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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Chisel, Hammer? So far Circa's suggestions are the best Cmon guys, I'm not going to name the styles after objects and french nouns. Give me adjectives! Pretty please? I want some real suggestions!
  2. So, I want to think of a nickname to call Desann and Tavion style in game, as I'd like to give the player the option to learn them in SP in an official-through-the-menu way. I don't just want to call it "Tavion" or "Cyan" style, but something in line with the other styles, like Fast, Medium, Strong, etc. All I thought of so far is "Makashi style" or "Curved style" for Tavion. Anyone have any suggestions?
  3. Do files in .pk3s take priority though? I know the game can read .cfgs and stuff but it never seems to pay any attention to things like .menu files.... unless they need to be in the proper folder structure I guess...
  4. ??? I know nothing of this. So if I'm in the main menu but sv_pure is 0 the game will read loose files in the folder?
  5. ^To being summoned or writing the book? Or both? Thanks for the help guys. I might post in here again shortly as I have a question on what pointers are for, however the internet may have a quick answer for me...
  6. Are you for real?!?! Can you do that in SP? EDIT: IIRC you can't edit .pk3 files in use by the game while it's running can you? Or is there a way around that?
  7. Would be kinda nice to have a program that helps you design .menu files. If anything I'd just settle for something that lets me see the visual look of them in real time if nothing more.
  8. Well, I said a few, but only one have I that I can think of off the top of my head: I see weird things in the code I don't understand really at all, in simple things like If statements.' A big one is "if ( functionname() ) { body of statements }": How do you say "if" a function call? It doesn't say "if ( functionname() = 1 )", but just that, seeming like an incomplete sentence. What is the if statement testing in this case? Is it just checking if the function returns some kind of value at all or some default value that's implied? Also, I think I just subliminally answered my own question, but what's with if/switch statements that say for their condition things like "activeDefense()" or "!activeDefense?" How can I "activeDefense()" or "not-activeDefense()"? Are they boolean functions or something where you can do that I guess maybe?
  9. ^Oh well, okay, thank you for the tip good sir!
  10. If I want to find it/figure it out I'll probably have to work it out myself, but I figured it was worth asking in case somebody came forward suddenly who knew about it. I'd imagine it works though.
  11. No one knows? It's one of the ui types defined in the code but it seems like it's never used, so as far as trial and error goes I can't really use that to figure it out.
  12. Is this ever used anywhere in Raven's .menu files for UI? I can't seem to find any info on how to use it or what parameters it needs
  13. Dusty

    We need money

    Also, if we ever had a few ads on this website I wouldn't care that much.
  14. Dusty

    We need money

    It only takes $200 to run this site for a year?! Or that's not the whole cost?
  15. ^The code is so easy to read now in comparison, I can actually kind of tell what's going on lol...
  16. I don't worry about how people play the game too much, nor do I want to change gameplay much. I just feel close combat for it's increased difficulty should have some point to it and be a little more rewarding. Your saber style idea sounds interesting. I'm learning a lot more C++ in school too. I'm just in basics now but even that makes things so much easier to read, as I can actually tell cryptic symbols and operators apart now.
  17. Hmm, roq.exe? I use Quake Video Maker. That makes .roq videos for you out of AVIs and stuff. http://www.swift-tools.net/Quake/QVM/
  18. parry - blocker/defender does a knock away anim and knocks away the attack of the attacker, causing the attacker to stagger unable to attack or block for a 1-2 seconds block - blocker just 'blocks' it, as in the attack is blocked/deflected and bounces off, no staggers Also, I think how parries work with saber defense 2 and 1 is this -- by default, Saber Defense 3 seems to have like a 90-95% chance to parry any attack that can be blocked normally, and Defense 2 and lower have a 0% chance normally I think. Perhaps parry bonuses raise this percentage above 0, at least it would make sense based on my observations. Hurrah to picking apart SP sabering!
  19. Something interesting I just figured out (took me long enough)... I'm pretty sure parrying with Saber Defense 3 actually has a slight element of randomness to it. Swings either can or can't be parried, period, no in-between. However, swings that can be parried, aka medium and fast style under normal circumstances; have a slight random chance not to be parried. It's completely random I think. You can't affect it all, and it doesn't matter whether it's the beginning, middle, or end of a swing, and it's the same rate for both medium and fast style I'm pretty sure. You'll get parried 8 or 9 out of 10 times, but the other 1-2 times, you'll just be blocked normally, where you bounce off but aren't staggered nor would you do a parry anim if you were the parryer. Perhaps this is the failed parries NPCs do, maybe they just do the parry anim?
  20. Yeah I remember a while back I was trying to make .roq files but I remember when I made them they always turned out with weird color problems (this was using a variety of codecs beforehand). Couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong... Tip: Make a very short version of your movie/whatever into an .roq first before doing the whole thing (which takes forever) to tweak the quality and make sure it's going to come out alright ahead of time.
  21. So, here's what I'm looking at I think: Tester/Feedbacker(s): @@katanamaru @@Circa Icarus Scripters/Map Modders: @@DT85 All I need now is some coding help. And maybe someone who can map-entity mod so I don't have to do it myself lol.
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