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File Comments posted by Acrobat


       64    1

    This is an old map from 2008 for jk2. Just uploading it so it doesn't get lost.

    Pretty sure it works fine in jka also just probably would be very easy climb for that.


       270    9

    ah ok. from my understanding the new decompile actually can reconstruct texture alignment as well as entity lights unlike decompiles 10 years ago. So in theory you could just decompile and get the original map entirely (source files obtained in that sense)


       3,189    7

    It was various mixes of Elden Ring theme music that youtubers did namely Zak Castle, Ru Pianao, and Alina Gingertail. There might have been another in there but those are the ones I can remember. I merged 4-5 of them.

    The Valley of the Jedi

       1,792    12

    Ok this map is great. I tries the academy the "bottomless pit" area. explain this area to me. I trigger multiple activates the FXRunner blue lazers. Then you have a second trigger that opens the ceiling and let's in the skybox.

    However, how did you make it dark and remove the lightmap?

    I usually play jk2 so I'm not familiar with this. Wondering how to do it in jka, and I'm also wondering if I could get that to work in jk2.


       10,643    9

    Ok I just tried this map. I liked the dojo with the sabers on the wall.

    I also like the green and blue checkered carpet. One thing that confused me is how you overlayered the blue carpet circle design onto the green carpet. I guess you could do it with the brush itself rather than with the textures? it would just very strange\interesting design there.

  1. Just got around to trying this map. It's one of biggest maps I've ever seen.

    Who made the statues and the jabba statue (i couldn't even find it in game but it looks cool)?

    Who made or how did you make the textures for those giant window panes of yoda, chewbacca, obiwan etc?

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