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Status Replies posted by therfiles

  1. I wish I could make my own SP storyline mods.

  2. I wish I could make my own SP storyline mods.

  3. Now I'm Adobe Photoshop certified. Hooray.

  4. Now I'm Adobe Photoshop certified. Hooray.

  5. If there was a tut on how to make cutscenes, who would be interested in using it?

  6. So some kid who was pissed off at EK for some reason is now DDoS'ing all the major servers. #Cattermoleragecausedenied

  7. Another year older <.<

  8. Another year older <.<

  9. Another year older <.<

  10. Another year older <.<

  11. I don't always change avatar, but when I do...

  12. If someone could just please make a program that puts lightsabers on wood sticks for me, that would be great. Until then, 1000000000000000 frames to go.

  13. I have been recruited to illustrate a children's book...this should be interesting.

  14. Caelum asked me to watch him sleep http://puu.sh/1sxNd

  15. I'm Back Baby! Been busy, but now my calendar is clean.

  16. Did JKG change servers? I'm updated, but my game can't find the server :(

  17. I wonder how long I can stay here before I get banned....

  18. Fail comment of the day: Clive Hall, Consultant - "Where ELSE would you look for central cyanosis other than the mucosal surfaces in the mouth.?" Tutorial Group - "....." Me - "Um....the other end?" Consultants expression cannot be described in words. :D

  19. would a graveyard be fitting for an october release? :P

  20. Wheres the darned New Content button >:o

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