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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. You wanted some context. That's all I got. I thought, how complex could the code be? I know how the game works = wrong lol
  2. *Bump* I couldn't imagine this would be too hard. I could almost imagine myself doing it, but I don't quite have the expertise. I couldn't see this being difficult on the whole however, especially for an experienced coder...
  3. Are you using EffectsEd? I'd suggest finding an .efx for a visual effect that has the property you're looking for, and then looking at it to see how they did it.
  4. Here's how SP saber system works to my knowledge: (I don't know if there are teeny tiny exceptions, but these are my observations) Defense Power level is only modified by twoHanded (which is +1), and parrybonus (which is + whatever the amount). Other than that, the same for every style, and every level of Saber Defense. i.e. Saber Defense 3 on any saber style can't block Medium style any more or any less than Defense 1. Only thing that changes is whether you can do plain blocks or knockaways. Defense power level is 1 without any mods on your .sab file. Offense power level is dependent on saber style (Level 1 for fast, 2 for medium/staff/duals/tavion, 3 for strong, 4 for desann), +1 for twoHanded, + X amount for breakparrybonus. Force Speed makes attacks have a flat power level of strong style, Dark rage adds +1, 2, or 3 based on level of the power. EDIT: Saber collisions and calculations are in wp_saber.cpp, and these two functions above are in bg_panimate.cpp
  5. Ensiform tried to help me on IRC, but I'm still just as lost :unsure: I think it comes down to these two functions in bg_panimate.cpp. Some of the FORCE_LEVEL numbers I edited to go 1-5 with Fast being 1, Tavion/Duals being 2, Medium being 3, Staff being 4, and Red/Desann being 5. int PM_AnimLevelForSaberAnim( int anim ) // not sure exactly what this is used for, as the next function seems to do basically the same thing--cut it off here because it starts doing saber lock stuff here I'm not worried about yet Problem is, I know almost exactly how observed SP gameplay works, but trying to add up the code is proving near impossible to me with only minimal coding experience
  6. So uh, I'm trying to understand the SP code, but Raven's lack of commenting makes it very difficult. FORCE_LEVEL_X is some sort of enum deal, with X being 0-5. I'm assuming they're just used like numbers? As in, FORCE_LEVEL_1 would be equivalent to a value of 1? As it pertains to setting things to a function call that returns this value? entPowerLevel, this has to be the attack strength of the person in question, being an NPC or the player, but then what is hitOwnerPowerLevel? Is one used for the attacker, and one for the defender? It's very difficult for me to find any clear indication of which is what...
  7. ^Well, decompiling the bsp files will break a lot of things in the map. What I would use that for, is on the couple maps I want to add some new NPCs, I would use that to find the proper coordinates. Other than that though everything should be possible by ent-modding I think. I can just probably attach scripts to triggers that change the objectives no? The objectives aren't even a huge deal, but it'd be a nice little detail you know?
  8. ^If I don't plan to have more than 4 GB of RAM I don't need 64-bit correct? However, does Windows 7/8 32-bit make use of all RAM up to the 4 GB? I know in Windows XP the max is 3.2 GB to be used on 32-bit, or at least, that's all my downstairs comp registers anyway in the System overview page. EDIT: And if I go with Windows 7, I pretty much have to get an OEM right? Unless I want to spend 200+ on the retail version?
  9. So, I'm still working on my SP mod. I need feedback however on ideas that I have been mulling over for a while, as in: what's good, what's bad, what's practical/impractical, necessary/unnecessary, and help for brainstorming and further developing the more ambiguous ideas. 1.) How to do Bonus Missions...? (these load from a separate menu hence being "Bonus Missions", assuming they are not added to the main SP campaign) - Edit to have objectives with entity-modding the bsp files? - Add custom character, saber, and difficulty selection to appropriate missions (Imp. Outpost, Sith Valley, all would have difficulty) X - Have players be able to choose a "power level" (i.e. Jedi Master, Jedi Knight, Apprentice, etc.) - I decided against this, as it's extra work and the player can just use cheats if they want to change this 2.) SP campaign alterations: edits to Raven's levels - - Randomly add a few alt-fire NPCs to Tier 2 missions, and add even more to Tier 3 missions? - maybe change some reborn NPCs to Reborn Masters in some spots? - t2_dpred: put two stormtroopers outside your cell, one holding a key that unlocks the door to the gun room and to get outside; this would force the player to use melee to bust out - korriban: improve the atmosphere slightly, make it a little darker and more tense (maybe storminess, thunder and lightning?), change the two reborn guarding Tavion, either one or both to Reborn Masters? - should we add any missions to JA's SP campaign? (I'm moving towards no) - Suitable missions (that I know of and plan on having in the mod in some form): Tier 1/2/3: Operation Spaceport, Onderon Base, Double Cross on Nar Shaddaa Tier 3: ISD Extractor (the Academy wouldn't send a padawan to take out a star destroyer lol) Tier Upgrades - get to choose special skills when you pass a tier of missions; my ideas so far: Tier 1 → 2 (pick 3) - Force Affinity (1): +20 FP Force Sensitivity (1): +1 Force Power point Saber Technique (1, 1): (you can pick either one, or both) - Attack: breakparrybonus +1 - Defense: parrybonus +1 Tier 2 → 3 (pick 4) - Force Affinity (2): +20 FP, +25 FP Force Sensitivity (1): +1 Force Power point Force Focus (1): Faster FP regeneration (100 ms → 80 ms) Saber Technique (1, 1, (1/1)): - Attack: BPB +1, Lock Bonus +1 - Defense: PB +1, Disarm Bonus +1 - Light style (single-only): Learn Tavion Style - Max Chain increase (staff & duals only): Unlimited chain Saber Finesse (1): 10% speed increase to saber moves - Skill increases from the previous tier would have to be chosen first before advancing - i.e. you need to get the lower level of a skill first before you can get the next level 3.) Random Stuff: - In the Fluf mod by JaedenRuiner, he makes you pay force points for leveling core force powers, but he gives you Force points based on Mission performance, i.e. you get points for finding all the secret areas of a level, and if your "favorite weapon" is your lightsaber. - with the inventory menu, I was thinking the player could take a maximum of 4 items with them into a mission, they can pick up to 3 inventory items or weapons, i.e. 2 inventory item sets, and 1 weapon, and so on, for a maximum of 3 things - I kind of wanted the game to point out being lightside/darkside more, I have defeated enemies grunt when you attack them, perhaps we could make a counter for attacking fallen enemies? Then I could put both that and the "head attacks" counter in red that you see after missions to kind of look more dark side-ish as opposed to arm and leg attacks which are more merciful - Melee; thought maybe this would progress with each tier? You start off with punches and kicks, then get katas, then maybe your katas get strong enough to work on enemies like Reborn sometimes? I think players if they are given katas, it shouldn't work on reborn as this is an unfair ability that they don't have, and originally only Kyle was able to use these... 4.) Force power alterations - might want to remove Force Sense making weapons fire always accurate... doesn't really make sense (very punny huh?)... - Might want to alter Force Absorb and Protect's shaders to look less gooey and thick at higher levels, and allow them to let you regen force at half speed to where ever the 30 FP initial drain puts you at, plus maybe make them a hair weaker ( - Maybe make Force Heal 3 take a hair less FP than Heal 2 (because the healing rate is very low you know on Jedi Knight and up but it drains like 80 FP) - Perhaps remove the random auto-sniper shot dodge? And instead let having Force Speed 2 and up or Force Sense 2 and up let you dodge shots? But how should this work? Does Force Speed need to be active or Sense? Both? Do you need to have your crosshair on the sniper? Ideally I'd want some kind of balance between being a cool ability and not just giving the player a free pass on avoiding sniper shots... - Force Speed 3 is very unwieldy IMO... Too fast... - Have an effect for blocking Force Lightning with your Saber? EDIT: I summon @@Circa, @@redsaurus, @@therfiles, @@katanamaru
  10. Lol sorry, I think that's a bug from my unifnished mod (that I'm still working on) a while back. Somehow I managed to have Kyle be using his pistol by default instead of his saber through some weird bug
  11. If you want to change the lightning hit effect, you could try editing the "full_body_electric" or something it's called shader.
  12. So does Windows 8 perform better than 7 I guess? How about both vs. XP? I've heard Windows 7 is supposed to be a bit smoother than and start-up/shut down slightly faster than XP... is that the truth?
  13. So, uh, Microsoft is telling me they're going to drop support of XP, which basically all the computers in our house have... Am I losing anything by going to Windows 7 and 8? Do they generally perform better? Can they do more cool stuff? Is any of the revised interface and other little features nifty or not important? Also, which should I choose, Windows 7 or 8?
  14. So, can Linux and Mac users play on the same servers as us PC people? Reason I'm asking is because I have no idea how that works or if OpenJK affects that sort of thing... If we can all play on one field that'd help the community I think...
  15. So uh, according to Razor OpenJK has already attracted a few people? Anyone else think that has potential to pull up JA's online population a little?
  16. Sooo you just mean in game? What would be the point of that exactly? Just for fun?
  17. We don't refuse to use OpenJK, we're discussing it right now actually. There's just some issues I guess. The original thing was people using the source code to like cheat or something but I don't know how much of an issue there is with that anymore. Also we're working on getting a new build out. Been working for a while actually, slowly, but for a long while.
  18. On a side note: How much is OpenJK advertised? Will it be more "out there" once it's finished? It basically revives the game at its core, getting rid of crashes, bugs, and making the game more easily accessible on other platforms (or at least, that's the impression I'm getting), not to mention the modding community here is pretty active... That'd probably attract a few more people to the game, as it gets rid of some cross-platform and compatibility issues no?
  19. JKHub is booming, sort of, but over at MBII HQ we're having trouble keeping the mod alive, and in comparison to base JA MP our servers are actually MORE active...
  20. Any chance JK2 AI strengths could be ported to JA? I always felt NPCs were more static in JA, whereas in JK2 they were more in motion and didn't sit still so much.
  21. The model can be selected but where the model icon should be on the menu it's just a blank slot missing the image. There's a possibility that the models were code-added incorrectly (talking about MBII here) but the one coder that can verify beyond all reason of a doubt that the models were added correctly is being lazy as ish. Plus the coder that added them doesn't see anything wrong with them code-side.
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