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Agent Jones

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Everything posted by Agent Jones

  1. I think the Mods>JkGalaxies button in the upper bar should point to the github page since the site is no longer online.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Circa


      A cleaning of the bar will happen soon. Just contacted the JKG team about that though. They told me that the site would be back up soon but that was months ago.

    3. Onysfx



    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      I'm not takin ovah

  2. What models are you using?
  3. I should change all his dialogue sounds to jawa sounds looped over and over, KOTOR style.
  4. I don't know if behavED has been ported on Mac yet. Anyway, here's the steps: -Download DEvaheB: http://jkhub.org/files/fi814-devaheb/ (but it's an .exe. Maybe you could open it with a VM) -Download BehavED : http://jkhub.org/files/file/1491-jk2-software-development-kit-editing-tools-20/ (see above) -Extract the JO scripts from assets0.pk3 -Open the scripts of the first missions with DEvaheB. -when you see the line "set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_BLASTER" );" affecting Jan, change WP_BLASTER to WP_SABER. There's one in scripts\kejim_post\jan_control_booth2.ibi -save your new .txt file. -Compile it with BehavED -Place your new .ibi in a new pk3 file in base, under the same directory you took the original from. There isn't a single script for everything. Jan switches weapons when opening doors/hacking...
  5. You're right, I forgot about devaheb. It is not a solution if it isn't overly complicated
  6. You could decompile the map, change which script is called when she gets the blaster and recompile only the entities.
  7. They've stated that there won't be any space battles, and I played BF2 because of them
  8. I downloaded it a long time ago and got a virus. Such inventiveness, much wow.
  9. Point the info player start to a target_scriptrunner with a script which changes the model. In the same script you can define your force level and weapons. The spawning player will instantly fire the script and thus you will start as another character.
  10. Why are you poking this lost thread, which was buried in the mists of Time? Shame upon thee!
  11. Solution What guide did you follow? What antivirus are you using?
  12. oh,then it was just the enemies' aim. Thanks for clearing it up!
  13. Well,it had some use for gameplay: you could crouch,hold the use item button,then get up and run with your torso bent down,to avoid getting headshot
  14. I've tested it and, for some reason,they couldn't seem to be able to attack me from the water when they were fully submerged The only time when I managed to get attacked from NPCs in deep water was by making custom NPC with team 'player',then have them turn on me. Perhaps you could make them spawn in deep water,then use a waypoint to get them out.
  15. Give them a saber with the stun_baton model. Have them fight with a wrench. Saber defense 0, attack 1-2.
  16. Don't let the Jedi take ovah this mod
  17. The scoreboard could have deceived you. Did you type /serverstatus into the console to make sure you were the only connected players? Any logs available?
  18. Hello.This is an old project I haven't been able to complete yet. I think i'll split the mission 2 or 3 maps: The Academy receives an SOS coming from a mining station located on an ocean planet and Jaden(who else?) goes there to investigate.You won't kill a single enemy NPC in this part of the level, but you'll have to use your brain. I'm trying not to spoil too many parts of the plot. The other areas are: the ocean depths(an underwater section where you have to wear a suit and swim), an ancient downed Sith ship. As you progress towards the end, your character will encounter hallucinations. I haven't decided who the end boss might be, even though i've made plenty of scripts for his lackeys. I'm not sure if I should make the cutscenes mandatory in order to complete the level, since it might lead to pixel hunting. The enemies have a painscript that tells them to stop shooting (by switching their weapon to saber) and start bashing you with their guns.The only problem is, sometimes blaster bullets will just go through them. I've also made a script that makes the force/rage effect follow around an invisible NPC. Here's the result, an attempt to make a force ghost: Screenshots: Maze minigame with custom shader: I'd appreciate if anybody wanted to pick up the files, include this thing in a bigger mod or just help me finish it. I haven't had much time to mod this month.
  19. I'm Rosh by the way
  20. It's CSG Merge button,right next to 'Hollow'. It works as long as the brush is convex I suggets you make a NPC with CLASS_SWAMPTROOPER (can't drown), change the playermodel to your new NPC via scripting. At least, that's how i did it for my map
    1. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      i'll post a new WIP soon

    2. Jango40


      What flooding? Is the room behind the door flooding? That would be awesome as hell.

    3. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      ^Yes, exactly.

  21. That's right. Grab your pitchforks and torches, peasants!
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