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Everything posted by Tempust85

  1. I will soon. I also will be making a higher quality first person model.
  2. I will for the big parts to get things nice and smooth, but smaller details I'll just use ndo. Will be sitting for hours otherwise lol for the same result.
  3. Only thing I can suggest is upload the model + textures + shader and see if we also have the same issues.
  4. Noesis GLM export doesn't work for me. Always get messed up weights that look like basepose data

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      You should probably check with the developer and see what's going on. It might just be an oversight on his part. Noesis is still quite new with these features.

    3. Xycaleth


      Get in touch with Rich. He's on #jacoders and he eventually gets around to checking for messages directed to him. I'd suggest upload your 3ds file (or w/e format you plan to export from) and then send him a link + small explanation.

    4. eezstreet


      iamthedick at gmail dot com

  5. Still needing a fix for 'holes' in Ghoul2 models.
  6. Try this: models/players/<blah>/<blah> { { map models/players/<blah>/<blah>.jpg rgbGen lightingdiffuseEntity } { stage normalmap map models/players/<blah>/<blah>.jpg } { stage specularmap map models/players/<blah>/<blah>.jpg specularReflectance 0.5 specularExponent 16 } } It's different for Ghoul2 models.
  7. Would be really great to have a better 3rd person camera for AT-STs, I always find it so hard to see lol.
  8. Damn those run & walk anims are so jittery. @@minilogoguy18 You probably know this, but you'll need to make sure the new bones have the exact same axis as the original due to the code.
  9. While that works for SP, I doubt it would for MP. I've tried to load models that use their own GLA & the game has a sh!tfit lol.
  10. I thought silverfang or someone else were working on JK2 guns. If need be, I can throw my hat into the ring and make some.
  11. There's more than enough artists around here ready to take rend2's features and use them.
  12. Yeah I noticed that, but I'm wanting to have OpenJK (official project, not a fork) support a _humanoid.gla with more bones. This would replace the base JKA one and would be useable for SP & MP with full compatibility for base JKA/JO models via conversion tables.
  13. He hopefully will once rend2 is available for SP, so everyone can really get right in and produce high quality content.
  14. Who should I talk to about support for a new main humanoid GLA in the main OpenJK project? It won't break any models, except maybe JO IF 2 conversion tables can't be used. Only re-rigged models will use the new bones of the new GLA though, but will keep 100% of the old ones for compatibility. @@ensiform @@Raz0r
  15. Blender & modtool are free and should be able to do the job. You can also use noesis to convert to md3/glm.
  16. Tempust85


    FYI - This will allow the original _humanoid.car to be compiled and to also spit out an animation.cfg.
  17. I'm actually very interested in this show now after that preview.
  18. I know, I forgot to add in who I was talking to. Who actually should I talk to about this conversion table for a new GLA in OpenJK, @@ensiform or @@Raz0r ?
  19. Yeah but jk2 models lhand tag is weighed to the lhand. You'd need to do some hacky thing in the code to swap out its weights from the lhand to the lhand_tag_bone it if that's even possible.
  20. The eye bones are used for eyelid movement. For some reason when Raven ported their SoF2 skeleton over to JO, they removed the eyelid bones (as well as several other facial bones) at compile time. It's quite easy to add them back, but OpenJK (I say OpenJK because it'd be stupid to have a separate project just for a new GLA conversion table) would have to adopt the new GLA and create conversion tables for base JKA/JO rigged models to run off the new GLA which will break nothing. I've done this in a test, but with only converting JKA models as I couldn't put more than 1 table in due to my n00bness.
  21. It still kicks the ass of the one in JO/JKA.
  22. Carrie & Mark were both told to lose weight, and Mark was also told to grow a beard. Luke will look more or less like my avatar, which is why I made it. Btw, is that a dead Jawa sideways in the above pic?
  23. Would be great to have a "pending files" section for users to edit their submissions before they are approved :)

    1. Circa


      I agree, I'm not sure why that's not a built in feature. However, you should be able to find it in your browser history.

    2. Archangel35757


      I've always been able to replace files (dotXSI exporter) before it was approved.

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