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Everything posted by Syko

  1. Barely have time for JKHub anymore. Work work work.

    1. afi


      Work is gud

  2. This is kind of off topic, but has anyone tried to port OpenJK to android? There's a singleplayer version but to my knowledge no one has made a multiplayer port to Android
  3. I actually had this problem when I was trying to modify the source code. Where are you putting the code? If I remember correctly you have to put your code in the MP Client source folder, not MP Game library. Also, depending on what you are doing, you might not have registered what you did correctly. I remember to write a console command I had to write a function for it in addition to "registering" it as a variable somewhere. I could be wrong though and there's people on here that know a ton more about this than me.
  4. Saw a Ferrari in the parking lot at BethSoft, maybe it's Todd Howard's car? Insanely cool.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. z3filus
    3. Bane_Ross


      *wants to know what kind of Ferrari*

    4. Bek


      *Elsewhere a group of modders on the internets debate on stealing Todd Howard's car*

  5. Does the map use Rend2 ? Those lights in the first screenshot too good to be from base JKA.
  6. Back up your important data and then do a complete reformat of your hard drive.
  7. I'm just thankful for someone making a new Star Wars game. Besides The Force Unleashed 1 and 2 (which were both pretty mediocre) and The Old Republic, there hasn't been a new Star Wars game since 2005.
  8. Absolutely amazing film score. Probably my favorite movie soundtrack song ever.
  9. The film industry is actually still a lot bigger than the game industry. I don't know how accurate Statista.com is, but according to it the total revenue for the film industry last year was about 40 billion dollars, while the gaming industry took in about 888 million dollars. Even if these numbers are wildly inaccurate I think it's still clear that the film industry is bigger and it makes sense. Tons of movies like The Avengers and Furious 7 take home billions of dollars every few months while in the game industry there's only a select few that make profits like that (like Skyrim and especially GTA5) Also consider the demographics. People of all ages and genders go to the movies while the demographics of gamers (were taking about people who play full length games, Angry Birds doesn't count) are young (>30s-40s) and skewed towards males.
  10. Good news! I now have a job at Bethesda Softworks!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. afi



    3. Ping


      Job?`Wasn't it just an internship?

    4. Syko


      Yeah, you're right. It's just an internship. If I do well though at my internship it puts me in a much better position for a full job there. It's literally my dream to work there. TES is like my second favorite game series ever.

  11. Has anyone ever seen Fox News' report portraying Mass Effect as a pornographic game? This is the perfect example of how the media views games, nothing more than violent and overtly sexual.
  12. Yeah, of course, that's why it's there. Some people have downloaded the entire mod database in one zip file, though I wouldn't recommend that since downloading a 40 GB file over HTTP is kind of overkill. Maybe I could make a torrent mirror? I would recommend downloading by category; the zip files will be smaller that way.
  13. @@Asgarath83 https://app.box.com/jkarchive It's on page 6, towards the bottom of the Jedi Academy/Maps/Multiple_Gamemodes folder.
  14. Thanks to the Humble Bundle there's actually a significant amount of people playing JKA when I checked yesterday (maybe a hundred players on a weekday?). Pre-Humble Bundle I think activity was extremely low with only like 2 servers with people on them. This site is really the last truly alive, truly active JA community. Yes, there are a few smaller active clan websites but this is really like the only modding site left. Everything else seems to be either broken (ie Filefront) or gone entirely (Lucasfiles, Mapcraft, PCGameMods, and other ones I probably don't know of)
  15. Lol, I was picturing a skirt on the male Jaden when I read the title.
  16. Co-op? How is that possible? That sounds incredibly fun.
  17. So apparently after the huge backlash, Valve has completely removed the paid mod system. In spite of their apparent greed when they first introduced the paid mod system, they've gained some respect from me for being willing to remove it. It's not every day that a company actually listens to their customers.
  18. It wasn't really the length that was the problem for me. About half of the book is the main character's (I forget his name) encounters with Dracula locking him in his castle, and it actually was pretty creepy for a book and was great to read. All of that part I read, but then half way through the book it changes to just be a bunch of letters from his wife to him in Dracula's castle, which were incredibly boring. I remember at one point in his wife's letter she wrote about getting new curtains or something... the next third of the book I think was the letters. I read several chapters of them and I didn't see how they had any relevance to Dracula's castle or even to the main character. Kind of ridiculous.
  19. 1984, really enjoyed that book. Also, about half of Dracula, but believe it or not the book got really boring half way through and I didn't feel like reading it anymore. The most recent book I read was The Shining. That was like 9 months ago though, don't have much time to read at the moment. I quite enjoyed that book as well. 1984's probably my favorite book of all time so far.
  20. We need paid mods on JKHub. Someone should take KOTF and sell it on here for $50 without crediting the guy that used all those people's mods without their permission.
  21. The pay-what-you-want isn't actually really pay what you want. It is technically but it has a minimum payment that the modder sets, so it's basically like putting your mod up for sale at the minimum price giving the potential buyer the option to pay even more. Plus Valve gets 75% of any profits, which is ridiculous. I'm for modders making money if they create something really good but I think either the mods should have a big donate button instead or they should have a true pay-what-you-want like Humble Bundle with a minimum purchase price of $0.01. Charging upfront for mods like they're doing is a terrible idea. Plus, a lot of these paid mods on the Workshop are free on Skyrim Nexus. If you do decide to put something up for a cost, be prepared for some backlash. There's a lot of people on Steam that are pretty pissed about this whole idea.
  22. Thank god. If it was multiplayer only I would have been so pissed. The main thing that I hated about Battlefield 3 was that you can't even play with bots.
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