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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I think it would be great to have teaching holograms of all prequel jedi if they do an academy. Have numerous students watching holograms in the background as bit of a nod.
  2. Still could if he was rigged to the humanoid GLA.
  3. Liam Neeson has previously stated he would return as Qui-gon if asked, so it's upto Disney. I for one hope they incorporate him, he's one of my favourite characters.
  4. I doubt you're going to get anything by calling someone a noob.
  5. From what I can gather, it uses the lowest LOD present.
  6. I read a comment about vertex buffer or something which must be why they have the 500 limit on stencils. Doesn't matter anyways so long as your model has LODs, as there is code to switch to the models lowest LOD if LOD0 hits the 500 limit.
  7. @@Xycaleth @@ensiform @@eezstreet Well this is interesting, I've accidently enabled stencil shadows for MD3 models: All I did was comment out the RF_SHADOW_PLANE line under R_AddMD3Surfaces in tr_mesh.cpp: // stencil shadows can't do personal models unless I polyhedron clip if ( !personalModel && r_shadows->integer == 2 && fogNum == 0 && (ent->e.renderfx & RF_SHADOW_PLANE ) && !(ent->e.renderfx & ( RF_NOSHADOW | RF_DEPTHHACK)) && shader->sort == SS_OPAQUE ) { R_AddDrawSurf( (surfaceType_t *)surface, tr.shadowShader, 0, qfalse ); } Thing is, I can't understand why commenting that one line out would suddenly enable the stencil shadows. I would think that having the line in there would enable the shadows, not disable them.
  8. Tempust85

    Donate to JKHub

    If 38 members donated $10, this would be done. When's the deadline? I can donate $20, but won't be for a few weeks.
  9. This is the most disturbing thing I've seen for a while.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54OlVbh2fOo

  10. I just keep waiting for the Twi'lek pilot to say "Where are you, Kyle?"
  11. Needs moar collision (rend2)
  12. Husky model for the new DF2 Bartender: http://i61.tinypic.com/25ouc6t.png Thanks Psyk0sith :D

    1. Onysfx


      Looks ever so slightly like a reskinned rax, but also could be a new model. Very nice.

    2. Grab


      Rax reskin + TF2 soldier head. gz

    3. Tempust85
  13. Would love to see any progress made, @
  14. Don't forget, DF2 had set palette's for each type of texture so I wouldn't say they could go nuts with detail & color blending like we can.
  15. The JKA revan gir made is absolute crap compared to the one he did for MB3 UDK. I wish I had the time to convert the MB3 UDK model to JKA. :/ P.S I had no idea my Revan port is still floating around lol.
  16. This looks good to me. I think there's a few grayish ones in the cutscenes, or the lighting was bad.
  17. I just meant "a" blender dude, not anyone in particular as I couldn't remember who works with blender.
  18. Looking great, but the "gray" skin needs a little more work: - the feet straps look too light and that they've just had a simple recolor - the nose looks out of place from the rest of the face, I'd suggest making it the same color as his "lips" - the gray skin could use a hint of green perhaps? - the red belts look too saturated and it looks out of place. I'd suggest leaving it as black I'm liking the wrist armor though, nice work.
  19. Or some Blender dude could do it with minimal fuss afaik.
  20. There's quite a few things we all would like for OpenJK, but unfortunately we most likely won't get any of them.
  21. I'm thinking all these will need remodels, but good job though.
  22. I gave up on this project and came back to JKA. The T-800 model would in no way be able to work in JKA due to its triangle count (which is necessary for all the damn pistons unfortunately).
  23. OJP? The mod is all OpenJK. Everything goes in the Gamedata folder like any other mod, just that there's an exe + renderer dll that also needs to go in the Gamedata folder.
  24. I love the fact that Star Wars has allowed me to have dreams where I can wield the force for simple tasks like picking up the remote or a burger. Can't remember how many times I was hanging upside down reaching.
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