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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I was thinking. After these sequels, what happens to all the games in the JK series? Will they leave the time periods alone enough for us to maybe tweak them to be canon?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. z3filus


      Keep it simple, just change Luke to Kyle Katarn, and Kyle to Jan Ors

    3. z3filus


      even better:

      Who cares? there's probably going to be atleast 2 new games for playstation and xbox that 'explain' or fills the gaps left in the storyline. I'm guessing they will be much like TFU

    4. Ramikad


      The Wookieepedia states that there's at least 16 years between JA and Episode VII, so I think it's a wide enough time span to simply leave things as they are. I hope. And if it doesn't seem to be the case... well screw Ep VII then.

  2. Most likely stuffed things royally, but here's the beginnings of Rend2 in SP: http://i59.tinypic.com/2hwmq7k.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Archangel35757
    3. Tempust85


      I will until I can't figure it out. Xycaleth has been helping me out which is great

    4. Boothand
  3. Hapslah used a solid model for the robes rather than using a single sided mesh.
  4. Yeah and don't forget, they had to hand-paint everything as well which is a nightmare for UV seams. No tools like zbrush available.
  5. Yeah it died. Lack of programmers & level designers, some devs wanted to move to a project that they could potentially sell and alot of the devs feared of a C&D from Disney which I still doubt would ever happen (look at Star Wars Battlecry, still no C&D). I could only do so much as an animator, modeller & beginner programmer. MBII is still kicking though.
  6. Have you been using cmake to generate your project files?
  7. You drag and drop I think in Blender to re-parent an object in the outliner. Here's a snippet from the Appleby tutorial: bolt_l_leg_calf bolt_l_leg_cap_hips bolt_l_leg_foot l_leg_cap_hips_off -select them and link to l_leg ----------- bolt_r_leg_calf bolt_r_leg_cap_hips bolt_r_leg_foot r_leg_cap_hips_off -select them and link to r_leg ------------ bolt_head_back bolt_head_cap_torso bolt_head_eyes bolt_head_front bolt_head_left bolt_head_right bolt_head_top head_cap_torso_off -select them and link to head -------------- bolt_l_hand bolt_l_hand_cap_l_arm l_hand_cap_learn_off -select them and link to l_hand --------------- bolt_r_hand bolt_r_hand_cap_r_arm r_hand_cap_r_arm_off -select them and link to r_hand ---------------- bolt_r_arm_cap_r_hand bolt_r_arm_cap_torso bolt_r_arm_elbow r_arm_cap_r_hand_off r_arm_cap_torso_off r_hand -select them and link to r_arm ----------------- bolt_l_arm_cap_hand bolt_l_arm_cap_torso bolt_l_arm_elbow l_arm_cap_l_hand_off l_arm_cap_torso_off l_hand -select them and link to l_arm ----------------- bolt_back bolt_chestg bolt_hip_bl bolt_hip_br bolt_hip_fl bolt_hip_fr bolt_hip_l bolt_hip_r bolt_lchest_l bolt_lchest_r bolt_shldr_l bolt_shldr_r bolt_torso_cap_head bolt_torso_cap_hips bolt_torso_cap_l_arm bolt_torso_cap_r_arm bolt_uchest_l bolt_uchest_r torso_cap_head_off torso_cap_hips_off torso_cap_l_arm_off torso_cap_r_arm_off head l_arm r_arm -select them and then link them to torso ------------------ bolt_hips_cap_l_leg bolt_hips_cap_r_leg bolt_hips_cap_torso bolt_hips_l_knee bolt_hips_r_knee hips_cap_l_leg_off hips_cap_r_leg_off hips_cap_torso_off torso l_leg r_leg -select them and then link them to hips -------------------- hips -select and link it to stupidtriangle_off -------------------- stupidtriangle_off -select and link it to mesh_root Tag names may differ slightly, will either start with bolt_ or * with the exception of stupidtriangle_off I think.
  8. Just had a look and the issue is that you're missing the majority of the tags. Do another "frankenstein", but just take ALL the tags (dump the rest) and put them onto your zabrak model. Also, you should delete model_root_1, model_root_2 & model_root_0.001 as they have no child objects so they are useless.
  9. Those models would need to be decimated (reduce the poly count) to work with JKA but by the time you do that, you may as well have made your own.
  10. @@Psyk0Sith what was your fix for the issue the Rax Joris model had?
  11. It's because of the proportions. The elbow joint for both arms are different.
  12. It looks a bit funky with some animations, but I managed to make a test biped in Max for the proportions of this model and transferred the entire JKA GLA animations onto it. The biggest pain are the hands as they didn't transfer well, especially the right one.
  13. Or we could have some trees with branches moving, the possibilities are endless.
  14. So I've converted ALL of JKA's GLA (no jitter & all 5 fingers and 2 toes added back) to a CS biped. I wonder how much will need to be tweaked for transferring the animations to a biped with different proportions....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. minilogoguy18


      No, character studio

    3. Archangel35757


      I thought the original GLA had the jitter issue as seen in ModView... so importing it would still seem to have it, no?

    4. Tempust85


      It does. I've recompiled the anim source with the fixed carcass so the GLA I imported has no jitter.

  15. Damn, this is going to need a new animation set.
  16. Awesome, can't wait for some updates. With the use of misc_model_ghoul, we can now have animated map objects. For instance, we can have lightly swaying hanging vines in 03katarn (level 3).
  17. Well this is improved JKA right here, awesome work! Is the source code available? You should make it so you can only walk with the detached eWeb though, otherwise it's too OP. I could make a new hold & a new shoot animation for this if you need.
  18. I think people mean Gir's JKA Revan isn't as good compared to his MB3 Revan, which is my opinion too. The MB3 Revan needs to have its normal maps baked & polys reduced so it can be ported to JKA. Gir's Revan in MB3 is the crown jewel of that failed project, the only decent thing about it.
  19. I know just enough of blender to do frankensteining, so I'll have a looksee for you.
  20. You can enable turning anims via a cvar which in DF2, I've made enabled by default.
  21. What's the GLM name? Should be model.glm. You'd be best to upload the .blend file.
  22. Just for the head & hair? geez lol, that's close to your entire model budget right there.
  23. Open up the code in VS 2013 and then run openJK. Then in VS 2013, attach to the openjk process.
  24. Tempust85

    Rend2 beta

    Rend2 is still in the alpha phase, but is usable to a point.
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