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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. JKHub has rules. If you don't want to abide by them, leave.
  2. Hm, are dismemberment parts pre-defined in the code or can a model have as many as it wants?
  3. The only problem with adding more dismemberment (from an artist's POV) is it will look quite horrible with lighting. If there were a way to define an 'alive' version of a model (the model that is shown when player is alive with health) that has no breaks in the mesh for dismemberment & a 'dead' version of a model (replaces the alive model upon 0 health) with all the breaks for dismemberment set up, that would be pretty cool.
  4. Just a close button on the export dialog (without creating a file) and a close button for the progress bar incase for some reason it wants to hang.
  5. All I can suggest is use minilogoguy18's XSI skeleton, that's the only one I know of for XSI.
  6. Fairly certain once ep7 is out, we will see a lot more activity. Don't forget, Ep3 came out not long after JKA and can be held responsible for a lot of the activity.
  7. Would be pretty nice to have jiggle bones that you can add per player model (not per animation set) for things like hair, pouches and anything else that doesn't require collision against other objects. Examples of jiggle bones in source engine: It's important to note that jiggle bones don't have collision at all (or at least not in source engine).
  8. Merry Xmas from the future. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onysfx


      I tuld you it would come to dis!

    3. The White Elephant

      The White Elephant

      I am the past. I am the present. I am the future. I do not remember you.

    4. katanamaru


      Merry Christmas DT85!

  9. There's a few little issues preventing the same look in OpenJK, but those working on rend2's implementation are working hard and progress is being made.
  10. I'm not comfortable enough in Zbrush to sculpt hard edges like the belt, so I made it in Max. I could have used creasing by polygroups, but they don't always transfer properly for me.
  11. I've been hunting the net for refs and also looked at 501st to see how everything is put together. That fabric that goes around the neck is actually a tabbard, and I didn't correctly set it up. I also cleaned up the skirt area considerably.
  12. Textures with rend2's features in mind = Awesome xmas turkey.
  13. Thanks, but I didn't like that base model (except the head, gloves, belt and boots) so I've made a better one and starting again. Will look more epic than that sorry PoS render above hehe
  14. I *think* there's a LV-426 in Colonial Marines, not sure.
  15. Aww damn! We soooo need an aliens MP mod. ...and I know who has a Michael beihn head too.
  16. Small update to show it's still being worked on. Nothing you see is considered finished: Still getting used to Zbrush, it's been a long time since I've used it.
  17. Rofl, I love seeing all these interesting non-star wars creations.
  18. More coders should get a mention here. Wonko, eezstreet, ensiform and xycaleth. And can't forget moondog.
  19. Thanks for the good reception. In the coming days, I'll take him into zbrush to really get some details going. Can't wait for rend2. No plans for any clone wars variations, this is purely episode 1 Maul. Can we please keep this topic about my Darth Maul though? Gets a bit messy otherwise.
  20. Started: TFU Maul ref pics I took are a god-send.
  21. skin files need to be fixed to use correct texture names
  22. I think Gir released a Darth Revan for JKA, or got someone else to convert it. There's a port that I did years ago from KoToR, hopefully it's not in circulation anymore.
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