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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Perhaps there could be easy-to-use templates available for these kind of threads? In addition, maybe there would be some easy way to categorize the WIPs for easy access (skins, mods, SP, etc). Something along the "tagging" system used in the file section.
  2. Hi @@Tompa9, My mods don't add any NPCs, code, or anything else that would compete with any other mods. As long as we can make sure that the .menu file definitions don't overlap (since it loads the ingame menus from only one file) there should be no problem. I try my best to make my mods as clean, and as compatible with other mods as possible. Thanks! If you want, you can test the current version of NpcSP with that mod to see if there are any problems.
  3. Bored over spring break! Added a "respawn" feature so your epic NPC battles can go on literally forever.
  4. @ I believe this statement was later debunked/clarified.
  5. I think these are a bit less paper-thin than you make them out to be. Rey: Discover who she is. Discover her backstory (why was she abandoned). Discover her abilities. Discover who her parents are. Discover who Luke Skywalker is. Defeat Kylo Ren and the First Order. Discover if she even wants to be a part of the bigger picture battle between good or evil, or would it be easier to just go home? Why did the saber call to her? Where did her powers come from? Finn: Revenge against Kylo for besting him. Revenge against the First Order for their evilness and brainwashing. Discover what it means to be a hero. In 7, he ran from the fight and was brought into it when his friend was in trouble. Does he have the courage to fight for a larger cause? Will he pursue a relationship with Rey? How will he deal with his injuries? Ren: What does his training look like? How does he deal with the inner turmoil within himself (the good and the evil)? Does he feel remorse over his choice to kill his father? How does he deal with the shame of being beaten by a lowly scavenger? What does his relationship with Snoke look like? How will he "strike back" against the Resistance? Will he try and find Luke? What is his relationship with Luke and how exactly did he turn to the dark side? What about his Knights of Ren? How did he find them and lead them? What's next for the First Order? Why is killing Luke so important? Poe: I really don't care for this character. He likes to fly. Uh... Episode 7 was all about people running away from their roles. Finn abandoned the First Order. Han runs away from the Resistance to escape his failure with his son. Rey runs away from her powers. Luke runs from the galaxy. Ren runs from his parents and the Jedi Order. They all confront their choices in the film. So 8 is about what they do next. So I'm excited.
  6. Really excited to see what Rian Johnson has in store. He seems like he has his own unique vision and this film is going to be such a unique film! I've really liked his work on Breaking Bad. Plus the red titling (I know, I'm a noob) is really striking. I really like the new title, but it sounds a bit too similar to Return of the Jedi. However, Rian has had this title chosen since the first draft, so it clearly speaks volumes for the story.
  7. I'm really not interesting in doing a TON of modding. But if we had some stand alone, APPROVED NPCs, I'd definitely consider working it into NpcSP. And this mod really needs to be a stand-alone addon for any users. I'm not really interested in having the users having to download a large (2GB+) mod to get the features. The point of NpcSP was to provide the robust features of KOTF without KOTF. However, if this comes out, it could perhaps be incorporated into the new KOTF (I'm a little bit wary of the KOTF update project...I'm not a huge fan of that mod, regardless of the new intentions).
  8. If you ever manage to get these NPCs done (and secure permissions for them!) I'd love to integrate them into a release of NpcSP for a true KOTF-rivalling spawner.
  9. This is simply remarkable! Great job guys! This really breathed some new life into the game.
  10. People don't know how to deal with frustration.
  11. Thanks for sharing! The biggest thing I appreciated from the Prequels was the complexity of the Emperor's plan. He literally created two armies from nothing, than had them fight in an unending war that would make the galaxy cry out for a central, unified government with Palpatine at the top. In essence: the galaxy wanted the Emperor's subjugation. This level of deception and manipulation is simply incredible. Does it play well on-screen? Nope. The prequels create a rich time period for other mediums to explore (books, comics, TV shows, etc) but the films themselves suffer.
  12. Wow this thread is so interesting. You guys are great! I've always thought that being a good Jedi meant being in control. In the films, there is a lot of talk of the 'seductive' and 'quick and easy' quality of the Dark Side. The dark side was indeed powerful, but it meant taking an easy route: letting your power and feelings control you. When you can't control your feelings, you end up like Luke on Dagobah: he had the power to levitate the X-Wing but his unbelief and fear of the impossible kept him from doing it. Control is key. It's how Rey overpowers Kylo Ren: she has control over herself, while Ren (torn between the dark and light) has none. The dark side means giving over your control to the power that you control, and it will consume you. The Emperor is literally being eaten alive by his power. While he has strength, he is a slave to the dark side and the power he craves. The Jedi Code is a way that one can control oneself, to excise the part of you that is chaotic and given over to your emotions. Reading it, it seems totally unfair and impossible. It seems to crush the humanity. That's why the old Jedi Order fell. It didn't recognize the deep-seeded need for love and belonging. Emotion needs to be controlled and understood not cut out entirely. I always loved Luke's new order. It was clear that he was cognizant of why the old order fell into stagnation and what he had to do to stop it. But it's clear that such a teaching takes one dangerously close to the dark side (see Ben Solo).
  13. Cassian! Loved his complex relationship with the Rebellion and his moral struggles! Plus his bromance with K-2SO was incredible!
  14. I guess my point is why do we need some sort of elaborate explanation for her skills when we had a quick line of dialogue and moved on? I could provide a similar long rationale for Jyn (who extensively fought with Saw) and explain her abilities.
  15. @@Cerez, no I think Gerrera left her since he thought she didn't need him anymore and she was "ready" (plus was a liability). To be fair, I think Gerrera's role was unfortunately underplayed by the film (he was incredibly interesting and his mentality was new to the Rebellion side of things). And...I don't know. Luke was a pretty good shot in Episode 4 (he was 19).
  16. @@Cerez: Saw Gerrera says that she was the best soldier in his "cadre" and that's why he left her alone in a bunker. And that was like 5 (?) years before this film.
  17. Thank you so much for looking into it!
  18. Terminal gave me this: And then gave me this: Maybe @@eezstreet is on the right track...I see something about a missing "sdl2"...
  19. Still got the same error with that code line. No problem, I understand this is a WIP.
  20. Alright, I'll try this later. If you have a chance, would you mind providing me the precise code I should enter? Thank you so much for your help!
  21. Hey guys! Just downloaded the latest update (1.2.1) and it looks sweet! However, I was wondering if there are any specific instillation differences for running the mod on MacOS. Upon running the .app, I got this: My specs are: macOS 10.12.1, 16GB RAM, running off a Steam installation of JKA. So sorry if I'm missing something obvious. Let me know if you'd like the full report that Apple generates when the error occurs.
  22. Sorry if I missed this in an earlier post, but what is the plan for SP? Are you really going to try and create all the missions that Tim promised? Or are you going to update the features he worked on?
  23. @@DarthStevenus: You are very clever. I've tried a similar technique before. However, I think the error lies in the .menu file. Something about the close menu command in the onOpen block will make the menu unreadable. To confirm this, try "uimenu show_HUD" in the console to see if it works. I've had to add a blank object that runs the command on the "hover over" (not what its called lol) block and closes. However, this will still cause the problem @@ensiform describes, however momentary. Also, you'll need the game to draw the game behind the menu, which is tricky. Let me see if I can find the code I used to do that.
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