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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. Thanks, I'll check it out.
  2. Will need more work though, force push/pull effect is shit in rend2.
  3. Ironed out quite a few issues, thanks to UniqueOne who did most of the work. We may yet have rend2 for DF2 Mod...
  4. That's pretty sweet, nice work! @@UniqueOne I don't suppose you know enough about renderers to help me out with my issue of porting rend2 to SP?
  5. Specular is working on MD3's that are loaded using func_ ent which is my workaround for func_ ent brushwork not being able to use specular.
  6. Ok fixed that and debug now works without commenting out the error. After some tedious testing, I've discovered that shaders for Ghoul2 models (excluding the player model & weapons, they load fine) including misc_model_ghoul/bolt-ons/NPCs crash the game upon loading a map. MD3 models with shaders however, work fine. Menu ghoul2 modes do not crash the game. Would anyone know what could possibly be going on here?
  7. @@Xycaleth would you have any time to look at my crash please?
  8. Could I suppose, make his own GLA (1:1 match of the main one, but named differently for Maw only) and just redo the movement anims.
  9. Only one reason to port TFU stuff, and that'd be rend2 for the normal map usage.
  10. While hapslash's anakin is 100% hand painted, I still much prefer Toshi's for the best likeness. Should be uploaded here somewhere...
  11. With Maw, we go one of two ways - seeker droid (modified) for floating or have him as a normal Jedi NPC. Once each character is modelled and animated, I'll do the coding.
  12. I'll see what I can do. I've previously screwed around with adding weapons and AI.
  13. You need to keep to the exact naming in the list, otherwise it's more coding work. I've missed a few animations, but this list will keep you busy for a while.
  14. Is there a way to turn off an NPC using the acrobatic animations? If not, there will be a lot of baseposing in-game.
  15. Red = Issue Green = Done Black = Not Started CORE both_crouch1 both_crouch1idle both_crouch1walk both_crouch1walkback both_run1 both_runback1 both_runstrafe_left1 both_runstrafe_right1 both_stand1 both_walk1 both_walkback1 both_strafe_left1 both_strafe_right1 SABER STYLE STRONG both_a3_bl_tr both_a3_br_tl both_a3_special both_a3_tl_br both_a3_tr_bl both_a3_t__b_ both_a3__l__r both_a3__r__l both_r3_bl_s1 both_r3_br_s1 both_r3_b__s1 both_r3_tl_s1 both_r3_tr_s1 both_r3__l_s1 both_r3__r_s1 both_s3_s1_bl both_s3_s1_br both_s3_s1_tl both_s3_s1_tr both_s3_s1_t_ both_s3_s1__l both_s3_s1__r both_saberslow_stance both_showoff_strong both_t3_bl_br both_t3_bl_tr both_t3_bl_t_ both_t3_bl__l both_t3_bl__r both_t3_br_bl both_t3_br_tl both_t3_br_t_ both_t3_br__l both_t3_br__r both_t3_tl_bl both_t3_tl_br both_t3_tl_t_ both_t3_tr_bl both_t3_tr_br both_t3_tr_tl both_t3_tr_t_ both_t3_tr__l both_t3__l_br both_t3__l_tl both_t3__l_t_ both_t3__l__r both_t3__r_bl both_t3__r_tl both_t3__r_tr both_t3__r_t_ 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both_t3_tr_br.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 7 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_BR_TR -qdskipstop both_t3_tr_tl.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 7 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_TL_TR -qdskipstop both_t3_tr_t_.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 6 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_T__TR -qdskipstop both_t3_tr__l.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 9 -1 -30 BOTH_T3__L_TR -qdskipstop both_t3__l_br.xsi -loop -1 both_t3__l_tl.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 5 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_TL__L -qdskipstop both_t3__l_t_.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 7 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_T___L -qdskipstop both_t3__l__r.xsi -loop -1 both_t3__r_bl.xsi -loop -1 both_t3__r_tl.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 9 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_TL__R -qdskipstop both_t3__r_tr.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 6 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_TR__R -qdskipstop both_t3__r_t_.xsi -loop -1 -qdskipstart -additional 0 7 -1 -30 BOTH_T3_T___R -qdskipstop both_t3__r__l.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_lup1.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_lup2.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_lup3.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_lup4.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_lup5.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_rup1.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_rup2.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_rup3.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_rup4.xsi -loop -1 legs_s3_rup5.xsi -loop -1
  16. Not that simple, but yes I'll get a list together for you.
  17. Vader they did perfectly. Crap CGI or not, I enjoyed Tarkin.
  18. Nice trick I was told was to make the blue channel all white, then desaturate the normal map. After that, copy the result over and blend using multiply. Works only with world/object space normal maps, not tangent.
  19. Ok so I get an error that appears only when compiling in debug So after commenting out that error just to get past it for now, I get a different crash: Had a look through the call stack and here's where it looks to first come up: Character & weapon select screens, ghoul2 models load fine - except for the uber brightness of the model textures. A player model will load when compiled with release with debug info and no item/weapon spawns or bolt-ons in the map. So this crash is different. https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2/tree/rend2-sp
  20. Nah, there isn't a shader with that name. I'm using plain base assets. I'll compile through debug and see what I get.
  21. Ok so I've done a fresh rend2 port to SP (this time without butchering things like tr_ghoul2) and I'm still getting this crash. Would appreciate some help on this guys, if you can. @@ensiform @@eezstreet @@Xycaleth P.S there is no datapad_n texture and r_gennormalmaps is 0.
  22. Yeah, I just meant if we were to match the original gorc's hand positioning. All reference material has his hand toward the pommel, but if it's actually wrong then by all means correct it.
  23. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gorc Should be more than enough images to make one up. Just note that the top isn't a "kylo saber". Any 2-handed animations, I'd keep the right hand towards the bottom of the hilt and just put the left at the top - unlike JKA animations where this is reversed.
  24. I think the saber should be made before any saber animation work begins, or at least a prop with the correct length and thickness.
  25. I would, but so much to do...
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