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Everything posted by Syko

  1. Did Lucas plan on Luke and Leia being siblings before ROTJ or did he just kinda decide to make that happen in ROTJ? If he already knew that he wanted them to be siblings that makes it so much more awkward.
  2. Moocha shaka baka... Remember that girl that stows away on your ship? For some reason I can still remember how she talks.
  3. Made my first semi-useful JKA code edit, a console command that displays the date and time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Syko


      Nope, it just uses the ctime library in C++ and then prints that to the console using the Com_printf() function in JA. I'm honestly rather surprised that it worked. I've always had tons of issues trying to compile that damn source code.

    3. ensiform


      You wouldn't even need to use the C/C++ library. There's a function that obtains it already.


      trap_RealTime or Com_RealTime depending on where you are code wise.

    4. z3filus


      there is?? I'd like to see this code Syko :D

  4. Oh, this is from the EU. Not from Star Wars 7.
  5. I always try to keep my desktop pretty clean and free of clutter. I value simplicity. Gmod on and off is probably the only game I really play these days. @@Bek http://top1walls.com/walls/games/3d-abstract-cube-1640633-1920x1080.jpg
  6. How would someone theoretically go about making a lightsaber like that possible in the game? It would probably involve a fair amount of mathematics I would assume, getting the thing to spin around in 360 degrees?
  7. I do think that the basic structure and layout of the outdoors city I made was pretty good. It's big enough that it can actually pass as a city and might make for a good multiplayer map if a lot of enterable buildings and skyscrapers were added. I can already imagine taking an elevator up to one of the skyscrapers to start sniping people down below.
  8. I would put this on the download page if it was actually playable. To me it just doesn't feel right to put something half completed on there. There are many glaring errors with the map upon starting it. The only thing you can really do is explore around the somewhat empty city.
  9. Jedi Outcast ran fine on my Acer netbook that I got in 2010. All it had was 1 gig of ram and an Intel Atom processor, no dedicated graphics chip either. It lagged a little when there were more than like 8 bots in multiplayer though. Also, if you can run Android on your Chromebook, JA and JO have been ported to Android. You don't have to use Linux to run it.
  10. Even though it's basically the same song they sound really different. I used to like Cash's better but now I kind of like them both the same. The original song is extremely hopeless and depressing and when I'm really down I listen to it and can identify with it. The lyrics are the same, but the way Cash plays it is a little more uplifting. I think it's because Cash is old, and he knows his life and career is pretty much past its prime. He's just kind of accepted that and the song is just his expression of acceptance of the fact that he's near death. It's sad but not really purely hopeless or nihilistic. NIN's is so much more depressing because it's a relatively young man singing the lyrics. He has plenty of years ahead of him and he's already determined that everyone hates him and he will fail everyone. Also, the vocalization is more intense since he goes from whispering to almost yelling. Cash's pretty much stays in the same range throughout the whole song. I think it's kind of cool how a cover can change a song so much. Even the meaning of the song can change depending on who sings it.
  11. Hey guys, I figured I would release the map and source files for my work on Jedi Betrayal since the mod is dead, and I worked many countless hours to create what I did for this map. It's level 2 in the Jedi Betrayal story sequence. I'm releasing the .map file here in case anyone wants to work on it, use parts of it as prefab, or add something to it. It includes a hangar and water processing plant area, in addition to a large city. Almost all of the textures were custom made by myself. It's only like half completed at the moment, but enough of it is there to possibly be useful to someone. All mapping work was done by myself. Most of the basic brushwork is done. More detail needs to be added to areas and lighting needs to be added to the city area. Also, you have to noclip to get across the water processing plant thing. A puzzle was planned for that area but it was never fully implemented. It certainly needs a lot of work but I think enough of it is there for it to possibly be useful to someone. This map was the furthest along in the Jedi Betrayal project. The only other map that had a substantial portion of it completed was a Korriban style map that made up the first mission in Jedi Betrayal. I thought I would release a bit of the story as well so you know why Kyle is supposed to be on Manaan. And here are some screenshots of the map: PK3 Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29055962/manaan1.pk3 To launch map, do devmap manaan1 in JKA SP. MAP Source file link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29055962/manaan1.map ^ I believe that is the latest source file for the map but I could be wrong. I don't have Radiant on my computer and I don't feel like installing it just to see what the .map file looks like. Let me know if it's different than the actual compiled version. Also keep in mind that the last time I worked on this map was more than three years ago. I don't even remember much about Radiant anymore. If you want to use anything here, all you have to do is credit me in your mod's readme. Enjoy.
  12. Welcome to JKHub...ahhhhhh...
  13. Oh, I didn't realize it was an RP map. I guess flow doesn't matter then. Good luck. I hope some people volunteer.
  14. Is this an SP map or an MP map? The flow is a little awkward for an MP map.
  15. I would change the last letter of his last name to 's.'
  16. @Sentra you can't really see it unless you put the game in full screen. I purposely in the screenshots made the game windowed so you could tell I was running it on Linux. When I started JK2 with the binaries it automatically set the resolution to my computer's resolution. Even if it doesn't work you can still use the r_customwidth and height method.
  17. I hate to rain in on your parade but it's almost completely impossible (99.99999%) for you to ever gather a team and actually complete the tiniest piece of a JK4 mod. I'd advise you to put your time into more meaningful endeavors. Jedi Betrayal was the last mod to ever attempt this and it went down the drain after two years. I worked on Jedi Betrayal during that time and I was probably the most enthusastic about making a JK4 mod. Looking back I'm actually really surprised that I thought that a mod of such a grand scope was possible. The amount of work we had to do was phenomenal, and we only actually completed like 2% of what we had planned for the mod. We all had a ton of grand ideas but no one actually wanted to do the work to make it a reality. That was like, 5 years ago now. The JK community has declined even further. so even in the nearly impossible event that you release something, nobody is going to really care. The payoff you would get for all that work would be like 100 downloads from people on this site. And even then, the quality of something fan made would be significantly worse than something a legit game developer would do. It wouldn't truly be JK4. It would be a shoddily made map pack by some people on JKHub. If you want to write a JK4 fanfic that's cool. It's probably the closest you'll get to a JK4 without a real studio making it. Just don't bother with trying to make a mod. It's not worth the investment of your time.
  18. Wow, that's awesome. Good luck eez. I had kind of thought you might apply to work at Raven some day. I guess that day has come.
  19. Offline NT Password & Registry Editor worked well for me when I wanted to remove an admin password. You have to burn an image and then boot from it. From there you can choose to remove the admin password.
  20. Isn't the player spawner entity roughly the same size as the player?
  21. Is this like the Android version of iPhone 6 plus?
  22. Well, in my defense I didn't mean what your interpretation of what I said was. Again I was confused about the rejection thing. I thought that they didn't send you any message or any notification that your file was rejected. The pending screen didn't have anything to do with that. I thought that because I could no longer view the pending page that meant my file was rejected.
  23. Oh... I thought it was denied. I had uploaded a map pack from before under similar circumstances and it never got uploaded and I never got any email either. I don't know what ever happened to it but I assume it was denied. I never followed through to make a post about it though.
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