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Everything posted by GPChannel

  1. So... dear ChalkYne I think continue THIS head! It will be GOOD So... dear ChalkYne I think continue THIS head! It will be GOOD B)
  2. But his ears are a little funny (sorry for my english you know i'm from hungary )
  3. I think it was the best starkiller head!( i think )
  4. ok i know it's not perfect but i like it and it's not the final version of this head( i think) I can't wait the final version of Starkiller and i can't wait the release!!
  5. oooh NOW it's looks GREAT ! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B)
  6. I think the old head was better but you know! And when will you release the model,because i can't wait! release??
  7. When will you release this Darth Maul?
  8. when you done with some map, pls create videos !!!!
  9. This map is exellent! When you'll done RELEASE this please! XD
  10. Will you create all Dark Forces 2 missions LATER?
  11. hello everyone! Will you create all DF2 missions? (sorry for my english, I'm hungarian )
  12. Will you create all DF2 mission?
  13. When will you release this starkiller model??
  14. OMG! This starkiller model is amazing!! When will you release it?????
  15. Oh my GOD! Brilliant! Please create a male mod! PLEASE
  16. oh PLEase somebody do this animation for Dual saber animation sorry for my english i'm hungarian!
  17. here you are! this is the link for this XD http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/442541-jedi-adventure-robe-starkiller-8.html you can find the pk3 file in this page it name is JAR_fixed.pk3
  18. jedi adventure robe (unhood version) https://www.google.hu/search?q=JKa+jedi+adventure+robe&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48293060,d.bGE&biw=1042&bih=646&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=hu&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=LGjJUcDSAaz14QTkg4G4Cw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=qshPRL3kH8FGqM%3A%3BgY0rOdoRcwUCoM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fi113.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fn201%252FK0bra%252Fsecretapp_final2.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fforums.filefront.com%252Fsw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing%252F392848-galen-marek-aka-secret-apprentice-jedi-adventurer-robe-6.html%3B1024%3B600
  19. it's the jedi adventure robe(i think it's PERFECT) https://www.google.hu/search?q=JKa+jedi+adventure+robe&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48293060,d.bGE&biw=1042&bih=646&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=hu&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=LGjJUcDSAaz14QTkg4G4Cw#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=fTB3hckccYqzIM%3A%3BKpqOOEk5zMkgUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimg809.imageshack.us%252Fimg809%252F7703%252Fshot0000pu.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fforums.filefront.com%252Fsw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing%252F442541-jedi-adventure-robe-starkiller-2.html%3B750%3B600
  20. Can somebody speak Hungary
  21. PICTURES of the BETA maps!!!! COMING SOON!!!!!! don't worry
  22. and i need the sith stalker HOTH version
  23. Hi everybody! I'm Nemeth01 and to tell the true I'd like create a TFU mod for jedi knight:jedi academy I've done with Kota mission (it's very BETA ) and I've done Raxus part1 and I've done with Starkiller vs vader and starkiller vs maul mission......and I've done the firs training map....... BUT!!!! I need some Help with the models I have a training robe,a bounty hunter robe,the sith robe,the sith stalker robe,the medical robe and Jedi adventure robe and I need a NORMAL heavy training robe if somebody can do it please do the model with Jaden korr's head like this:https://www.google.hu/search?hl=hu&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1178&bih=1024&q=JKA+starkiller+model&oq=JKA+starkiller+model&gs_l=img.3...1603.5340.0.5548. thanks (sorry for my english,I'm hungarian )
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