkhub.org/topic/6046-jk23files-kick-the-bucket/page-2?do=findComment&comment=89192 http://jkhub.org/topic/6046-jk23files-kick-the-bucket/?p=88473 You're welcome. Courtesy of @@mrwonko and @@Syko.
  18. I'm sure the game was just as terrible before SoW cut ties with the devs. It also makes me question the intentions of the devs in seeking out suggestions from anyone who isn't playing JKA at a high level. Clearly they could not have approached this with the intention of making this game competitively compelling, despite the game's focus being on combat. This is ok of course, since there are many games out there that focus on combat without being competitively compelling and are still fun, but it's a bit of a missed opportunity.
  19. The combat system of JKA is unique, meaning that no other game has done a better or worse job at it. There are games whose combat is more fun or intricate, but their mechanics are not comparable to or compatible with JKA's. So although I like Dark Messiah's gameplay, I wouldn't want JK4 to be like that. I'd rather want JK4 to do what JKA did, just better - and since no other game has done what JKA did, no other game can be used as an object of imitation.
  20. Not knowing the context, this creeps me out so much.
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