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Everything posted by Syko

  1. In your tut, it shows this: But when I do exactly that, it came up with an error MsgBox, I forget the exact contents of it, and this is what came up instead:
  2. Not entirely related, but is there any way to improve JK2's menu text? Even when running at 1920x1080, the text is very low resolution. Also, the Jedi Knight Logo model seems squashed.
  3. Yes and I still got errors trying to open up OpenJK's code with Cmake BTW, put together another texture. Old New
  4. Also, on the topic of textures, I've come to the conclusion that 90% of Jedi Outcast's textures are already high enough resolution. 512 x 512 is actually fairly large for a texture and games these days don't have textures of much higher resolutions. What Jedi Outcast does need instead is for the levels to be rebuilt, in either a better engine, or in OpenJK if anyone can ever get it working, with normal + diffuse maps and whatever else is needed. Some of the textures actually do need to be rebuilt, like certain control panels and the Imperial screens and such, and some of the terrain textures should be replaced. The prime thing that will actually make the game look better though is not extremely high resolution textures, but rather higher resolution, rebuilt models and levels, with improved lighting and shaders. Just thought I would lay that out. From now on my texture mod will focus exclusively on, as I said, mostly control panels, imperial screens, light textures, and anything else that looks too grossly low resolution. I am willing to work on normal + diffuse maps for the original Jedi Outcast textures if I can get OpenJK to work.
  5. I can't even compile it. There is no .sln, and when I try to run CreateVisualStudio2010Projects.bat there's an error. OpenJK is one of the buggiest things I ever tried to use.
  6. In ABY 36 a young Barabell named Oliss Travak worked as a slave on a Delaya-class slave ship in the service of Hutt Gorlug Tung. Oliss was working in the lower decks of the ship, in the forge. Oliss' task was to help form mined metals and forge them into objects. Oliss' job on that particular day was to forge metals into 2 ft long cylindrical bars. Nearly 500 2ft long cylindrical bars were forged that day, and sent to the shipping bay on the ship. Upon completion of the work, the metal was shipped to the manufacturing planet Metalorn in the Talcene sector. New Republic engineers happened to be there that day, and purchased 149 of the cylidrical metal bars to be used as support beams in the construction of a starfighter. The engineers, Sal Borukkla and Eeloo Foree returned to their base, located on Yavin IV to begin construction of a Drexl-class starfighter. Upon the completion of the Drexl-class starfighter a time later, 7 of the 2 ft long metal bars were left over in a Yavin-4 hangar. Jedi Adi Shaylus upon finding the bars in the hangar took one and gave it to Jedi Knight Asi Baloo, a renowned lightsaber carver. Baloo carved a lightsaber from the metal bar, and inserted a spare crystal he found under one of his couch cushions. He gave it back to Adi, who then hurried to his Jedi Academy lightsaber classes, running late on that particular day. Several months later, Adi was given a lightsaber by his dear friend, Marus Gleel. Adi put the lightsaber Baloo carved for him in the Jedi armory. Years later, when Rosh entered the Jedi Academy, he was given this lightsaber. (source) http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rosh_Penin%27s_Lightsaber
  7. On the topic of OpenJK, I can't actually get it to work. Just tried the latest build, used the SP version and set_com jk2 1 or whatever the command was and Jedi Outcast's menu doesn't have any text.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQvteoFiMlg
  9. Speaking of textures you can use the ones I made if you want.
  10. A bit more work has been done on this. That pic was a bit too dark. Any progress on normal mapping coders? Or any other graphic enhancement code? @@eezstreet @@ensiform @@Xycaleth
  11. I do have Steam. I added you, my username is 'Wiley'
  12. Syko again, created another account. I just wanted to say that I have uploaded another large batch of mods to the Jedi Academy filefront backup mirror. While some categories are uploading as I type this, the following mod categories have/will be added: *Media (14.7 GB)*Mods (8.76 GB)*Official Releases (242 MB)*Scripts and Binds (10.6 MB)*Skins (Only partially completed, 1.71 GB)*Utilities (457 MB) When this is finished uploading, ALL Jedi Academy mods will be uploaded, although about 2/3rds of the 'Skins' category is not there since I haven't been able to download all of them from filefront. Most of the 'models' category is not there either. As I wrote previously, ALL of the Jedi Outcast mods are uploaded, except for the 'Skins' category. To write it out as a plain and simple todo: *Finish downloading all Jedi Academy Skins*Finish downloading all Jedi Academy models *Finish downloading all Jedi Outcast Skins @@spior I know you don't want to work on this anymore, but would it be any easier if you coded your bot to just download the 'skins' category for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast? If not, I would really appreciate it if another coder could step in. The JK3files mirror is almost complete, it would be a shame if the JO/JA skins could not be backed up as well. Also, could this mirror be linked to or mentioned somewhere on JKHub, or stickied or something? Besides backup purposes, it's also useful for people that can't download from Filefront from their country. and if anyone forgot where the mirror was: http://box.com/jkarchive
  13. Yeah do to this account whatever happened to Moondog's account, where he just completely disappeared. Not my regular Syko account, leave that alone. Just purge this one.
  14. I just felt like I was neglecting a few real life responsibilities to check on these forums every day. I have a problem with self control so for me to overcome something like that I have to completely block it. I haven't been completely gone over the past view months, as I said before I occasionally lurk the forums to see what's cooking. I had that problem before on the Jedi Betrayal forums but I had blocked myself from accessing it and I haven't signed on for over a year (until a few days ago though because of the mod's birthday).
  15. I actually changed the password to something I'd never remember on purpose so I couldn't log in. I lurk here from time to time and I saw that you guys actually had need of my JKFiles mirror so I made the new account to post the URL of it. You can actually delete this account if you want, I just wanted to remind you guys where my JKFiles mirror was.
  16. http://box.com/jkarchive http://jkhub.org/topic/1845-sykos-jkfiles-mirror/
  17. Made a few delete requests for my more embarrassing early mods.
  18. How do you delete a file already uploaded under your name?
  19. Just thought I would point out that, as my jk3files mod backup database gets bigger, you can download all of the filefront mods from there. https://www.box.com/jkarchive Note that 90% of the files I have downloaded are still uploading as I type this so barely any mods are uploaded ATM.
  20. By the way, I'm changing the way that I'm hosting the mods to something that should be a lot more efficient. From now on they will all be hosted on one Box.com account that will be updated over time by me. In case you're wondering, the previous Google Drive host locations are still there and always will be. You can find all of the mods from a single link, which I have here below: https://www.box.com/jkarchive Note that 90% of the files I have downloaded are still uploading as I type this so barely any mods are uploaded ATM. One other plus side of this is that you can browse through the database and download mods individually or download them in entire categories and/or packs if you so desire.
  21. Bump Any more progress @@spior ? I hate to bother like this, but we're so close to finishing this project.
  22. Looking back I agree. I remember when I made the first of these high-res textures and I honestly though there was little to no improvement. I just wanted to post here to see what people thought of it, but the idea got pretty popular and I think I got lost in it. Still, either way I think it was a good way of practicing Photoshop skills. Well, I took you're advice and closed the project. I didn't ask Master Ridley to help with this, so he's doing this of his own accord. Getting off topic here, but...I do agree with this to an extent, but criticism should be handled with respect and should always be constructive. I also think there's a tendency for some of us to do the opposite of this and over-criticize. I think it's good to point out positive things as well as negative things, as a lot of negative feedback can get frustrating at times. One example is clear on the previous page. The first post after Master Ridley's texture is 7 different criticisms of the texture by DT. While I believe they are all valid, I would think it would be somewhat frustrating for someone who just spent several hours working on a texture to post it here only to intense scrutiny. Again, all of DTs points are very valid and I'm sure will be helpful to crafting another version, but finding at least 1 thing positive about it might make a lot of criticism seem a bit less offensive. Of course, praising something that's crap and over-complimenting it shouldn't be done either. This texture is obviously not that though and I think it is a good start. It is sort of a waste though since the higher resolution isn't going to really improve anything visually, as Corto said.
  23. Just another FYI (and a shameless way to bump this thread) I've switched off my targeting computer and changed my main OS from Windows 7 to Ubuntu, so the next time I run spior's program it will probably be done through VirtualBox Windows XP SP3. Hopefully that won't screw anything up. EDIT: It seems to be working in VirtualBox XP.
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