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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. It is a SoF2 weapon, I haven't edited it at all. The model itself looks to be a fair bit in front of the origin point in modview, so you *shouldn't* have an issue where it's positioned behind the first person view and you can't see it.
  2. The animation (exported with your plugin) plays fine in Mod Tool, so I think this is just a failing of Ghoul2 or perhaps carcass.
  3. Well for modview at least, you load the weapon then bolt the left arm & right arm to the model_root bone. But yeah, first things first which is getting animated GLA for view models. For now the arms + weapon can be part of the same GLM. Here's the AK74 view model + GLA: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc2z7lrmn9kmkaf/sof2_ak74.pk3 I've made an animation.cfg for it seeing as SoF2 ran off of .frames files. There's idle, reload, fire & melee animations.
  4. I had a go at pinching SoF2's code and while it compiled, the game crashed upon switching to the weapon I wanted to load as a GLM. Someone with actual programming knowledge could get it to work I'm sure. Probably would be good to use SoF2's code though, seeing as it allows for arms to be bolted to the weapon viewmodel which are changed when you select a different player model.
  5. Looking pretty cool, love seeing new species that haven't been made before in JKA. Tbh, I feel like making a mod where dead Bothans are littered on the floor holding datapads with Monmothma only 20 meters away just standing there.
  6. It is on frame 0, but the timeline is set to start from frame 1.
  7. For animation, only frame 0 is the root pose. You then set the start frame to 1 so you don't get the root pose at the beginning of the animation. Otherwise, animating in Max for JKA would be useless.
  8. I was thinking of ripping a SoF2 weapon from its demo to use. Obviously for testing only.
  9. Yes, just like SoF2. Being able to only animate tags for MD3 doesn't allow for any decent animation. I tried my best to do it, but it was an epic fail.
  10. Ah claytubes, thanks. Also, how do you make hair? I didn't even know Zbrush could do that.
  11. So how would one go about getting GLM/GLA viewmodels working? Would be very useful for a lot of mods that are going at the moment including JK2HD.
  12. I would think Stargate would be better using SoF2 than JKA. If only we had SoF2 code to merge with JKA's to make "OpenRaven" lol.
  13. Yeah that's the jittering. I managed to clean it up somewhat, but still doesn't fix it entirely. Not even a bake onto the 'game nulls' produces a clean version in modview.
  14. Awesome work. Btw, which brushes do you use?
  15. I'll upload my max file, so you have the exact scene I'm using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4o9udpqrmvjr7p/both_saberslamdown.rar Max 8 file. Everything is layered.
  16. The thing is though, the jitter isn't present in 3ds Max or in modview (when viewing the base JO GLA). So something must be an issue in the export & conversion process. Would be extremely helpful to have JO anim source, would only take a few mins to compile them for JKA. EDIT: It also doesn't jitter when I export as an FBX and view it in noesis. Seems to me something's happening when it's being exported to XSI format or converted to GLA.
  17. Hapslash I believe made the option of both hands gloved and ungloved for modders, so you should be fine.
  18. @@Trank Don't worry about the scripting, I can take care of it.
  19. Awesome. Did you make a landed version with the ramp?
  20. Things I've fixed since the last screen: - door sizing is now larger and is consistent size throughout the level - fixed a few texture alignment issues - landing platform is now larger - fixed the landing platform floor texture to match the video - removed one of the air ducts in the room near the start area (one with the broken lift) to open the area up a bit more Once I'm happy with the landing platform, I'll post some pics.
  21. The file is huge and I have shit internet, so I recommend just converting the JO GLA with noesis yourself.
  22. I messed around with mapping years ago with MotS mod but didn't actually make anything. This is my first real go at it, learning as I go.
  23. That pic is the DF2 original game's model, using for proportion reference.
  24. Thanks moondog I'll take note of these things and hopefully my future levels will come along faster without so many redos.
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