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Status Updates posted by Tempust85

  1. Any modellers or unreal scripters who would like to help out with my Terminator UDK MP game, PM me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tempust85


      It'll look crap atm until rend2 is done. Even then, I'll need to get Toshi's permission. :P

    3. Omicron


      If/when I learn to model, and you get permission to release the model, I'll frankenstein his head onto mon mothma and run around like a fucking boss

    4. Tempust85
  2. Finished up the scope view: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyijwevcvyh1rlr/TA_2.jpg Animated static with blue tint :D

  3. Nice change working with UDK, my small MP game is coming along nicely.

    1. Boothand


      Is it the terminator concept? Any screenshots in any case? :)

    2. Tempust85


      Not yet, I've been using UT3 art assets while getting the code sorted

  4. I'd love to see a head tutorial that starts from a sculpt. I'm not too good with skin painting, and I'd love to see how you pro's do it :D

    1. Flynn
    2. Tempust85


      Phased plasma rifle in da 40 watt renge

    3. Corto


      Looks like terminator weaponry. Looks good.

  5. I'll just drop this here: http://i57.tinypic.com/33kya9c.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Merek


      does anyone know where I can trip someone?

    3. MoonDog


      In a fire. Have fun with that.

    4. Tempust85
  6. How shit! UE4 keeps crashing when I'm trying to make a wall.......

  7. Decided to buy UE4 for a test run, and see how much mischief I can cause...

  8. Decided to start a new project: Terminator Apocalypse MP. Will be using OpenJK and will also be standalone.

    1. Circa


      As if you didn't already have your hands full. :P

    2. Tempust85


      I'm taking a small break from DF2, as I feel a bit burnt out. All I'm doing at the moment is setting up the base project, nothing heavy. :D

  9. Maya 2014 JKA skeleton submitted.

  10. Spawned some npcs last night for a rend2 test. Really weird seeing Arnie's weiner 20+ times.....

    1. Boothand


      Just make sure it's covered in some impressive rend2 shades when you take screenshots :D

    2. eezstreet


      Don't act like you don't like it. etc

    3. Tempust85


      My secret love has been revealed!

  11. Once rend2 is done, I wouldn't mind starting up a Terminator MP game

  12. Ugh.....no. Turning DF2's videos into cutscenes looks like absolute shit

    1. eezstreet


      needs more rend2

    2. Tempust85


      found I can call any facial animation via script but would need a bunch of talk animations & SET_ANIM_HEAD added along side SET_ANIM_UPPER & LOWER

    3. eezstreet


      Adding new SET_ functions is really easy, check out Q3_Interface, or just search for "SET_ANIM_" and it'll give you some idea.

      For the facial animations, that's where mocap comes into play. ;) That's a pretty primitive and SLOW approach. But until a definitive approach is ironed out, there's not much that can be done.

  13. I hate it when I think a model is good enough to post a pic of, but find out 5 mins before posting that its got something wrong with it lol

    1. Archangel35757


      Same here with uploading plugins for approval -- only to find something is wrong with them. ;)

    2. ent


      Lucky you! I find mistakes just after releasing :(

    3. Archangel35757
  14. oh god! Jai Courtney is Kyle Reese....... :\

    1. MoonDog


      Oh science, no more Terminator movies.

  15. Trying to think up a good Hoth joke for Moondog's status, but failing hard :(

    1. Boothand


      "It hoth to be here, somewhere..."

    2. Onysfx


      Just made an attempt on it, xD.

  16. Just finished the script on 02nar that has the crate moving that you jump on to get to the top. :D

    1. Circa


      Reminded me to move your sub-forum up on the list due to increased activity.

    2. Tempust85


      Oh, I thought it was auto organised lol.

  17. Converting the end video for 01 Nar Shaddaa

    1. Tempust85


      2,000 frames @ 512x512 = 20MB ROQ which includes .wav file.

  18. You can now make maps in 3ds Max 2013/2014, the author updated the plugin. Doubt I'll use it prior to rend2 in SP though, I'm happy with radiant for now.

    1. MoonDog


      You could do it in max and setup the collision and vis in Radiant. With your experience modeling in 3d packages, you could probably make prettier environments that way.

    2. Tempust85


      Though I haven't actually mapped for UDK, I believe that's a similar method. Just about everthing is a model.

    3. MoonDog


      It works that way in most things these days.

  19. Just finished fixing up quite a few little things on 01nar. It just keeps looking better and better. ;)

    1. Kessno


      Just wanted to say that you're making excellent progress. What are you using to get the scale of the level accurate, lots of photos? Or did you manage to salvage some of the original DF2 team's converted maps?

    2. Tempust85


      I have all of the source files from the original team, but I've been using gameplay videos/ZED (DF2 level editor) for reference.

  20. Just recompiled JKA's animations to work with JO models natively for kicks. Works great but the left saber still can't move. :P

    1. katanamaru


      First I was like: Yay!

      Then I was like: ahhhh.

  21. 01Nar is coming along nicely, just about done. Then it's back to the menus and other stuff. ;)

  22. Route to the end of 01Nar is done, now to finish up scripting/texturing/details

  23. Submitted the 3ds Max 2014 MD3 exporter

  24. Why can't I lock/unlock my own topics?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      Nevermind. I added it back. We'll try it out for awhile until people start locking their threads on the first sign of a disagreement again.

    3. Tempust85


      Hmm, you could make a 'pro member' rank that has topic lock & delete. this way, you can control who has these abilities. :P

    4. Circa


      I might just make it available to Mod Project Forum leaders.

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