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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. That toy has a robotic hand, so I'm guessing it's his. But, I'll leave it until we actually see Luke's hands.
  2. Haven't really touched the hands yet, but it looks like fun to make lol.
  3. Well this sounds good: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-microtransactions-in-star-wars-battlefront-says/1100-6431154/
  4. Might take a break from modding for a while

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Onysfx


      I'd like to see a makermod/OJP/MBII hybrid lol.

    3. Syko


      What really needs to happen is for EA or Disney to make a good Star Wars game that is as moddable as Jedi Academy. I doubt that will ever happen any time soon though.

    4. Circa


      If Bethesda made a Star Wars game, full moddability would be possible, AND it would be amazing. Get on that Syko. :P

  5. Pick a similar behaving weapon from base JKA and clone it. Then once you can load the new weapon ingame, go about changing it to suit what you want. I did this for the Gamorrean Axe in DF2 Mod.
  6. Dump those little blue buttons in favor for buttons like you see in the movie cockpits. Forget what our tech looks like, go with Star Wars.
  7. There's only a few parts you can use from the Stormtrooper, the rest needs either kitbash or made from scratch. A nice sculpt would do wonders for the clothing.
  8. Yeah not that you guys saw, but Toshi is a damn good sculpter too. Ah well, who else will take this up? Need moar TFA content before December!
  9. Hard surface sculpt or hard surface modelling? Either way, looks good.
  10. Regarding the link @@AshuraDX posted. Really sucks carcass won't keep custom normals..
  11. Well this is going to need Rend2 with its cubemaps for a good look. Dammit, wish Toshi would come back....
  12. I just wonder if a Team Fortress 2 kind of gameplay would help. Essentially TF2, but Star Wars themed.
  13. I've tried, but I can never get it bang on.
  14. Reworked the molded beard bit of the head mesh, added/tweaked beard fluff, tweaked hair texture, tweaked mouth size and ear spacing: Rendered in orthographic, so it's a titch bit fatter than what you'd see in-game. Hapslash once told me that JKA's FOV was a blend between Max's perspective & orthographic views.
  15. Looks great, but doesn't look like a "Star Wars" cockpit to me. Have a look at the panels and buttons that are in the Falcon pic for some ideas.
  16. Floating head was just a test to see how the alpha looks in-game. No idea about blender, but you can do that with 3ds Max so long as the root of the model is parented to the stupid triangle.
  17. Or perhaps we could use a collision model on the lowest LOD of the GLM? Not for physics mind you, just for model bounds. Would be extremely useful for custom models that aren't humanoid such as that Kryaat Dragon. To stop any models that do not have an extremely low triangle collision model (at the lowest LOD) from using the lowest LOD as a collision model, a maximum triangle limit may work. When hit, it would default the model that hit the limit back to using a bounding box.
  18. Looks like just a waist belt on the Falcon, perhaps a full harness isn't needed?
  19. I got it working on Firefox, wasn't that cool tbh. It's just a user-controllable 360 degree view while traveling on a speeder through lots of a desert and it's not even in HD.
  20. Probably would get those prediction errors, I dunno but I'm sure my little tweak won't work "as-is".
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