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Status Updates posted by DT.

  1. Just installed Zbrush 4 R6 P2 :D

    1. ChalklYne


      how you liking it?

    2. DT.


      Loving it, alot more features than my old copy of Zbrush 3 lol.

  2. I've managed to get .md3 to show up in Modview's open file, but I can't figure out how to parse the format..

    1. eezstreet


      Try looking at the MD3 parser in the engine? It's kept to its own file I think. Failing that, try tr_model.cpp

    2. DT.
  3. Got the scripts working, music is in the bar and there's a dead gran on the table :D

    1. Omicron


      Sound's like my dad's newly opened business...

    2. DT.
  4. Oh hell yeah! New terminator games based on the first two movies are coming!

    1. CaptainChar


      what company is doing them?

    2. DT.


      Reef Entertainment

  5. I find it odd no one posted their hate for Ben Affleck being the new Batman lol

    1. katanamaru


      I just found out 30 mins ago. I'm disappoint.

    2. Circa


      It'll be extremely weird. I'd be disappointed with anyone other than Christian Bale.

  6. Hopefully I'm just about done with the intro videos. Taking forever to get the text crawl to work just right

    1. minilogoguy18


      Can we be expecting a DF2 mod section here soon?

    2. DT.


      Yeah, I've put in a request for one. I'm also hoping to get the files the previous team did. ;)

  7. Just locked up one door in my map, displays a message if you don't have the key as well. :)

    1. CaptainChar
    2. Onysfx


      Good, very good...GEWD!

  8. Had a quick tinker in ioquake3's rend2 and replaced the rocket launcher shader with one that has normal maps. the quality of the normal map ingame is VERY decent, quite impressed

    1. ChalklYne


      I have great interest in this. Are you saying to go ahead and render normal maps for my models just in case?

    2. DT.


      Only eez can answer that. ;)

  9. Just set up a few pod cars to fly around Nar Shaddaa. ;)

    1. Onysfx


      Nice nice. Good to have background stuff, makes the player feel more immersed in the game.

    2. AshuraDX


      I got some coruscant traffic models lieing around , based at models seen in EP 1 if you want them let me know

  10. Boss music is set up now & conveyor belts have sound and look more realistic. :D

    1. Onysfx


      Good...GEWD! What is the boss again?

    2. DT.


      Reskin of the mark1 droid from JK2

  11. Well done DT, you uploaded the OpenJK MP exe for DF2, not the SP exe......

    1. h643


      I was wondering why it was called openjk.exe and not openjk_sp xD

    2. Onysfx
  12. Just finished fixing up quite a few little things on 01nar. It just keeps looking better and better. ;)

    1. Kessno


      Just wanted to say that you're making excellent progress. What are you using to get the scale of the level accurate, lots of photos? Or did you manage to salvage some of the original DF2 team's converted maps?

    2. DT.


      I have all of the source files from the original team, but I've been using gameplay videos/ZED (DF2 level editor) for reference.

  13. Just finished the script on 02nar that has the crate moving that you jump on to get to the top. :D

    1. Circa


      Reminded me to move your sub-forum up on the list due to increased activity.

    2. DT.


      Oh, I thought it was auto organised lol.

  14. Trying to think up a good Hoth joke for Moondog's status, but failing hard :(

    1. Boothand


      "It hoth to be here, somewhere..."

    2. Onysfx


      Just made an attempt on it, xD.

  15. Decided to start a new project: Terminator Apocalypse MP. Will be using OpenJK and will also be standalone.

    1. Circa


      As if you didn't already have your hands full. :P

    2. DT.


      I'm taking a small break from DF2, as I feel a bit burnt out. All I'm doing at the moment is setting up the base project, nothing heavy. :D

  16. Nice change working with UDK, my small MP game is coming along nicely.

    1. Boothand


      Is it the terminator concept? Any screenshots in any case? :)

    2. DT.


      Not yet, I've been using UT3 art assets while getting the code sorted

  17. Would be great to have a "pending files" section for users to edit their submissions before they are approved :)

    1. Circa


      I agree, I'm not sure why that's not a built in feature. However, you should be able to find it in your browser history.

    2. Archangel35757


      I've always been able to replace files (dotXSI exporter) before it was approved.

  18. The satisfying feeling you get when you've fixed something to compile with pure luck :D

    1. Xycaleth


      No! Bad! You should be getting a sinking feeling cause you don't know what you did to fix it! :(

    2. DT.


      And that's why I'm not a coder :D

  19. Remember the days....."I'd love to change JKA SP, but they won't give me the source code."

    1. Bek


      Ahh good times...

    2. katanamaru


      That's some nostalgia.

  20. Damn my tired eyes.....thought "Master Turanis Lightsaber 1.0" said "Mila Kunis Lightsaber 1.0"......

    1. JAWSFreelao


      It'd be the most overrated lightsaber of all time.

    2. Xeby


      Mila Kunis.. not so interesting.. :P Mara Jade it is.. :P

  21. Really need the new Stormtrooper blaster. AshuraDX? :D :D

    1. AshuraDX


      I knew you'd ask :P ... Maybe not really motivated to do anything JKA in the past few weeks - but that might change very unexpectedly... as it allways does

    2. DT.


      Just make a rend2 version. :D

  22. I'm a JKHubian!

    1. Cerez


      You crazy JKHubbo!

    2. Archangel35757
  23. 1 hour to go before Star Wars Battlefront BETA goes live! Again, here's my Origin ID if you wanna come kill some Rebel scum or bring down the Empire with me: Tempust85

    1. Syko


      3 MINUTES...too bad I am away from home at the moment.

    2. Syko


      Just played it and it's awesome.

  24. Submitted an update to the EP7 Stormtrooper in time for TFA.

    1. Barricade24


      I love the heavy gunner vest you added but I got to admit I think your original helmet set up was a lot better. The central armor piece on the helmet is way too curved. I think the previous version had it just right.

    2. DT.


      According to the reference I have now, it's not spot-on

  25. Lol I got OpenJK to compile with IQM code seemingly implemented, however now I can't load any model formats due to some r_checkoverflow lol

    1. DT.


      A sh*tload of indices (player model loading), and verts (saber loading)

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