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Everything posted by Smoo

  1. Is the jkg on github same version atm? Might have to compile linux version since the server running on linux, so it can hold more people. Lol
  2. Dunno about changing the pk3s but when i add new ones i just do vid_restart
  3. Just a quick question, you still got the old screenies from the ol forums? I miss reading the dev diaries lol
  4. US, dallas, texas atm Now currently in LA, California
  5. Sweet, ive mostly learned python but been reading your c/c++ tutorial, just gotta learn the syntax etc
  6. Current Test server IP@ Server Location: DALLAS, USA Server version: 1.3.?? Status: Offline Server version 1.3.19b Status: Online!
  7. Id love that, i can already play 1.00 on normal jamp and ja+/++ on openjk but other mods or base need the 1.01 dlls
  8. Been doing programming courses at uni, would love to contribute to the project when i can, always dreaming of what the mod would be like once it is finished.
  9. Lol blame the tffa and duel servers, traditionally on pure
  10. I just set the cmds in autoexec.cfg or in this case openjkautoexec.cfg i think and it loads when you first join a server. Though it resets when map changes or restarts or when joinijg another server
  11. Manjaro is based on Arch, I quite like it.
  12. I'll link some later but first you should make a autoexec for custom resolution Open notepad then type in seta r_customwidth 1920 seta r_customheight 1080 seta r_mode -1 seta cg_fov 100 set cg_thirdpersonrange 200 set cg_gunZ 3 Then save it in game data/base as autoexec.cfg without .txt in filename
  13. Smoo


    I'll test it out on friday or something, got exam to prepare for xD
  14. Smoo


    nvm got it working i think Nah havent yet, only in Ja++ I can change thirdpersonrange
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