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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. At least there is a method XSI Mod Tool & Maya (should work also) users can use. I'll post a proper tutorial sometime in the future, bit busy now with some things. - Export your scene as an FBX. This can have bone driven animation. - Open this FBX with Noesis. - Click File>Export and choose MD3 from the droplist. - If the file is exported from a scene with Y up, check rotate 90. - Place your MD3 in the proper folder structure (models/blah/blah) so MD3view can read it. - Open the MD3 up with MD3view. - The model will most likely be white, so create yourself a .skin file. Place it with your MD3 and make sure your texture(s) is in there also. - Load up the .skin file in MD3view, this should slap the texture(s) on. - Now to save this texture info, export your MD3 as an MD3 overwriting your opened file. You may need to re-open MD3view to see if it worked.
  2. I don't see anything wrong with Hapslash's except maybe its a bit too green. If you or (anyone else) want to make a new one, feel free.
  3. The landing pad is shaped that way because it's like that in the video. Do you think I should remove the mech boss or just try to tweak its stats?
  4. Yeah, neither did I. I knew it could export MD3 but I didn't think it actually worked for JKA. It's actually better than the recompiled exporter I released. Oh well, at least now we know. But yeah, I was able to have a skeletal animation that gets converted into vertex animation with noesis. So you should be able to make some MD3's with detailed animation if you wanted. Good ol' Rich.
  5. Familiar? End product will have an axe wielding Gamorrean. @@minilogoguy18 If you could be so kind as to give this guy a decent proportioned skeleton + animations?
  6. It's almost working though. I managed to convert an FBX to MD3, loaded that MD3 up, applied a .skin file and re-exported as MD3. Not sure if it will work ingame (haven't tested) but it works and looks fine in MD3view. Perhaps a different format besides FBX? Heck, we only need vertex animation, not skeletal. EDIT: @@minilogoguy18 Just made an animated MD3 with Noesis from FBX which loads fine in MD3view. Keeps tags, animation & texture info. Exported the FBX as Y up, then I checked rotate 90 and got the file back to Max's axis so this should work for Mod Tool.
  7. Hmm, might be better to stick with the original in terms of weapons. Weequays with blasters seems to work.
  8. Updated the AK74: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0f4xsua1is1ofx/zzz_GLM_viewmodel.pk3 Changelog: - Added VM_READY, a 2 frame animation to play when the weapon isn't firing (replaces the old VM_IDLE) - VM_IDLE is now a 200 frame animation - VM_LOWER is now 5 frames to match MD3 models VM_IDLE should play after a certain time of the player not firing or moving.
  9. If this OpenGL axis thing is too much of a pain, may need to look at adding MD3 to Xycaleth's FBX2MD3.
  10. Does VM_IDLE work in terms of being able to play a lengthy animation? Reload & melee would be more mod-specific though. EDIT: Just tested this out, and it seems to play with some random skipping every now and then. I suggest adding VM_READY (instead of idle as it is now) and VM_IDLE for fidgeting?
  11. Y- as the front matches up with Max's front view. When I export a Y up axis FBX, Y- becomes Z+. Because Max users have the option to export either Y or Z up, would be better to have FBX loaded as Y up. You'll probably have to do an axis conversion when creating a MD3 from an FBX though.
  12. @@eezstreet Found the issue with this. It requires every model to be split along the UVW seam edges, probably something to do with rendering MD3's as the MD3 format makes these splits and the FBX format doesn't. Also, can you please change it from Z axis up to Y axis up?
  13. Nice rigging job on Jan's shoulders, Raven.
  14. Updated the AK74: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0f4xsua1is1ofx/zzz_GLM_viewmodel.pk3 Changelog: - Removed ROOT animation, as it was giving errors in the console most likely due to it not being in the anim list. Isn't needed, so can be left out. - Fixed VM_RAISE to be 5 frames instead of 25 frames to match the MD3 & player model animations. I also verified that the child bones also animate, and it's not just the root bone. Great job @@eezstreet.
  15. @@DarthPhae Could you please alter your concept to not have the green boxes?
  16. The original game only has E-11's on all bosses with a few thermal dets & fists. Probably should have asked a better question: Do players want more variety in enemies/weapons in the first level? May need some more Gran & Rodian reskins so it doesn't look like the cloning facility on Kamino has been populating Nar Shaddaa so much.
  17. Converting the end video for 01 Nar Shaddaa

    1. Tempust85


      2,000 frames @ 512x512 = 20MB ROQ which includes .wav file.

  18. I've done some minor fixes, and added in the level transition to 02nar. Need to convert that 01nar end video....
  19. Never did for me. Always ended up with some blurry mess as if I was on a map made of pure caulk...
  20. Awesome. Could you please explain how you made that belt for the shin, and the chest armor? Was a bit too fast for me.
  21. Can't keep a great artist away from JKA forever it seems. These vids should really help me when I'm sculpting Kyle, and finishing Maul.
  22. Well yeah lol, that was just the start of my sentence.
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