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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Here you go. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Vader.pk3
  2. I'd need a few more reference shots, but this does interest me.
  3. Thanks, I found my lost pics. Here's my take on the aqualish
  4. It looks like you have part of the female customization (head,hair,hands etc.) that needs to be turned off in the skin file.
  5. I'd agree but finding any images of him is difficult, and full body shots don't seem to exist. I tried it but where does it save the screenshot at. They're lost on my PC somewhere.
  6. My attempt at Darth Plageuis
  7. He's doing a realistic version yet you compare it to an animated version. BTW this is looking very good.
  8. Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/s/886893hq0pu1e20/model.glm?dl=0 Just put this in the PK3
  9. It's been awhile since anything new so here
  10. This is how to get asajj in game alora { playerModel assajv rank lt saber single_4 saberColor red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 2 saberStyle 1 health 300 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 2 FP_SPEED 2 FP_PUSH 2 FP_PULL 2 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 0 FP_LIGHTNING 0 FP_RAGE 0 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 0 FP_SABERTHROW 2 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 2 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 2 reactions 3 aim 3 move 5 aggression 3 evasion 4 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_REBORN sex female snd alora sndcombat alora sndjedi alora yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 } alora_dual { // playerModel alora2 playerModel assajv rank commander saber single_4 saberColor red saber2 single_4 saber2Color red weapon WP_SABER saberStyle 6 health 500 FP_HEAL 0 FP_LEVITATION 3 FP_SPEED 3 FP_PUSH 3 FP_PULL 3 FP_TELEPATHY 0 FP_GRIP 2 FP_LIGHTNING 2 FP_RAGE 3 FP_PROTECT 0 FP_ABSORB 0 FP_DRAIN 0 FP_SEE 0 FP_SABERTHROW 3 FP_SABER_DEFENSE 3 FP_SABER_OFFENSE 3 reactions 5 aim 5 move 5 aggression 5 evasion 5 intelligence 5 hfov 160 vfov 160 playerTeam TEAM_ENEMY enemyTeam TEAM_PLAYER class CLASS_ALORA sex female snd alora sndcombat alora sndjedi alora yawSpeed 120 walkSpeed 55 runSpeed 200 dismemberProbHead 0 dismemberProbArms 0 dismemberProbLegs 0 dismemberProbHands 0 dismemberProbWaist 0 }
  11. It's Vader Unleashed on roids
  12. I forgot a part in the skin, just DL again I've updated the file. Sorry bout that.
  13. Here you go https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63672348/Jaden%20Trooper.pk3
  14. I have a Jacen if you want it
  15. Not sure what head your talking about, but yeah I can do it. Also what stormtrooper body?
  16. I'm in the minoirity but I would prefer MP
  17. Couldn't agree more
  18. I don't usually get into mods of this scale, but you guys have drawn me in with everything about this ,I love the era and your take on it, and the maps all seem very fresh and new and fit into the original trilogy time frame. Take your time I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
  19. I'm actually enjoying the feedback, I'm going to probably reedo most of this model to get it perfect so the plan is on the weekend to get started, damn work gets in the way during the week.
  20. Thanks that's exactly what I needed. I'll update Kanan soon. I've been thinking about changing the pants and maybe I'll look into the face. Thanks for the suggestions.
  21. Jeff

    Stass Allie

    This is Stass Allie the other model was Adi Gallia, they are differant.
  22. Stass Allie has been uploaded http://jkhub.org/files/file/2211-stass-allie/
  23. Two separate models, his head (face) is differant from mine.
  24. 665 downloads

    Stass Allie from Episode II and III. Credit to Neomarz for the headpiece and Scerendo for the body.
  25. I'll release her, just didn't think there was any interest to be honest. I was under the belief that only Ree-Yees (the one in ROTJ) had big hands. Got a picture I'm looking for ideas so maybe I'll do him next. Thanks and Hera has been approved
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