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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. What happened to ensiform and razor? Did they leave?
  2. Should see if the model loads in modview first, that will help eliminate a few ideas of what's going on.
  3. We should totally have Archcangel do any PR, he seems to be able contact anyone. Dare you to contact Mark Hamil and show him the horrible base JKA version of him.
  4. Felt better so I decided to do some baking. Low poly with just the normal map + shine:
  5. Knee items? I dunno what they are, but I don't have time for it atm sorry.
  6. Tbh, I'd rather see work done on an AT-ST cockpit. *shoots rebel scum....PEW PEW PEW*
  7. Ok, did another transfer from Max this time using my EP7 Stormtrooper. It works fine, BUT you can't have * in any object names so the tags do not get set as tags by noesis. @@RichW, possible workaround to convert objects starting with bolt_ to *? Example: bolt_l_hand becomes *l_hand like carcass does. P.S LOD's do not work for Noesis properly. I get weird surface renaming and other various issues. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@battle111 Until there is a fix for Noesis, you can just rename anything starting with bolt_ to * using a text editor. Here's my Maya 2014 file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2vj7hzt71fppw8/EP7%20Stormie%20-%20Maya.ma?dl=0 VERY quick tutorial for exporting: (not covering making a model here) 1. Make sure the scene's working units are in Inches, and the axis is Y 2. Export All, then choose FBX 3. Make sure you have axis set as Z, units as Inches (should say scale factor 1.0) 4. Click Export All button 5. Open up your FBX in a text editor. Do a replace all for everything starting with bolt_ changed to * 6. Open up the FBX in Noesis 7. Export as a GLM with this in advanced options: -scale 0.64 -g2exforceskeleton 53 -g2extagtrivertshift 4 -g2exorderbonesfromgla _humanoid.gla 8. Change the output name to model. Click Export and you're done Notes: Make sure you have the GLA in the exporting directory, so Noesis can read it.
  8. Though you'll need to use the stop music command when exiting the menu, otherwise it will continue to play when the menu is closed.
  9. Ok so the ghoul2 version model was a bit borked, but it's fixed now. Now we can see the true issue: After a few vid_restarts, it comes good: Now here's Kyle to show it stuffs up on one of Raven's models: This is random. Sometimes it looks spot-on, sometimes it looks horribly incorrect. So what could be going on here @@Xycaleth?
  10. I'll investigate. Btw the ghoul2 version is only weighed to the pelvis for simplicity.
  11. I still would stick with Old Bens body, it's almost identical. Fun fact: they only replaced shaw's head with Hayden's, the body is still shaw's.
  12. Well a bit less zombie this time but still needs a lot of work for a likeness. Body needs work as well. Good try though.
  13. "Aren't you wearing outdated armor to be an Episode VII Stormtrooper?"
  14. 5,776 verts shouldn't give any errors, IF every part is under an absolute maximum of 1,000 verts.
  15. Yeah it's a great idea, but it'll have to slated for later. Possibly even wait until the blu-ray for references. Am I wrong to think this is going to be similar to super star wars from the SNES? If it is that'd be cool, just no uber gun powerups lol.
  16. Ok well what's currently in JKA in terms of game modes?
  17. Well I think we should at least get rend2 finished and then ported to sp. Maybe wonko could assist in improved tools? Yeah I know rend2 this, rend2 that but I really think it's needed to draw in players with eye candy. Of course gameplay will keep them around, so new game modes and maps are needed moreso than player models.
  18. I exported my skeleton from Max for maya using Y, so it should be ok.
  19. Might work for unity, but JKA requires bones to be a specific axis due to the torso pitching done in the code. My maya skeleton is transferred from 3ds max which hasn't been tested so won't know until both are tried.
  20. That is the funniest shit I read for a while
  21. Let us know how you go, would be great to officially add maya to the list of 3d packages that can make JKA content.
  22. Shader, textures and menu files can be edited with the game running, just need to do vid_restart. Maps & models however require a full game restart.
  23. Ground racing maps will work, just need to wind the track around and you won't run out of room. You can already use Noesis to compile models from Maya. Sure an actual plugin would be better but at least there's a way right now thanks to Rich. Maya might be widely used for other things, but for JKA it isn't. I don't know any else besides two people who use it. Everyone else has just hopped on the Blender band wagon, if they don't already use softimage or 3ds Max. Nothing wrong with 3ds Max and dotXSI exporting. Sure, Max 5 was the last version that could do animation BEFORE archangel fixed the later version's plugin. It's a completely viable 3d package for JKA modding, moreso than softimage if you count the MD3 exporters.
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