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Dumah 11523

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Everything posted by Dumah 11523

  1. Why dont you upload the pk3 right here and now we can see whats the problem?
  2. * I think you forgot to add this part to the NPC, now the npc will finally attack: aggression 5 aim 5 intelligence 2 reactions 4
  3. * Why bother with a millions points of health when you simply can use the cheat "god" for make yourself invencible and untouchable...
  4. ShenLong Kazama Well, here are some different Vaders: Normal height, a giant bigger than desann and the midget vader: http://imgbox.com/g/SyRm99XJai * Also an small rancor that can grab someone and attack: http://imgbox.com/g/0UgGKHkWti * Dont change the Height(x) or the widht(+), you only need to change the scale option from the npc: rank captain reactions 3 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 scale 135 x height 78 crouchheight 42 + width 18 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER
  5. Good work
  6. * Hi there, some months ago you made a reskin for the models of Maul and Savage and they look very cool indeed. I like the new color you did to Maul robes from purple to grey: http://imgbox.com/g/QwXbUSW7Kq And then I know you made another version for the same Maul about I was unable to download this second version. So, did you still have it? And can you please share the file with me? I can give you my mail so you can send me the file. Thanks in advance

    1. Dumah 11523

      Dumah 11523

      I tried to send you a PM but there was an error: "The member Savage opress cannot receive any new messages"

    2. Merek


      check your mailbox.

  7. * Neither of these. I send him a private message from the "about" section on the main menu of the profile. He uploaded his last video (the one of superman man of steel) 3 months ago and before of this, the last one was from the last year. So who knows, he probably doesn't enter into his account very often. We should wait and see if he answer you in the coming weeks or months.
  8. * Some years ago someone import the models from those both games to JKA. This pack was very popular with the very same models and sounds from the games but illegal nevertheless, and soon Bioware tried to sue every site who host this pack. And so, the pack was banned from all the sites but yet still survived to this day if you know where to look..
  9. * Oh dude, you open the pandoras box with that question... But the forbbiden KOTOR Pack includes all the (illegally) ported models from KOTOR 1 and 2.
  10. * You mean this ones right?: http://imgbox.com/g/l3S1Onv2sI
  11. @@DarthDementous His youtube channel was the same place where I make contac to him. I remember that it took 5 days to finally get his response, so be patient. And yes you right, his Cyber Maul model is the one from the "Old Wounds" comic: http://imgbox.com/30qT016U http://imgbox.com/PwkbxYia http://imgbox.com/FVQTPpde http://imgbox.com/pIIxcjW1
  12. @ I better give you his whereabouts via pm. Otherwise, people could began to annoying him about the models too
  13. * The Savage Opress outfits are hideous, he looks like a Orc from Warcraft or something. And the concept arts from Maul... he looks fatty. In the trailer from the game he looks normal though. *@ By the way, the closest model that looks like a real-life Maul/Ray P is the one that RJWca made: http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/7361/maulvmsrjwupdateax0.png http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/6280/maulvmsrjw2bl3.png http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/7107/maulvms002rjwqr7.png http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/RJW_ca/maulvm_RJW_OJP.jpg http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/RJW_ca/maulvms_RJW_OJP.jpg http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/RJW_ca/maulvmr_RJW_OJP.jpg http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/RJW_ca/cyber_maul_RJW_OJP.jpg http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc247/RJW_ca/cyber_maul_robed_RJW_OJP.jpg * Supposedly the models were never released but at least one (the Cyber Maul version) were somehow leaked since I have this one myself: http://imgbox.com/mLTl3P4N * 2 years ago I asked this guy "RJWca" about this project and he told me that the models were in fact finished but he was evasive when I asked if he had plans to release them. He simply ignore that particular question and didn't answer... Now, this guy has an account on youtube and google+ so if you are interesed you could try and ask him about the models.
  14. * You mean like this, the blue one is an ordinary staff with 2 blades but the green one is the saberpike with only 1 blade?: http://imgbox.com/g/GCMsH7xC2M * So, you want the same pike as a staff too (and have 2 versions: single and the staff)? If so, then here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4a44nbj87akh94j/TFU+lightsabers.pk3
  15. Try this. By the way you say you wanted the pike to be a single saber and not staff. So I change this too: http://www.mediafire.com/download/bbs98dkpt2n87wo/TFU+lightsabers.pk3
  16. You should ask this on the thread for requests the "I want it from Filefront" request thread Anyway, here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cry265xmv8x33bl/BaneCurved.pk3
  17. I believe they were sued by Bioware for hosting a collection of ported models from the games Knights Of The Old Republic 1 and 2. Anyway, those ported models are so beautiful and from the best models ever made for Jedi Academy.
  18. * That Savage Opress was already ported and is an awesome model: http://imgbox.com/g/QwXbUSW7Kq * Savage was taken from the game "Clone Wars Adventures", but his brother Maul was not a ported model thought, it was an original model created from scratch, but both models were take down from this site. @@Circa Seriously, is there any chance to change the mind of the moderators of the site regarding the Mauldalore model? Savage was ported so i dont bother to ask about this but Maul is not a ported model at all. In fact, This version of Maul has not even appeared in any game, not even on the same Clone Wars Adventures. The Maul from that game is cyber Maul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP2bzmOTr_Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLmCSMZBLrY
  19. The forbbiden KOTOR pack includes a Malak model, his jedi knight version and even his jawless version: http://imgbox.com/g/e7ghal9lGx Hope not be banned for just mention this...
  20. http://imgbox.com/g/gthRBQYQLQ * The models are pretty decent if you ask me, so we only need for someone with photoshop who can repaint the skin to have more (blue skin, red, purple, yellow, black).
  21. From where I can download the cat model? can you please post a link?
  22. Dumah 11523


    Awesome pack. This Vader is one of the best
  23. With this pack you can create Meetra Surik aka the Jedi exile
  24. * By Bogan!! Its looks perfect to me. Now just need some sounds, why not the reborn or cultist from the assest? Really, just upload it now. I have been waiting since 2011 for this skin. I think its awesome for a skin
  25. * This is the only skin that looks like the Sith Warrior from the trailers: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/Sha-rukk/MB2/1-2.jpg http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y277/Sha-rukk/MB2/2-1.jpg But the author never release the skin and this was from 2010.
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