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Everything posted by Grab

  1. @@Sentra Did you thought about kill icons? That would be great. I think you can remove "rules" element, it's useless.
  2. Oh shit. Can't wait!!!!11
  3. To mój friend z ctf, my tak do siebie mówimy. To nawet Polak nie jest
  4. @' jestes najgorszym graczem jedi knight, wracaj do chorwacji.
  5. 40% RP, R.I.P. JKA.
  6. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-2591676.html 2012 http://steamcommunity.com/app/6020/discussions/0/864978109913291730/?l=polish 2013 Just wait.
  7. More! And something nice:
  8. I found better drawings:
  9. Trailer looks retarded. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
  10. ffa_bespin > everything
  11. You want Kyle to attack Deatstar for Christmas?
  12. @ thank you for reposting.
  13. After looooong time we have 4 seconds: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=838995269464815
  14. All what can we have is this: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/62-realistic-water/
  15. Stop making these beatyfull screenshots, because after lauchning JKA we will be disappointed!
  16. O I remember I did that ugly holoscreen , but again Rancor, its not official cuz Raven/Lucas doesnt organize it.
  17. Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy in 2014: - SP with Minecraft story; - graphics only; - MP gameplay for 10 years old kids/CoD fans.
  18. @@AshuraDX Yes, but in Jedi Academy we have black version of this gun, so it should be black, atleast big, front parts. Btw, why don't use high poly model for view and world model?
  19. IMO you should focus on model from game then others sources. Could you change texture of two front parts to the texture of the rest?
  20. Too much changes for me. Atleast change handle to more oryginal like.
  21. Grab

    Maybe you wanna...

    Please tell me that OpenJK didn't change saber system...
  22. pics or didn't happen
  23. Almost all multiplayer players play with 100(97) cg_fov or higher(mods). I play 130. Could take picture with that fov?
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