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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. In my level, I've kept to the original mostly (moreso lately) but added some of my own ideas. I encourage the same sort of thing for all the levels, so we don't end up with a carbon copy of the original game.
  2. If MD3View could import some format like FBX or OBJ along with a .skin file and convert it to MD3, it would solve everything.
  3. I'm wanting to redo all the backgrounds at some stage. If someone here at the Hub would like to try their hand in the recreations, by all means.
  4. Yep, parallax mapping works on map textures just not for models. Also specular isn't working on map textures or models and normal mapping isn't working on MD3.
  5. models/players/maul_test_d { { map models/players/maul_test_d rgbGen lightingdiffuseEntity } { stage normalparallaxmap map models/players/maul_test_pn } { stage specularmap map models/players/maul_test_s specularReflectance 0.50 specularExponent 16 } }
  6. That would be great if you can help. You can start barons hed if you like.
  7. Thanks, I just did that and refreshed the dms.dat file, and it's working now.
  8. So for some reason, the music isn't working properly in my custom map. It plays the explore music but if an enemy appears and is attacking, it doesn't change to action. Same if I try to set the music via script to DM_BOSS. The entries in dms.dat look fine and no errors in the console. Any ideas (using OpenJK)?
  9. I really wanted #7 to win.
  10. Need moar KoToR in JKA once rend2 is done.
  11. And what's also going to be shown is 8t88 walking in the background ala GMan in HL2. Just to add a bit more screen time for 8t88.
  12. Apparently XSI can use python, so I ask @@mrwonko if he would be kind enough to port his plugins from Blender to XSI.
  13. Is rend2 on hold for now?
  14. Revamped ending area: There is a light at the start of the catwalk, which is why there is a light at the bottom of the screen. I also used DF2 Mod as reference for the scenery which is why is may look similar. Still tinkering with this, let me know any suggestions.
  15. Looks to be a stud, simple enough.
  16. I've done bit of a test run (mangling the assets to work) and it works pretty well. Any jittering I can of course clean up, just will take some time.
  17. He has one? Lol I'll include it.
  18. I'll add those to the list, thanks. If I've left out any, let me know.
  19. It craps itself using the JKA GLA, a bone count mismatch.
  20. Haven't been back to this project yet, been busy with DF2 Mod & doing some animation stuff for JK2 HD.
  21. All done. Now how does one get JK2HD to work? I have the code compiled, just not sure what I'm meant to do asset-wise.
  22. So here's the animations that I've converted from JO to JKA's GLA
  23. That's the thing, I don't have the JO animation source. Raven never gave it to anyone, so I'm having to do this: - import the JO GLA into noesis - export it to FBX - import the FBX into 3ds Max - then exporting selected frames to XSI for compile with JKA animation source (other technical crap, but I won't bore anyone ) Finished half of the anims on my list btw.
  24. Yeah it only jitters when its been compiled. The animation in the JO GLA doesn't jitter.
  25. Yeah it's odd because the animation in 3ds Max doesn't jitter at all.
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