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Everything posted by Grab

  1. JK3* Jedi Knight III: Brink of Darkness - google it We should ask for possible images of this game.
  2. Wtf happened to background?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Feels sort of retro.

    3. Cerez


      I kinda like it. But then again, I'm a Clone Wars fan -- I like stylised.

    4. Sentra


      Minimalism era says "knock-knock", logo could've been better tho :>

  3. Version 1.0


    ......Base CTF Maps Fixes...... Author: Grab File name: GGCTFMapsFix.pk3 Description: Fixes for base CTF maps... Instalation: Put .pk3 into server base folder. Copyright: Grab Known bugs: CTF3 plants and CTF2 glass not fixable.
  4. Boom, lesser evil wins. RIP political correctness.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ramikad
    3. Onysfx


      I let my guard down and went on the trump train for a bit. I keep forgetting, the system is RIGGED. They already decided trump was getting in years ahead of time. There is even a friggen trump card in the Illuminati card game called "Enough is enough", with trumps face on it. We're being played, again :(.

    4. Onysfx


      A savior will never come from the system, there will be no saviors. There never has been a savior in government, and never will be.

  5. Nope. cg_repeaterorb is off by default and I have it off. Also projectile with this cvar on looks different. But I just learned new cmd. Also this thing is happening to almost all weapons. Because only few ppl testing it. There are my mods in this but I don't have it. Fu duo.
  6. Hey, there is secretly mod that fix many bugs for base JKA that is not relased yet. There is one problem that we don't know how to fix. Weapons projectiles are spawned 6 7 times instead of once. Rocket and Concussion Rifle are probably only effects that work fine. All effects work fine in JK2. I checked fx files and they are identical. This is probably client side/engine bug but we can't find it in code. Plz help!
  7. We need topic where we can hate each other for having different politics!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. afi


      Good idea, it should be called "The official cancer forum"

    3. Grab


      More like "The official cancer topic. You can enter at your own risk."

    4. Ramikad


      I don't know. "Pure Poison" seems fitting to me :D

  8. These 2 presidental candidates perfectly present state of mind of USA today. One is pupulist, another should be in jail. Lets see if they will pick it rationally atleast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agBtEEYTaY

  9. @@Langerd Well, I removed lava and fog and nothing changed, here is lava shader: Link u posted helped me to understand decal brushes more and I saved about 10-15 FPS. But I totaly don't know where to use hint brush on my map. I have to relase it how it is. @edit Ugh. I set r_drawentities 0 and I earned 90 fps :v.
  10. I'm totally noob with these things and I need help. Map has 1280 brushes and 424 entities(lights, models, effects, items). Layout is simple, it's actually cube. Sometimes I have under 90 FPS when I have capped 125 FPS on almost every other map. Pls halp.
  11. Multiculty ftw!

  12. Version 1.0


    ......High quality crosshairs...... Author: Grab File name: GGHDIcons v1.0 Description: High quality crosshairs replacement of old ones. Instalation: Take one of these .pk3's and put it into your base folder. Copyright: Grab
  13. Version 1.0


    ......Dynamic Light for Weapons...... Author: Grab File name: GGDynamicWeapons v1.0 Description: Dynamic light for weapons effects Instalation: Take one of these .pk3's and put it into your base folder. Known issues: Probably only Seeker's shots are missing dynamic lightning. Might be fixed in future. Copyright: Grab
  14. Version 1.0


    ......High quality icons...... Author: Grab File name: GGHDIcons v1.0 Description: High quality icons replacement of old ones. Instalation: Take one of these .pk3's and put it into your base folder. Known issues: No new icons for: melee, cloak, zoom. Copyright: Grab
  15. Also it's not written anywhere she is white. As Dark Forces is official game where Jan's actress is asian, we should talk she is asian.
  16. Let's see what Disney will do. If Disney will let them, we should think about Jedi Knight Live.
  17. Loool. I solved it. I converted sentry texture from .png to .jpg and left it in base/models/items/ and jamp.exe was trying to load both at once. ;_;
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