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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. http://jkgalaxies.com Things are slow, I'll admit that, but we're still plodding along. Anyway I bring it up because I hate web development, and I'd really love it if I could get someone to help us with the site since I'm tired of it kicking my butt.
  2. You love web development? Do you like JKG?
  3. You should host your list somewhere more permanent then pastebin, like here on JKHUB. Also " Everyone ever that knows how to behave themselves on a server."Is very oddly phrased. "Everyone that ever behaved properly on a server."Is how I would phrase that.
  4. Release the source code before abandoning project evil company!
  5. Impressive. Most impressive. Seriously though, that looks pretty legit. will probably download.
  6. oh no - I've got to keep on movin'

    1. Dai


      It's time to begin, isn't it?

    2. Futuza


      nobodies gonna be breaking my style

  7. He looks like a termite. I had a dream about termites the other day. I dreamt they started eating my house after a terrorist delivered a bag full of them through ups. Then we had to buy a bunch of spiders to eat them.
  8. "Cowboy" Jedi? Dafaq? Do they really have to spell it out so blatantly obvious. If they're going to go with a ripped theme at least be a bit more subtle about it.
  9. Some of that is quite fascinating. But eezstreet kind of has a point since 0 is neither negative nor positive as far as I understand it.
  10. Could be missing an external library... Possibly C++ development library .NET framework etc...
  11. Epic Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod ??: Microsoft Goes Open-Source troll: april fools
  12. Epic Bill Gate vs Steve Jobs Battle Mod®
  13. Better. I'm still not sure about the green though. Maybe it would be beneficial with some kind of cool shader.
  14. No, rend2 was made for quake3, coders are just adopting it to openjk.
  15. So fracking awesome. So this is still only around 50% done? o.O
  16. Really? Hmm I guess I've just not encountered these mega-cinematics before. 10 seconds seems an awfully long wait just to skip it.
  17. Probably because it was such a big improvement over the default ai and were actually kind of hard to kill. But I'm sure you'll blow us away with more awesomeness that we won't even remember ye olden days of uniqueone ai.
  18. Just so we're clear: If your cutscene takes longer than 10 seconds to skip there's something wrong with it. The continue dialogue thing would only have to show up if they tried to skip a cinematic, and wouldn't come into affect at all for regular viewing. That's my suggestion. Other wise, yeah it'll run forever with no interruptions and no hand holding. I dunno maybe its because I'm too used to windows errors that like to tell you about everything. Maybe I need to think more linuxy.
  19. Yes, but an example of how cool npc behavior, at least from a black box perspective, could work. As far as actual internal design goes, yeah I'm with you.
  20. Yeah, but as long as the skip value is at least longer than the longest cinematic from base games (Raven is a yardstick yo) you can blame people's stupid cinematic. Besides that's why it would give the user a choice to continue waiting for another time period or quit. This would be more of a band-aid catch in case some idiot does make a stupid cinematic it at least doesn't crash the game completely and just returns to the menu. But like I said, probably not really worth it since it doesn't really fix the problem, just makes that crash possibility less worse.
  21. Regardless you should still try making the edit, everyone should have the experience of successfully compiling openjk at least once in their life. I'm guessing you forgot to install these: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads#d-2010-express (c++ one plz) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=23691 Then try that tutorial eezstreet gave you again. The magic of compiling is worth it. Then you can do this:
  22. Huh That tree script maker thing looks pretty cool.
  23. Uniqueone's stuff was pretty cool in JKG, if a bit messy and inperfect, still cool.
  24. I wonder if this 'cinematic skip bug' is worth fixing in openjk...
  25. I like the floor and shadows, but what happened to the window? It got all de-intensified.
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