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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. The normal fullscreen option in the menu should work just fine... Otherwise you can change the r_fullscreen cvar in the console as usual.
  2. The shader stages are rendered in the order of definition: First the one without a blendFunc (which defaults to standard opaque rendering), then the one with GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA (which does alpha blending according to the texture's alpha channel). You'll want to drop the first one. Now with alpha blending you run into sorting issues; because Quake 3 does not properly sort transparent surfaces before rendering stuff they may actually look like their order is reversed (the further one is displayed in front of the closer one). That's why you so often see additive blending - GL_ONE GL_ONE - because addition is commutative, so order doesn't matter. But I think additive blending is what you described as "ugly painted sheet of orange". To work around this you can manually specify the sort order; Opaque stuff gets "sort opaque", which is equivalent to "sort 3", while transparent stuff defaults to "sort additive", which equals "sort 9". Surfaces are drawn low number to high number. Now you can give it "sort banner", which is "sort 6", to make it always draw between opaque and default transparent things. Assuming you can only see the model's face through the visor and not transparent level geometry behind the model, this will always look right. So that's something like this: models/players/clonetrainees/comhelm { sort banner { map models/players/clonetrainees/comhelm blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } I also dropped the "detail", which would make it not show up when r_detailTextures is disabled. This is purely theoretical and untested, mind. And your texture needs to have a proper alpha channel, so you'll have to edit it to add that. Unless you want uniform transparency, in which case you can add an "alphaGen const 0.3" to the stage to make it 30% opaque. (Tweak number as necessary, obviously.)
  3. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  4. Yay, no more job search!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ping


      Grats! Being on the job market is one of the most disgusting and pathetic experiences one can expose oneself to - solely because of the nature of markets in general. The same is true of other markets that have you sell yourself as a person: the dating market, slave market etc.

    3. Onysfx


      ^ You sell yourself as a slave...it's sad but it's true...

    4. Bek


      Also we can now call you mrworko.

  5. You can also just do the Frankensteining in Blender and keep the existing weights.
  6. It just gets annoying to be asked the same questions over and over again. For the record: The solution is two-fold: unpack the GLA file used by the GLM and make sure the plugin knows how to find it (i.e. unpack it in a proper GameData/Base structure or set the basepath on import).
  7. Read the manual.
  8. The second addon (that lists me in the authors) sure is out of date; it has last been tested with Blender 2.6x.
  9. Could not reproduce. I seem to remember someone having similar issues that got fixed by installing the dropbox client? That should not be necessary, but maybe it is. (In that case we need to get on that.)
  10. JA++ mostly does what JA+ does (and is compatible with JA+ servers); unlike JA+ it's still being maintained tough. (JA+ is one of the most popular MP mods, with admin commands and some other stuff.) Look up command line arguments to understand the launch thing; you need to tell the game on launch to load JA++, e.g. using a .bat file Dunno.Mod limiter thing?Mods may increase limits, but I don't know if any do.Look into the guidelines; you're supposed to try contacting the author first, I believe, and if they don't answer you can upload it, although it will be removed if they object.
  11. Or a replacement.
  12. Correct, that would be the fix.
  13. Welcome back! Love your work! So I'm deliberating asking you to help out with this SP campaign a dozen years in the making; I can handle the scripting (but I haven't been, for the last couple of years), but one or two maps look a bit subpar. Should I ask you about that?
  14. Because a vertex in glm can only have one UV coordinate.
  15. I'm not a big fan of these kinds of answers, they result in you just finding "simply search" posts when searching. The link is http://mrwonko.de/jk3files Also, welcome.
  16. To try to remake JKA on UE4. Would be kind of awesome if they succeeded, I doubt they will, and if they do Disney will probably shut them down.
  17. Oh, also: here's the actual link.
  18. So, time to plug JKHub?
  19. When was that? It's still in development, so the bugs may have been fixed and if not you should report them. No it couldn't.
  20. 1. Well there's Ja++, which as I understand it is basically an enhanced Ja+ remake, that may have increased limits, but you'd have to ask @@Raz0r. 2. Skyboxes still work as they did in Quake 3; but what you have there is not a skybox shader, it's basically just a wall. But I still don't know what your issue is. And you're right, there's a slight difference in quality after all. 9. Length alone is not enough, you also need location, as evident in backhand sabers.
  21. 1. Probably not; sadly one does not simply combine (code) mods. 2. I don't understand the problem. How are you creating your skybox? That shader doesn't look like a typical sky box shader. And I don't see a different between your pictures 200 and 206. 9. Another thing to keep in mind is that the model includes information on the location of the blade(s). That would also have to be overwritten with that of the default model. But I agree, it's in theory possible to allow for this on client side for sabers with one or two blades, it just requires additional code that nobody has written yet, and wouldn't work properly for backhand sabers.
  22. I'm not saying it breaks save games (yet), it just won't work correctly on base.
  23. Maybe #706 is not exactly a requirement for a release, but it's high priority; users need to be able to tell when a mod requires OpenJK in an idiot-proof fashion. By then it's too late; now the user has to go through the hassle of reinstalling/moving it.
  24. In my opinion: Crash reporting (#141)Custom archive format with metadata like required version (#706)Possibly some form of auto updating; e.g. a launcher (mentioned in #710)A launcher could also include a bug reporting toolInstaller which verifies the chosen directory contains Jedi Academy (related to #627, but kind of its own issue)
  25. Job search sucks.

    1. Ping


      It wouldn't if we all had enough resources to get by on our own. We should be looking to automate as many jobs as possible and thereby provide everyone with their maximum amount of free time.

    2. AshuraDX
    3. mrwonko


      I'm half-inclined to suggest automated job assignment, too; I'm pretty sure Google or Facebook have enough data to accurately find people jobs. Yay surveillance!

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