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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Using 1.x etc allows room for fixes in the decimal spot. Or you could do 1a, 1b etc.
  2. So apparently KotoR always had support for bump mapping, but it just wasn't used. Who knew?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tempust85


      A special texture that modern games use to show more detail than what's actually modeled. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bump_mapping

    3. Angel Soul

      Angel Soul

      Ahaaa... cool. I wonder why they didn't use it? Probably lack of time but then again... sheesh. The graphics could've been taken on a whole new level.

    4. Onysfx


      @Oobah ah, ya that's what I meant to say. Valve uses it I believe, for their water effects.

  3. I'm going to say it's a Blastech still, gives the feel of the E-11 just more high tech.
  4. If you're using OpenJK, you have no choice but to release your code. @@Raz0r can explain more.
  5. The latest episode was awesome. Nice to see a familiar jackass from the movies.
  6. Just need to make the source code available due to the license OpenJK is under. Assets you won't need to release the source if you don't want to.
  7. Any updates on this? Not to nag or anything, just curious as GitHub hasn't been updated in 3 months.
  8. Make it a misc model static and don't use _rs
  9. Looks great. Be sure to also make the source code available.
  10. Hooray for no box thing on the back of the torso armor! That was a pain when making my RotJ Stormtrooper lol. I think Boyega's armor is worn considerably, as the other shots have gloss on the armor.
  11. @@AshuraDX & @@Psyk0Sith would be best suited for this, I'm not as strong in textures as I'd like to be.
  12. Can't you bolt-on a model to NPC's heads via script?
  13. Why do you want them static though? Wouldn't it be better if they moved?
  14. Decided to make use of the calender: http://jkhub.org/calendar/event/30-star-wars-episode-vii-the-force-awakens/
  15. Hopefully we get either promo shots of the Stormtroopers or more angles of them in a new trailer.
  16. How would you make the circles joined together floaters seeing as they are inset?
  17. Ah I wasn't sure if it was legit or not. Thing is though, they look ever so slightly different.
  18. I'm not a big fan of adding non-star wars characters to JKA, unless it's part of a total conversion.
  19. Did this guy ever appear in a movie? Can't remember.
  20. I plan on seeing this at least twice with my wife. For some reason, I require a few watches of movies in the cinema to really "get" the story and remember stuff.
  21. I'm calling this done until there's more reference:
  22. I understood it, don't worry lol. Next update will have the finished product......hopefully.
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