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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. No tarsals, and a few fingers are gone from the JKA GLA. They exist in the source animations, but were omitted at compile time. The model compiled with the animation source determines what bones are present in the outputted GLA. If the model doesn't have weights to a bone, then it won't be included. Would be easy as pie to add them back, BUT it would break compatibility with all the existing models for JKA. Same deal if someone were to add in extra bones for capes, hair, etc.
  2. Pretty sure I added these in DF2 mod. Will have to look, but I think it was just a simple texture & items.dat copy over from JK2.
  3. Mapping Tips 1) Round some of the blocky details but only where it makes sense to. Like you wouldn't round a square beam, but you would round a blocky archway. 2) Light the levels from obvious light sources, unlike the original game which has lighting but often no light source (lamps, etc). 3) Please read Moondog's tutorial on mitre faces: https://jkhub.org/topic/10084-mapping-efficiency-mitre-faces/ Radiant Settings I encourage everyone to use GTKRadiant 1.5, as that's the most common mapping tool used amongst the DF2 Mod devs. After you've grabbed the mod from the dropbox link (PM me if you need the link) and you've moved the mod files over to your JKA directory, setup radiant for your copy of JKA as normal (if you haven't already). Then under Project Settings: Select mod : Custom JA modification fs_game : DF2 Mapping mode : Single Player mapping mode For those of you who use GTKRadiant 1.6.6, I've added an updated EXE & new bitmaps here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pkvt3eoy0yjq3s3/radiant.exe?dl=0 This updated EXE tells the texture browser to ignore "_NH", "_RMO" plus a few others so you'll only see the diffuse/radiant editor image now. Also added toolbar buttons for drag vertices and edges. Build settings You need to add "-custinfoparms" to your BSP compile line like so: [bsp] -meta -custinfoparms "[MapFile]" This enables custom content & surface flags to be used (eg. batteryacid), without having to use a custom q3map2.exe. Entities Download the updated sp_entities.def file from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/utlv4awsihtydet/sp_entities.def?dl=0 Now to update your sp_entities.def for radiant. Goto here : ~install_dir~\GtkRadiant 1.5.0\ja.game\base rename the existing sp_entities.def to sp_entities.def.old, then copy over the new one included in the mod (found in the DF2 folder). Two entities of note, one new and one existing but has been fixed: misc_cubemap "name" - Cubemap name (optional) "radius" - Parallax radius. Default 1000. Reflects the levels' brushwork. . misc_model_ghoul SOLID - Movement is blocked by it with the MASK_NPCSOLID & CONTENTS_BODY. LOOP - Loop animation. START_OFF - Starts off until used. "model" - Ghoul2 .glm file to load "modelscale" - "x" uniform scale "modelscale_vec" - "x y z" scale model in each axis "renderRadius" - Default "120" model render radius "rootbone" - Default "model_root" animation root bone "startFrame" - Default "0". animation start frame "endFrame" - Default "0". animation end frame "animSpeed" - Default "1.0". animation speed "skin" - Default "<model_dir>/model_default.skin". Skin file to load - Use "startFrame" to set the start frame of the animation. - Use "endFrame" to set the end frame of the animation. - Use "animSpeed" to speed up or slow down the animation. - Use "renderRadius" for models larger than a player model if you notice the misc_model_ghoul disappearing when moving the camera. - Use "rootbone" to change the bone that the animation will play from, instead of animating the entire GLA. Use wisely. - Use "skin" to choose a skin. "models/players/kyle/model_red.skin" is an example. Only need to specify if using a skin other than model_default.skin. - Use START_OFF to have your model appear & become solid (if checked) when triggered. Animation will always play regardless though.
  4. Think of a rain forest mixed with swamp.
  5. Yeah the cutscene and level design do not match. Yun & the stormies use the same lift to come into the room, but yun goes up the shaft at a different place that isn't near the table or the lift. The room in the videos is larger. I'll have to correct my level to reflect this.
  6. Like I said, these stormies came from where the table is away from the platform/lift/Yun escape spot. I'll have to stick a locked door somewhere near that table.
  7. Lol well either way, he goes up and the Stormtroopers are shooting from where the table is so there needs to be a door somewhere there.
  8. Afaik, the same team behind TCW is behind Rebels. The animation, style & rendering looks completely the same, it's just that there aren't any clone troopers with weathered armor running around.
  9. That's the thing though. Kyle watches Yun go up the platform bit and then turns around to find stormtroopers near the table. However in the original map of level 8, they are at the platform which doesn't reflect what is seen in the video.
  10. The table was destroyable in the original, and level 8 started off with it destroyed. What is seen in the videos takes priority over anything else, I think I've captured most of it. Thought one thing bothers me - how do those stormtroopers get in? They obviously don't get in from where Yun escapes.
  11. Yeah I have a few already, wasn't too hard to find reference at all.
  12. I think it's just a good way to tell stories about the other things in Star Wars besides the Skywalker's and their lightsabers. We might see the very first alliance fighter pilots, and the early leadership of the Alliance which would be interesting. Though I really hope they don't shit all over Dark Forces and NOT use Kyle Katarn to steal the Deathstar plans IF they are telling that story...
  13. The MD3 format has its own limit, which I think Xycaleth was referring to. Misc_model itself has no limits as far as I'm aware as it just gets turned into BSP anyway.
  14. Just play around with the weights until you achieve the look you're after. Once you have decent weights, you can use this model as a guide for future models.
  15. Might be able to do vertex deform in shader, but it'd look stupid playing the whole time.
  16. Sounds & clouds are the easy part, lightning strikes & flashing light not so much. This would be pretty cool to see.
  17. I'm happy IF she's playing Mara Jade but this movie seems like a fighter pilot movie. Top Gun, Star Wars style.
  18. Can someone please tell me exactly why someone would still be using GTKradiant 1.4? I don't get it :P

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Xycaleth


      Have you guys ever considered reporting these bugs to the developers? There's probably a reason why the bugs aren't fixed :P Radiant does still get worked on from time to time!

    3. Boothand


      Thanks Ramikad! Makes it a little easier, but it follows different rules, can't get stretching away on curves either.

      The texturing bugs must always have been around, so it shouldn't be a newsflash ^^ But yes, other bugs could be reported. But I suppose 1.4 and 1.5 doesn't get worked on? I can only navigate properly in 1.5.

    4. ensiform


      1.5 no, but 1.4 does through 1.6 as it is a continuation of 1.4 branch. 1.5 was written from scratch by spog and does not have the same codebase to just take things and add back.

  19. Would it be possible to have an option to copy over the JKA pk3's (specify a path to the JKA directory) into the new OpenJK directory?
  20. Yeah I would say so, it's not like we can redistribute assets.
  21. Remodelled? I created everything from scratch...
  22. @.@ these requests are getting worse lol...
  23. No one has issue with recreated assets as far as I'm aware, just assets that are ported. Fact is, this site WILL NOT EVER host any ported content due to it being illegal. Sure there's more to life than just money, but try telling that to the developers who get sites shutdown over ported assets. It's moreso a legal stance than a moral one. Maps, models & texture ports are all equally frowned upon but I've never heard of anyone bitching over scripts before. If you want a site that has ported content hosted, please kindly go somewhere else.
  24. You really should get a sculpting program man, this would have taken alot less effort for the same or better result. Looks great regardless though.
  25. Looks like TFU DLC/unlockable, could be wrong.
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