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Everything posted by lpriefer01

  1. darth nihl would be nice also id love to see imperial knights
  2. lmao i was just about to ask some one to port the first one i literally had a link copied and everything so thank you very much
  3. thank you very much
  4. can you please make a palpatine as close as possible to the image above i know others have tried to do reborn palpatine but have fallen far short the collar is essential to quote a certain princess help me obiwan kenobi you're my only hope
  5. @Jeff what are you wworking on right now
  6. can you make one that open bsp and .map files
  7. the second one has been ported before
  8. I have luke but can you please do palpatine
  10. can you make female version
  11. what gun does it replace in sp
  12. can you make a version that replaces the disruptor
  13. can you make a version that replaces the disruptor
  14. almost resemble vong
  15. i want that slaver
  16. i have 2 different models of the patrol trooper if you would like to convert them
  17. what about a cloned palpatine from dark empire based off this image https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/d3/e4/aed3e40088585fb73a3ac2f3f454b177.jpg
  18. I don't recognse the accessory under vaders arm what is that also https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Koffi_Arana here is info
  19. why dont you put the image of them in here so we can ssee if anyone has made a version of him
  20. oof has anyone ported the mud trooper from solo
  21. the world may never know have you or anyone else ported this yet http://www.mediafire.com/file/mcmhcd2gy8htdcd/remnantroopervar1.rar/file
  22. details?
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