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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Lando was great, nice to see him before Cloud City.
  2. I was just curious. The only critique I have is the cape mesh needs better weights so it doesn't look like a triangle while standing.
  3. Is this just a port project? I'm not seeing anything new is all.
  4. What's it look like without normal mapping?
  5. You'd need to have the "bulb" surface as its own texture afaik.
  6. What developer roles would be needed to get the JKG team to come back and continue production, or is this project just plain dead?
  7. Pretty sure it's done in the sky shader. Have a look at Yavins sky shader.
  8. vid_restart doesn't crash the game at all. Thanks for the help guys, but this is too far over my head. This is where the latest commit to git is at: If anyone feels generous and wants to fix it, please do: https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2/tree/Rend2-SP-Full-Port This will benefit more than just DF2 Mod.
  9. Random ones, but one of note - the grass on yavin1b. Will someone for the love of all things Star Wars pretty please fix the renderer?
  10. So I "un-unioned" the model types, ripped the guts out of tr_ghoul2 (while still using the rend2 cache) and: I'm now getting properly textured ghoul2 models. MD3's load for the map, but not for items or weapons. Shaders + textures now appear on the sabers. Shadows do not project onto every surface in a map for some reason. So far, only yavin1b & yavin2 load. What I did is NOT the solution, but it helps me find the cause of one of the issues.
  11. Does anyone have an idea on what needs to be done in detail? Xycaleth said he wasn't sure. @@Raz0r @@ensiform @@eezstreet
  12. I fear this is now dead in the water, unless someone can come fix this up. Here's what Xycaleth said:
  13. Are you using _cs 1 & _rs 1 on the entity in radiant? These allow cast shadow and recieve shadow. May need to make rs 0. Could also try _minlight (I think that's it), not sure if it works on statics.
  14. Error for weights: -- Compile error: Illegal input in readValue -- In line: SI_Envelope D
  15. Updated the first post with what's wrong. If it's not listed, it should be working.
  16. The only issue I saw was a bug carried over from HS Anakin - l_arm & torso glovecaps have their normals flipped.
  17. Yeah I like how they could add Hayden in but not properly fix saber blades in ep4. Dat training saber.... Then there's the saber turning off in the Wampa cave
  18. After it's fully ported and everything loads, I'll then need to port sprites from vanilla & make sure world effects is working.
  19. Want me to have a look at the blend file?
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