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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Captain Phasma will look pretty nice in rend2 :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RebelChum


      The one whose midsection looks like a shader error

    3. Barricade24


      So I'm going to take it that you are going to make that character as well, DT?

    4. Tempust85


      Nah. I still need to finish the standard trooper for vanilla, then make a rend2 version. Just saying it will look pretty nice with reflection :D

  2. We checked this ages ago, and the dotXSI file didn't have the splits. Too bad Raven didn't put in a conversion from GLM back to dotXSI, that would be so handy...
  3. It visually welds any points that are in the same position, including mesh part splits. I'm thinking it's operating on the normals, not the verts themselves so nothing is welded together physically.
  4. Carcass. Unless you use -smooth option, you will have splits. HOWEVER, this also will weld any predefined splits you want. I performed a test for AshuraDX in Noesis with one of his models that he did crazy normal stuff to and managed to have no split in-game. So if you don't want any mesh splits and/or you want to control your mesh splits, use Noesis to convert to GLM and not carcass. This will be great for rend2 as well, as you can get rid of the visual splits between mesh parts. AshuraDX is a very clever monkey.
  5. I'll try and finish this up by the end of the week as I want to focus on a rend2 version.
  6. Awesome news! I'll be doing the EP7 stormtrooper as my first piece. Just need those ghoul2 black spots removed though please.
  7. Just take a look at an existing weapon and clone it's code. Then after it works, you can worry about changing the weapon to act how you want it to.
  8. So how much more does rend2 need to be finished minus performance tweaks? I wouldn't mind starting to produce rend2 content.
  9. Here's a rend2 menu with simple settings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sd82rud25yrevpe/DT_Rend2_Setup_Menu.zip?dl=0
  10. Version 1.1


    ******************************************* JEDI KNIGHT III : JEDI ACADEMY MODIFICATION ******************************************* Title : DT Rend2 Setup Menu Author : DT File Name : DT_Rend2_Setup_Menu.pk3 File Size : 43 KB Date Released : July 20, 2015 Description: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rend2 setup menu for MP that includes only the settings needed by players. Removes obsolete vanilla renderer settings as well. Known Bugs: - In-game setup menu has not been added, just the main menu. Installation: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply extract the pk3(s) to the gamedata/base folder of your Jedi Academy directory. ====================================================================== THIS MODIFICATION IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION, RAVEN, OR LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY LLC AND/OR ITS LICENSORS.
  11. r_mapoverbrightbits needed to be set to 2 to match ioq3. Getting closer, but I think the specular still needs some work:
  12. Nice, I'll update the code tomorrow and give it a whirl with my map. Imagine cube mapping on my ep7 trooper armor....only a hint though but damn, that with normal maps...holy shit lol. Also, what do you think could be wrong with rend2 making my map a lot darker and have next to no specular compared to ioq3?
  13. Cubemapping in ioquake3 rend2: Dedicated a whole wall to the cubemapping. There is also a hint of cubemapping on the floor. It works with the normal/parallax map so it looks nice. And here's the exact same map (shaders, textures, etc) in openjk rend2:
  14. End product of cubemapping will produce map reflections on surfaces with cubemapping enabled in the shader. I would expect we could get this kind of result:
  15. Try exporting the unscaled version back "as-is" to FBX>>>GLM and see how Modview likes it.
  16. You can't use the model as-is from FBX from what I've tried. The skeleton is screwed pivot-wise, and everything is smaller that it should be due to the GLM being scaled to 0.64 in carcass. This is what I do (when I'm too lazy to re-weigh everything) to ensure a proper exported model: 1. Import the FBX. Delete the tags. 2. Save the skin weights for all meshes. 3. Merge import a proper set of JKA bones & tags from another MAX file. 4. Scale up the mesh to match the hands. 5. Unlink & reset Xform on all mesh parts. 6. Add back the skin modifier to all meshes. 7. Re-apply the skin weights by loading the weights save file for each mesh. 8. Re-link everything. 9. Export to XSI for carcass compiling, or back to FBX for Noesis. I'm sure there's a magic number that will fix the scaling, as you can rescale the model in Noesis but I haven't found it yet. A little tip for weighing caps is to use skin wrap, use the body part mesh that the cap is for as the reference mesh, use face (not vertex) and then convert it to skin. Handy if you need to weigh caps for arms and what not.
  17. True, I forgot about that. I personally don't like UE4 either, but is there any better options that are available now? I dunno, maybe I should give Star Wars on Source engine another crack though all we have right now is Source 1.
  18. So why doesn't every last JKA modder band together and remake it on UE4? It's obvious that Disney won't do it. We would have every development area covered if we ALL join together.
  19. If xycaleth ever finishes rend2, will this project use it or just keep with an older rend2?
  20. Edited description to change from Xycaleth's FBX to GLM converter to Noesis.
  21. I doubt one could get far with reverse engineering a plugin, it would be better and faster to just make it from scratch provided one knows how to. This is the plugin I found and uploaded it here: http://jkhub.org/files/file/1863-maya-45-dotxsi-3x-exporter/ Max can export 100% viable dotXSI files for animation, I know that from personal experience. I have imported the JKA GLA in FBX format and exported it out as one big dotXSI file and carcass/modview/in-game had no issue. I had the FBX imported nulls constrained to a clean set of nulls for in-game. I've even tested constraining clean nulls to biped & CAT rigs (no animation baking needed btw) with no issue so Archangel's fixes to the plugin hold up perfectly. P.S that shark I animated used clean nulls + CAT rig. I dunno about Blender with animation, but you can at least make new player models. It's just that it's faster to use Blender for frankensteining due to the GLM import/export plugin.
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