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Everything posted by MagSul

  1. 97 downloads

    After installing this mod, your console will resemble a peaceful snowfall. To install this mod, place the enclosed .pk3 in the Base folder of your JA directory. Enjoy the festive season! ¬ MagSul This file contains a modification of the gfx.shader. Therefore, may be incompatible with other mods which have also tinkered with the same file.
  2. Belated response: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Massassi_Temple;120041
  3. That's... probably do-able. I had to shelve it as I was busy with other commitments, but I do intend to open it back up again soon and expand it whilst polishing what's already there. Not a bad suggestion, I can give it a go. I was hoping for functioning escape pods.
  4. I'd love to see T3-M4 make it into the game. I'd download it!
  5. Click the ::JEDI:: link in my signature.
  6. MagSul

    Featured Pictures

    I've been without my PC for a few days. When I'm back up and running, I may have pictures to share!
  7. I have no internet at the new house. :(

    1. Onysfx


      THE JEDI ARE TAKING OVAH!...if that makes you feel any better.

    2. Onysfx


      SURELY I CAN DO BETTAH with jokes xD.

    3. CaptainChar


      these arnt the downloads your looking for, you can go about your business

  8. If all you want is to create an .roq file, all you need is your video in .avi format. The rest is done in Quake Video Maker. Tutorial! http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/26-creating-a-roq-video/ Whoever wrote it is plainly awesome.
  9. Whilst I don't have any reference images on hand for suitable alternatives, I do strongly feel that we ought to look at the walking animation for the staff and dual wield lightsabers.
  10. I'm wondering if it would be possible (as it was mentioned to skip the extra gear page before each mission) to add dual and staff configurations to the weapon cycle. i.e. If you were to select a staff that came apart into two separate hilts, you could cycle between the staff, the two separate hilts or just one of them.
  11. That's the one I followed not so long ago. It works. Though from what I've been told, GMAX isn't the most ideal programme to be using these days. Do we have any tutorials on more modern software lurking about for hilt building purposes?
  12. MagSul

    Silent Menus


    Title: Silent Menus Author: MagSul Release Date: 23 September 2013 Filesize: 92 KB Version: 1.0 Description & Installation: Following download, unzip the file and place the .pk3 in the base folder of your JA directory. Once installed, all sounds associated with browsing the menus of Jedi Academy will be muted. I did this simply because I found the sounds irritating, but didn't want to disable various other in game sounds with the slider in the setup menu. Because most of the "Quit Game" menus played a sound from the lightsaber directory, several of the .menu files from the ui directory are included (modified). If you have any mods installed which alter the ui files in any way, there may be a conflict. However, this should only affect the one sound (quitting the game through the menus). As most of us quit the game using the console command /quit or /q, I doubt that'll be a problem. If you encounter any errors, let me know about them and I'll see what I can do about it in a future update!
  13. I'm disappointed that we've never had a functional AT-AT vehicle in Jedi Academy.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Tempust85


      Someone needs to download this and put it up on JKHub

    3. MagSul


      Awesome, thanks everyone!

    4. Circa


      I'll look into getting it on JKHub.

  14. Very tasty design, I'm liking it a lot!
  15. I really like that lightsaber as well. Depends how others feel on it, though. Technically, it isn't an original design. Though if I can get a better handle on crafting lightsabers, I'll do it myself. That said, I think there're better references for that hilt to be found on Saber Forge's website. I may be slightly biased because I went and got it. >.>
  16. Canonically not, but if you can play as another gender or species, a slightly more mature character's not going to seem too out of place. Luke did accept students of varying ages, after all. It's just to give the player more options. Although, having just looked at his Wookieepedia page to satisfy my curiosity. Get this: Born 1 ABY. Yet, "a key figure in resolving the Disciples of Ragnos crisis in 14 ABY" I think someone may have errored. All species and genders have planned expansions. I just happened to pick the human male as a starting point!
  17. MagSul


    Hey there, welcome to JKHub!
  18. For now, I'll start adding a few more variants to the existing Jadens. Here's one I put together yesterday afternoon:
  19. Aww... I missed my PotD yesterday. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/potd/141261

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MagSul


      Might have to refresh the page a few times, but here it is! http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Temple_of_the_Massassi;120041

      I sent that PotD a few weeks ago. Last I heard it's on a cycle. They add a picture to the list and it joins the queue. It's not done manually every day.

    3. Circa


      Haha I wonder if the few I submitted years ago ever got posted.

    4. therfiles


      Pretty epic! I've had some ridiculous (terrible!) ones of mine get accepted a long time ago: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/potd/132907 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/potd/132905

  20. One thing I did loathe about the original game was that aside from their consistently atrocious aim, the NPCs would remain completely immobile whilst I charged at them with a lightsaber.
    1. Onysfx


      Hmm...is this an updated texture, or a brand new character?

    2. MagSul


      I'm expanding Jaden's Base customisation, so this doesn't replace the original!

  21. I really like the look of some of those models! I wish my maps looked as pretty as some of those screenshots...
  22. I've only had these kind of issues when I've had an iffy file lurking in my Base folder. I don't mean virus-contaminated or anything. I mean I've downloaded a map, and for whatever reason (probably some sort of shader conflict) things such as that happen. Move your custom files into a backup folder, and try running the game with just that one installed and see if you experience the same problem. If not, the issue is due to one of the files sitting in your Base folder.
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