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Everything posted by Futuza

  1. In a way you are wanting it to be faster and more convenient then having a build server do nightly builds of various different forks, etc. Why would you want to upload the compiled source to the website from hundreds of different players on a frequent basis? I mean if this is an issue of you solving the problem of I want openjk builds for every single linux distribution possible available, then the master build server is still an easier way to solve this problem. Why is this a problem?
  2. I don't see how compiling the source code is going to be faster then downloading what you need from an update server. Seems way too much headache for something that just needs to update off of a server based on platform.
  3. I'm not quite sure it'll be as magic as you make it sound, but I'll give it a go. You going to be on irc tonight or tomorrow in case I run into problems? What tool do you usually use for diff comparisons, kdiff, something else?
  4. So first off JKG is multiplayer only. You're trying to run the singleplayer client which wont' work. Second, you're going to need to run the jkg client itself, not jamp. Did you install using the readme instructions contained in the asset bundle and binary bundle? Can you give us a little more details about what you've tried so far
  5. Okay so I just got back from my trip I'll see if I have time to add this while I'm at work. @@eezstreet did you want me to use the code from openjk regarding the sdl, or just grab the latest sdl and use that? Cause I really don't want to try to merge jkgalaxies with openjk at the moment, that'll be like 1000+ commits to sift through.
  6. Or if you're crazy, build your own On a serious note, there's pretty much no reason not to make use std::vector
  7. @@Hels, outwardly to a user it mainly contains security fixes, bugs fixes, and updates to allow it to work on modern systems and a few enhancements to things like resolution fixes/improvements (eg: can have it fit the current resolution of your desktop, rather then specifying that value manually). To the normal jka player, there are no changes.
  8. I realize this is not at all helping with the issue you were having NubSmoo, and I hope to start looking at linux compiles soonish, but want to make a few notes when it comes to compiling JKG with vs2015 that are not included in eezstreet's original post. Please also note, I have not extensively tested my findings yet on multiple machines, so there may be things I missed. To begin, note that I'm using vs2015 with the latest update so it is entirely possible this may not work with vanilla vs2015 entirely. For easy building copy the CreateVisualStudio2013Projects.bat and then rename it to CreateVisualStudio2015Projects.bat and change the 12 to a 14, like so: cmake -G "Visual Studio 12" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install .. cmake -G "Visual Studio 14" -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install .. Run the batch (make sure you have CMake installed) and it will build the solution and project. In JediKnightGalaxies\codemp\libraries\json\cJSON.cpp change line 46-50 from: #ifdef WIN32 #define snprintf sprintf_s #endif to #ifdef WIN32 #if (_MSC_VER < 1900) //No longer necessary in vs2015 --Futuza #define snprintf sprintf_s #endif #endif Finally, you need to replace the SDL2 source with the latest version that has fixes for vs2015 ( JediKnightGalaxies\codemp\libraries\SDL2\ ), you can get it here. You also will need to use the SDL2.dll from this build in your builds. I plan on making these changes and possibly others (if I encounter other issues while testing) in a new commit once I've finished some other fixes and I'll update the github source so doing these steps will no longer be necessary, until then make sure you implement these changes if using vs2015 if you want it to compile. And yes, I suppose this means I'm working on JKG again for the moment. EDIT: The necessary changes have been pushed to the latest master branch on the github, vs2015 should work fine now.
  9. Futuza

    Menu Limits

    I might be able to do that, no promises though, where's the code start that I should look at?
  10. Because openjk needs to be accessible to all, and increasing the limits too much means you up the minimum system requirements and effect performance on lower end machines. You really don't need that many menus though, if you have that many you really ought to combine some of them and do some optimization.
  11. No no, that's clearly a death star trench.
  12. Yes it does. Which version are you using base jka? Have you tried it with openjk, pretty sure it has higher menu limits so you can get away with more menus.
  13. I'm guessing this is step one in making your new map format you were talking about?
  14. No one here is a lawyer (at least as far as I know) so we can't give you a "solid" yes or no, but the general consensus so far seems to be that that would be okay, but there aren't any prior cases to judge what Disney would do. Wanna be our guinea pig?
  15. Okay so...did you try and follow the tutorials I linked? If yes, mark topic as solved and close? If no, what's the issue?
  16. Making new weapons works basically the same as it does with base. Multi-player: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/131-how-to-create-a-new-weapon-mp/ Single-player: https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/203-adding-a-new-weapon-single-player-game/
  17. Does this also mean Disney is also free to take mods and incorporate them into their own games (possibly as updates to old games) without needing to even get permission from mod creators? eg: You make a Boba Fett model and they take your model and release it as a DLC. (Granted I can't see them doing that for this game). Also major lol for that "violent" part. JKG and Movie Battles II are clearly violating that without any regard. Guess JKG technically can't support Steam copies anymore...lol. (As if anyone will pay that any attention).
  18. So that's your make file's error, are you getting a compiler error as well?
  19. Got another video of it? Wanna see what the wind looks like with the new textures...
  20. This is a modding community after all. If we can't submit modified screenshots then what have we spent the past decade doing? Lol.
  21. Honestly all this really needs is new textures. These are so low quality it's making it look cartoony.
  22. I'm in the middle of some real life things at the moment so I haven't been actively developing stuff for JKG either, hoping to get back to that in mid-June. JKG is a weird project, it doesn't die, it just goes into hibernation for a few months every now and then. Although per your specific question of the community itself being dead. Yeah, pretty much. We try to do regular matches every now and then when we get through certain development periods and we want new features tested, but I don't think anyone is playing regularly.
  23. The wireless internet is just an option in case it's needed, I default to using Ethernet when available my living quarters are a little interesting... Yeah DDR4 would be nice, but my budget limit was $750 so a new motherboard would have been a bit pricey and DDR4 doesn't really give you that great of gains for the price imo.
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