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Everything posted by therfiles

  1. Hmmm...that may work. But you'd have your hands tied on the info you put on there, and it would have to be really generic, like you said. I'm also not sure if we can change the size of the image that the game loads (very small) and try and fit it all in a very small space. I'd have to prod that, unless someone knows a little bit more about how crosshairs are rendered.
  2. Hmmmm...this is tricky. I don't think there is anyway to do it quite the ways you guys are hoping for. The main aspect that won't work is the whole force sense, live scan thing. The ability to press a button and any being under the scope at any time and have it scan is unfortunately impossible. What I'd suggest is setting up some scripts. The main feature that comes to mind is a function in Icarus (makes scripts) that allows us modders to set the mindtrick script. This script is executed on the npc as soon as he/she is mindtricked. We could set up a script for each npc that, when mindtrick, it opens a ui with an unpaused menu with all the info. This is the only way I think this could work...
  3. @@MoonDog - Very clever! @@Maui - check out your other thread. There are some tuts and tips there
  4. Hey there. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Maybe we can help you out, step by step. We also have lots of tutorials, here on JKHub. Here are a few good ones: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/86-icarus-scripting/ (BORKED!) http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/71-gingerbreadninjas-behaved-scripting-series/ (Good for beginning) If you want to do cutscenes, tell me what you want to accomplish, and I'd be glad to help out. One of the most useful things to do when you want to learn scripting, is work your way through all the JA SP scripts that they provided in the SDK. Look at each and say "Ok, they wanted this thing to happen, how did they accomplish it?". After a while, you'll get a handle on it.
  5. Welcome to the Hub, JJ Hookz!
  6. Making NPCs smart is hard.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      It's a very good idea to change the Npcs AI, I may use them in some of my MB2 maps.

    3. Dusty


      I mean, I think NPC code is messed up in MB2. When I spawn a stormie they stand weird and don't always attack me.

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      and their animations are totally bugged(their arms are always stretched out)


  7. therfiles


    Hey there! Welcome to the Hub!
  8. Summer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mog


      Huzza for warm weather!


    3. Akimoto


      It is not summer until the fat lady sings.

    4. afi


      It's cold, rainy and foggy here. And no, I'm not from scotland.

  9. I just wish we would get that real-action TV show they've been promising for years...
  10. Hey Lazarus! How is it going?
  11. Sorry, It's just been something I've been trying to figure out for a while. How to move an effect to any location without breaking anything.
  12. Oh my gosh. You are my hero. P.S. Could something similar be used to move something like...a trigger?
  13. Seriously...its way more complicated than it needs to be.
  14. Sounds interesting. I may have to try this out...I'm not sure how it works though. Is it just a forum? How are battles fought, new powers obtained, etc?
  15. Wow! This is some great progress you guys are making! I'd like to thank you all for your hard work and taking the time to do this. One question, real quick. What is this about? That's awesome! Can I just use the set command inside of behaved, or is there some other way I need to do it?
  16. Wow! Nice work! The mod is looking really great. I especially like the work done with the voices, like the "Jango Fett" line. I could barely tell it was modded! Also, Rax to Wat was a great idea!
  17. I don't think so...I think there is 2 wait commands in ICARUS. If you use the clock one, it just pauses the script's flow for the indicated time. So, if you wait five seconds, then give the player the saber, it should override anything the bsp does to get rid of your weapons. However, you won't be able to get the weapons you want (via the weapon selection menu).
  18. I don't think that would be possible without decompiling the BSP (wouldn't really work) or entity modding, which I don't really know anything about. Maybe you could add a wait command to the end of the intro, and just give the player a weapon?
  19. Just to clarify with the whole animations thing. Can we make animations using tools like the JASkeleton (included in past SDK?) and any other compilers and such?
  20. That's much better. The first one was just too white. I think you got a good mix with this one. Nice work.
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